Transmigration as a Female Supporting Role Who Attempted Suicide

Chapter 103: Love Dearly 50 Million

Chapter 103

After a busy day, Ji Nian's heart was heavy with the knowledge that Yu Luobai had spent fifty million to cool her popularity. So much money! Just to lower her heat?

When she returned home, Ji Nian sat on the couch, growing more and more irritated as she thought about it. This Weibo was such a scam, asking for so much money just to reduce her popularity.

"Huff..." Ji Nian took a deep breath. No, she felt it was necessary to have a chat with that naive fool upstairs.

Upstairs, Yu Luobai had just finished his shower. Looking at the empty house, he froze, suddenly feeling a pang of loneliness for a moment.

*Knock knock* The door sounded.

Yu Luobai startled, puzzled over who could be knocking so late. Could it be his manager?

He went to open the door and looked down to see an irritated woman's face glaring up at him, those clear eyes filled with annoyance.

"Xiao Nian..." Yu Luobai froze in place, realizing he was only wearing pajamas and feeling a bit embarrassed.

Ji Nian hadn't seen him for a few days, and she was taken aback for a moment.

He wore a deep blue, long-sleeved pajama set that looked luxurious, with his hair still damp and tousled, yet not diminishing his noble air.

Realizing she was admiring him again, Ji Nian shook her head, recalling her purpose, and the anger that had subsided now rose again.

"Would you like to come in and sit?" Yu Luobai asked awkwardly.

Ji Nian wore a stern expression, her cheeks puffed out in irritation as she walked inside.

Yu Luobai hurried to the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of yogurt from the fridge, setting them on the coffee table.

Ji Nian sat on the sofa and said curtly, "Sit down, I have something to say."

Yu Luobai froze, then obediently sat beside her and asked, "What is it...?"

His heart began racing again, though he guessed she would reject him, he couldn't help but hope.

"You hired someone to cool the Weibo hot search about me?" Ji Nian asked sternly.

Yu Luobai nodded, "Yes."

Hearing this, Ji Nian's heart exploded with anger, "How much? Did you really spend fifty million?"

Yu Luobai froze, realizing she had seen the news. He felt disappointed, thinking this was the reason she came tonight...

"Yes, I didn't want to..." Yu Luobai hadn't finished before the woman cut him off.

"What!" Ji Nian looked furious, as if she was about to die from rage. She excitedly slapped his shoulder and exclaimed, "Are you stupid? Fifty million! To cool a hot search!"

Yu Luobai saw she seemed angry but didn't understand why. He looked at her innocently and calmly said, "I just didn't want you to be upset by all the hateful comments online..."

Ji Nian was speechless with rage, "Fifty million!"

"Are you stupid? Fifty million! You could have given it to me instead of just giving it away!"

Ji Nian was fuming. She still owed one million in debt that she hadn't paid off, and this fool had just given away fifty million!

Only then did Yu Luobai realize she was concerned about the money. His eyes shone with tenderness, and he felt both angry and amused.

Angry that she ignored his confession and didn't come to give him an answer, and amused that her first reaction was concern over the money.

"Xiao Nian, don't worry about me," Yu Luobai smiled warmly, "I have money."

She was right, he was indeed a naive fool!

Ji Nian glared at him, annoyed, "Is that how money should be spent?"

Yu Luobai thought she looked adorable when angry. He picked up a yogurt bottle from the table, opened the lid, and handed it to her, "I didn't want you to be upset by those hateful comments."

Ji Nian kept a stern face as she accepted the yogurt, fuming, "Next time you have too much money and nowhere to spend it, will you give it to me?"

After speaking, Ji Nian took a sip of the yogurt and was stunned by the taste, her face showing surprise, "What brand is this? It's quite good."

Yu Luobai laughed out loud. Just a moment ago, she looked furious, but now she was surprised by a bottle of yogurt, reacting adorably and unexpectedly as always.

"The brand I endorse. It's fat-free and good for digestion, so I keep it at home," Yu Luobai smiled as he answered.

Ji Nian nodded, took two more sips, then froze. Wasn't she just angry a second ago?

"Not angry anymore?" Yu Luobai looked at her fluffy head, wanting to pat it but afraid she wouldn't let him.

Ji Nian refused to back down and cleared her throat, putting on a cold face again, "Still angry."

Yu Luobai's eyes sparkled with amusement as he nodded, "It's okay, I don't care about that money."

But she does care! Ji Nian felt heartbroken. That was money he spent for her! Logically, shouldn't she pay him back?

"If you like, I'll have Peng He transfer it to your account tomorrow," Yu Luobai smiled tenderly.

Ji Nian blinked, looking bewildered, "Why give it to me?"

"You said I had too much money with nowhere to spend it, so I'll give it to you," Yu Luobai scooted closer and patted her head.

Ji Nian froze, turned to look at him with disbelief, "Are you serious?"

Yu Luobai hadn't expected her to turn towards him so suddenly. Now they were very close, close enough for him to see her fair skin clearly and feel her breath.

Yu Luobai's heart raced as his gaze fixed on her red lips. He suddenly felt parched and said hoarsely, "If possible, I wish all my money was yours, if only you'd have it."

Ji Nian shuddered, feeling something stirring inside her. Seeing the man's handsome face so close, she unconsciously swallowed, then snapped out of it and turned away flustered.

"What's so good about me? Why do you like me?" Ji Nian asked softly.

"I only know that I want to see you every day. Being with you makes me happy, and I keep wondering if we have a future," Yu Luobai said earnestly as he looked at her.

Ji Nian froze, moved her lips as if to speak, but couldn't say anything.

She was just an ordinary person. Not very pretty or well-figured. If not for transmigrating into this excellent body with a good voice, Yu Luobai probably wouldn't have looked at the real her.

She felt insecure. Her parents divorced when she was young, and she was tossed around like garbage.

She used to live with her grandparents in the countryside in poverty. The clothes she wore and food she ate were often mocked by her classmates.

From a young age, no matter how cheerful she was, that ingrained insecurity felt like a permanent mark that could never be erased.

"I don't intend to pursue a romantic relationship right now," Ji Nian calmed herself down.

She thought perhaps their excessive time together had given him the illusion of love, but maybe after some time, he wouldn't feel that way anymore.

She would figure out the original owner's background and lingering soul first before considering anything else, as she couldn't guarantee she wouldn't suddenly return to her own world one day.

"Then I'll wait for you. As long as you want me, I'll always be here," Yu Luobai froze, knowing this was an expected answer, and felt disappointed but still looked at her tenderly.

Ji Nian felt awkward and turned away, "I should go home now." She stood up.

Yu Luobai also stood, smiling, "Want to take some yogurt home?"

Ji Nian paused, looking up at him. Well, since he offered...

She might as well take some, it was really good...

"Then... I'll take two bottles," Ji Nian blushed, a bit embarrassed to come over and take food home.

Yu Luobai laughed out loud. He loved seeing her like this, so playful and amusing.

"Okay, wait here. I'll go get them."

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