Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 94 The Oldest Person In The World.

This department had around ten female employees that were working with three sowing machines that she had in her storage, three looms made out of wood from a sturdy tree in the forest and one machine made in the factory which was faster and more efficient at sewing clothes than the ten workers put together. 

"Governor Scarlet, we have been expecting you." the department head an elderly woman of two hundred twenty years welcomed her. The woman whose name was Sharon Ivy was one of the oldest people on the blue star. The first time that Scarlet met her she had been unable to take her eyes away from her not because she was incredibly beautiful or ugly but because of her age. 

Two hundred twenty years!!!! it was one thing to know that they could live long and another to see someone that had actually lived for so long. She was like a walking representation of history, a mammoth that had been unearthed. 

Once again, Scarlet's eyes lingered a little too long on Sharon's face and the woman smiled with amusement in her eyes. Scarlet's eyes reminded her of the little children whenever they learned of her age. They would look at her as if she was the oldest person in the world, asking her questions about things that happened in the earliest years during the formation of the empire. One cheeky teenager even asked her if she had been alive at the unveiling of the first mecha which was ridiculous. In this case she was not the oldest person in the world but the oldest on the blue star. The recent registration of blue star citizens cemented this fact. 

"Governor," she called. "You have brought us new materials it seems." She waved two women over and the materials of silk and cotton were carried inside and stored in the back. 

"Haha." Scarlet laughed, extremely embarrassed by her actions once again. "Sorry." 

"Don't worry." Sharon answered casually, "You are neither the first nor the last. At least you are not asking me if I shook the hand of the first emperor." 

Scarlet laughed, "People ask you that?" 

"You would be amazed by the quality of questions I have been asked. I have been asked about everything from the birth of the first man to the first attack of mutated beasts."

The birth of the first man!! "Now that's just ridiculous, the birth of the first man happened millions of centuries ago, what could you possibly know about it?" 

Sharon laughed and said, "Wait until you hear what I say to them, I will tell you that some other time. Your little assistants have come to pick you up." she pointed at the open entrance. 

Scarlet turned around and saw Justin, Halley and Fey all staring at her with wide eyes. She spread her arms out and Justin run over and jumped into them. 

"Hello my puppy." she bounced him up and down. 

"Good morning mummy." he greeted he chirpily. He was smiling so much that all of his little teeth were exposed. "I have a shaking tooth mummy." he pointed at it. 

 "Oh, that means the tooth fairy is going to pay a visit to our house tonight. Let's go prepare breakfast as I tell you all about the tooth fairy." She looked down at her baby sister that was holding Fey's hand dressed in a little pink adorable dress that came from her storage space. "Hey Halley belly." she greeted the girl. 

"Hello sister Scarlet." she replied shyly. 

"Good morning Fey." 

"Goodmorning governor Scarlet." Fey replied so professionally.

"Ho, have I gone from sister to governor?" she asked her. 

"I have to be professional when addressing you, I will call you sister when we are alone and governor when we are in public. Mother said that as the planet grows some people will watch us siblings and try to accuse us of taking advantage of our relationship to pull strings, cut corners or become vastly wealthy so we must always strive to be more professional than others." Fey explained. 

"Mother has always been wise." Scarlet replied. 

With speed, they walked while she explained to Justin the job of a tooth fairy. 

"I lost all my teeth and they grew again, the tooth fairy did not give me money. Then you should write her a letter when this tooth comes out and put it under the pillow. I am sure the tooth fairy will pay you what she owes you." 

"M'kay." Justin replied absentmindedly. In his little head, he was counting how many star coins he was owed.

In the kitchen she sat him down and discovered that Fey had already arranged the oats and milk because it was all Scarlet said was needed yesterday for the broadcast. 

Wasting no moment she started the live broadcast. 

"Hey everyone, it's your favorite chef Scarlet and today is a busy day for me so I will not be taking any questions and I am straight away going to go into it. Many of you have already purchased oats from the online shop so you can follow along as I cook the porridge today. 

Add six hundred milliliters of warm water to your pan or whatever you are using to cook. I am aware that some of you are purchasing their cooking equipment from our online kitchen equipment shop so thank you for your patronage. Now if your water is not warm then allow it to boil a little bit until it heats up. Then we add some oats and allow them to boil on medium heat for ten to fifteen minutes. The choice depends on how thick you want your oats to be. Oat porridge is always thick and it makes you full pretty quickly. 

There are two types of people, those who add milk to their oat porridge and those who don't. Milk can be added when they are boiling or after boiling the choice is entirely up to you. Remember to use cooked milk not raw milk. Milk is available in the agricultural online store too, you can purchase it from there. " She added her milk which had been in the fridge during the cooking . "Our porridge is ready and you can add sugar and serve it up. I have no time to chit chat today my lovely viewers so I will be bidding you goodbye right now. 

Scarlet out."

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