Transmigrated into the Gacha Game I Abandoned for 10 Years

Chapter 80: Tinnitus (2)

Chapter 80: Tinnitus (2)

“You bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


At the sound of the distant voice and the familiar murderous intent, Merilda quickly turned her gaze and looked at the Absolute Ruler of Darkness flying towards her with a surprised expression.

The reason was not so much the speed of the Absolute Ruler of Darkness’ leap, but because her expression had turned incredibly sinister.

However, Merilda calmly raised her arm and was able to block Rin’s attack.


Landing on the ground with a loud boom, Merilda, with a puzzled expression, spoke to the fuming Absolute Ruler of Darkness.

“Why are you suddenly freaking out?”

Merilda genuinely asked, not understanding.

The Absolute Ruler of Darkness, even more infuriated at Merilda’s shameless voice for secretly drinking all of her Infamy Removal Potion, shouted,

“Didn’t you steal all of my Potions?!”

“Potions? I don’t think I’ve stolen anything from you?”

“I’m talking about the Infamy Potion, the Infamy Potions!!!!!”

The Absolute Ruler of Darkness wildly swinging her sword.

Despite the surroundings exploding wildly because of him, Merilda, unfazed, tilted her head and then,


With a look of realization, she said,

“Oh… were the ones I killed yours?”

Merilda gave a slightly sheepish smile.

“They were mine!!!”

At that, the Absolute Ruler of Darkness spoke with a very annoyed expression.

…In fact, it was only recently found out through Loriel that there were territories within the Calan Kingdom practicing human sacrifices…

Anyway, upon such a determined statement from the Absolute Ruler of Darkness, Merilda seemed to glance around and then,

“Ah, that, sorry?”

With a too-light expression, she casually raised her hand to express her regret.

“This bastard…!!!”

Seeing Merilda speak so shamelessly, the Absolute Ruler of Darkness became furiously angry, drawing her sword as if to settle things then and there, but,

“I have a lot to do right now. I’ll pay you back next time?”

Feeling Rin’s unusual anger, Merilda said that and then turned around to run away.


Before the Absolute Ruler of Darkness could finish speaking, Merilda quickly moved and ran off, having stolen and consumed all three of her Infamy Removal Potions.

And then,


Knowing that Merilda was the fastest among the heroes of the Round Table and that she could never catch her if she chased her right now, the Absolute Ruler of Darkness,

“This f*&#@%!!!!”

spewed out an unspeakable string of curses.

Seeing the Absolute Ruler of Darkness emitting a murderous aura as if slashing through the air around her, Loriel rolled her eyes around, unsure of what to do in this situation.


“Yes, Master.”

Hearing the chilling voice of her Master, she involuntarily bowed her head.

“From now on, not only within the Calan Kingdom but also outside it, investigate as quickly as possible all the villains whose deaths would be beneficial, without missing a single one.”

“Ah, understood…!”

Responding immediately to the command, Loriel disappeared to carry out the order before her Master could say more.

The Absolute Ruler of Darkness, who had been silent,

“…Dare, my Potion, steal the chance for quick forgiveness from Him?”

Thinking that Merilda, although differently, was having the same thoughts as herself,

“Let’s see if there are any villains left for you to hunt…!”

She vowed to deal with all the villains on this Continent before Merilda could touch them, letting out a laugh filled with murderous intent.

A few days later.

“Pleased to meet you, I am ‘Explorer’ Copson. I’ve come to manage the construction site of the Mage’s Tower starting today.”

“Pleased to meet you, I am Kim Hyunwoo from the Lartania territory.”

After exchanging light greetings with Copson from the Mage Tower, Kim Hyunwoo asked,

“But by management, do you mean the work that the mage from before was doing…?”

“Ah, he is my assistant. I sent him ahead because there was work to be done at the Mage Tower.”

“I see.”

As Kim Hyunwoo nodded, Copson immediately continued,

“Ah, I’ve also received word from my assistant about the Mana Water. I heard you wish to receive a regular supply of Mana Water, is that correct?”

“That’s correct.”

“How much do you need?”

“I don’t need an excessive amount. About 20 to 30 bottles per month should suffice.”

Upon hearing Kim Hyunwoo’s words, Copson nodded as if it were no difficult task.

“Certainly, supplying that amount is not a difficult task; it seems we can smoothly adjust to this. However, seeing you purchase Mana Water in such a manner, it appears you use it for making something?”

‘It’s clear he’s either been stuck in a corner of the Mage Tower researching or hasn’t socialized much.’

Despite Copson’s probing question, Kim Hyunwoo thought to himself while responding with a relaxed smile,

“Well, there are various places where it’s needed.”

“Hmm, is that so?”


Kim Hyunwoo cut him off, as if to say no more questions.

However, Copson, seemingly not too savvy about social interactions, simply nodded lightly without much reaction and then said,

“Is it because of a connection with the Master of the Blue Tower that you’re creating such mysterious things?”

“The Master of the Blue Tower?”

Kim Hyunwoo asked with a puzzled expression.

“Ah, it’s nothing. Just talking to myself.”

However, Copson quickly corrected himself with a ‘whoops’ expression.

“Anyway, as I said, we will supply the Mana Water in the quantity you mentioned. If there’s anything else in the future, we’ll see then.”

With that, he gave a light farewell and promptly left the office.


Kim Hyunwoo was pondering with a ‘hmm’ expression as he watched Copson leave.

[The hero 'Elena' of Lartania has reached 3 stars!]

[Please assign a title to 'Elena’, the hero of Lartania!]


An impressed smile appeared on Kim Hyunwoo’s face at the notification that popped up before him.

Certainly, he had recruited Elena early in the territory’s development, but he had not thought she would reach 3 stars in just a few months.

‘What title should I give her.’

Smiling, Kim Hyunwoo began to seriously consider what title to give Elena.

‘I want to give a cool title to my first hero.’

In fact, Kim Hyunwoo very realistically assessed his own lack of talent in naming.

Just ten years ago, he sincerely thought names like ‘Beast King’ or ‘Absolute Ruler of Darkness’ were cool.

Of course, now he fully realizes that a title like ‘Absolute Ruler of Darkness’ is full of adolescent pretentiousness.

In other words, Kim Hyunwoo thought his naming skills had significantly improved from ten years ago.

However, there was one thing he was mistaken about.


It was the very fact that Kim Hyunwoo thought his own naming skills had improved even slightly.

While he recognized that the titles he created ten years ago were somewhat embarrassing, it didn’t mean his naming skills had progressed.

“…This seems good.”

He began to think of titles for Elena, starting with ones that, from the beginning, showcased his destructive sense of naming.

Elena was in a very good mood at the moment.

The reason was that she finally received a notification that she could obtain a ‘title’ after training all day.

Knowing that only heroes with a certain level of strength could receive a title from the world, Elena smiled very happily.

Receiving a title as a hero was something she had sincerely hoped for since becoming a hero.

‘…Meeting the Lord was truly a stroke of luck.’

She felt very grateful to Kim Hyunwoo, who could be considered the starting point of her escape from being a failed hero.

Elena, who was called a failed hero for being weaker than any other hero, never thought she would qualify to receive a title so quickly.

Therefore, Elena, who went straight to Kim Hyunwoo, said,

“Congratulations, Elena.”

Upon entering the office, she unknowingly smiled in response to Kim Hyunwoo’s congratulatory words, as if he had been waiting to say them.

“No, it would have been practically impossible if not for you, My Lord.”

“That can’t be. I merely helped find your talent.”

Warm words were exchanged.

Elena’s heart warmed, and she blushed without realizing it. At that moment, Kim Hyunwoo opened his mouth as if he had been waiting for this.

“Ah, so I’ve given some thought to your title.”


And then,

“How about ‘Black Thunder Full Moon’?”

“…Excuse me???”

“Ah, there’s also ‘Dark Axe Magester’.”


A sense of crisis began to loom as the smile froze on Elena’s face.

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