Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 151 To Welcome Another Su

For the first time in months, Scarlet actually slept in. This could be attributed to exhaustion, wariness after absorbing the green flames into her body or the fact that she was in a bed that was so big, comfortable and under an actual roof in a house that was hers. She woke up at around nine o'clock with a smile on her face, yawning like a new born baby who had no worries.

Slowly, she took a shower, brushed her teeth and finally stepped out of the bedroom only to find seven maids as she had counted them waiting for her.

"Right?" She said, the maids in waiting. Which one of them could be trusted? The three that were sent by Esong's grandmother were probably well versed in how to cater to her needs and be helpful but how could she trust them not to relay her business to Cecily?

"Who is the oldest among you all?" She asked them.

They looked at each other and one red head stepped forward.

"What's your name and where are you from?" She asked.

"Gertrude, my lady" she curtsied and said her name. "I am from the capital, I come from a town called Farham."

A precise answer she gave, one that did not go beyond the questions she was asked.

"All of you walk with me right now, there are some rules that we must change if you are going to work for me." She walked and talked as they formed two lines and followed her while listening carefully. "One, unless I send for you my bathroom when I am bathing is off limits. Two, if I catch you offering to bathe or fuck my husband I will fire you and probably kick you off my planet. Three, when you clean my bedroom leave the personal things I leave out where they are. If you find a watch or jewelry on the floor pick it up and put it on the side table of my bed or the glass table in the corner. If you have sticky fingers I will cut them off. Four, if I find out that you have been talking to anyone about me and my affairs I will rip your mouth off. What happens in the my wing stays in the my wing. Five, if I catch any of you in-fighting in an attempt to be my favorite maid all involved will be fired."

She arrived in the kitchen and found no one, the dining room too was empty. She had been informed that she had cooks but there was no smell of anything cooking in the large well stocked and equipped kitchen.

"Where are the cooks?" She asked Gertrude specifically.

"Your mother is giving them cooking lessons my lady."

"Call me governor, I find it more comfortable. Also from now on Gertrude you will be the head of my personal maids but that position can be taken away at any moment if I find out that you are abusing it or have betrayed me in any way. Three of you here were sent to me by my husband's grandmother and I do not know where your loyalty lies right now. I will issue a warning right here for the first and last time, keep my business to yourselves or I will not be so nice." She smiled at the Gertrude before turning to the rest of the maids with that cold smile. For some reason, the maids felt as if the temperature in the room had gone up slightly and yet they shivered as if it was cold and felt uneasy. "Do you understand me?" she asked sternly.

 "Yes governor." They were quick to respond.

"Good." Scarlet smiled again, two smiles but one was dark and promised hell while the other was sunny and promised sweetness. "If you have not assigned yourselves duties now is the time to do so. Make sure that I know all of your names by the end of the week."

"Yes governor, I am Anna." A short maid with a cheery face that had a few freckles around the nose bravely came forward and said her name sprightly.

Scarlet actually laughed lightly, "Well it's not what I was going for but I like it."

The others were quick to catch on and they mimicked Anna's actions effectively. Among her maids two were most memorable, Anna because of her height and brightness and the youngest at nineteen named Coral. It was not a name she heard everyday, in fact the last time she heard coral was in school during a lesson where the teacher talked about coral reefs. 

"You have a lovely name Coral." she complimented. 

The girl, Coral, blushed red and lowered her head. Scarlet wondered how the girl made it through whatever training her mother had given them. 

"She is quick with her hands, governor." Gertrude explained, afraid that Scarlet would be irritated by the shyness of Coral. 

"Good to know." Scarlet smiled. "One last thing, before I forget, hygiene is very important to me. As my personal maids you will be another visual representation of myself to the public, you are an extension of me. If you are dirty, the assumption will be that so am I. I cannot emphasize this enough I need a clean living area, every corner must be sparkling. We have robot butlers, cleaning robots, hand rags and so many types of cleaning agents so make use of them." 

She wanted to say more but her sister Fey came into the kitchen, looking disheveled and hurried. "Big sister, you are here, great, come with me right now." 

"How many times must I remind you about running in the house Fey?" Scarlet gave her sister the disapproving look she promised her mother to give Fey anytime she saw her like this. 

"Yeah, yeah, come on, mother is about to have the baby." Fey waved her right hand at Scarlet, urging her to be fast. 

"I hate to be the buzz kill here little sister but in case you have not been counting there are eight of us siblings. Our mother is an expert in the art of child birth, welcoming another Su into the world is as easy as eating a banana to her." Scarlet thought that a woman who had given birth eight times was surely an expert at it by now. So, unlike Fey that was in a hurry, she walked at a moderate pace. 

"Really!" Fey gave her the stink eye. "Could you be any slower?" 

"Fey, it takes women hours to push, why are you so frantic?" Scarlet started to wonder what exactly it was that she was missing. 

"I don't know, father was ashen faced earlier just before rushing her to the hospital. I cannot help but feel nervous." Fey explained. 

Scarlet increased her pace, grabbing Fey's hand and breaking into a full blown run. "Why didn't you lead with that?" All this while she had been thinking that Fey was simply being her usual panic at every scary thing self. If she had known that Mega was not well, she would have started running earlier. "Where is she?" 

"At the hospital." Fey answered.

They reached the car, Scarlet looked around for the driver but he was nowhere to be seen. "Car keys, I need the car keys." she told the guards that were standing around. The moment she received them, she drove herself and Fey to the hospital in a hurry at the maximum speed limit allowed.

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