Transmigrated into a Female-Oriented Card Game

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

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Supplies for the next dispatch could be obtained from the kingdom. After distributing potions and other supplies to his subordinates and sending a telegram to the Empire announcing his departure, Cadel packed his things.

Lastly, Cadel, who hung the uniform that the servants had washed on the wall, moistened his dry lips. It was already early evening, and Van still hadnt come.

I need to go myself.

He couldnt treat Van right in this ambiguous state. He felt like an animal being led to the slaughter, but he couldnt put it off any longer.

Leaving the room, Cadel pulled the hood of his robe deep down over his head. He wasnt headed for Vans room.

Yingmar Swamp. The place where Kunra was.

Im miserable, but I dont have the courage to confront Van yet.

What if Van changed his demeanor and despised him? The thought made Cadels breath catch in his throat.

Whether Van had heard the truth or not was better left to Kunra. Cadel would have to inform Kunra that he was moving on to the next location anyway, so he had every reason to spare himself some pain for now.

Once out of the castle, Cadel grabbed a carriage and headed for the swamps. He had deliberately chosen an expensive horse-drawn carriage, but by the time he arrived, the sun was already setting.

He hadnt memorized the route perfectly, and he worried that hed waste time getting lost.

[Whats going on again, halfling?]

Kunras voice rang in Cadels head not long after he entered the swamp, and after following his lead, Kunra was soon seen inspecting the demonic summoning circle and the magic circle fragment next to it.

Kunra sensed Cadels presence but didnt look at him.

Is it time to leave already?

Well be moving tomorrow morning. Hows the analytics going?

Still vague. Its hard to gauge the exact size of the finished magic circle, and its not easy to determine its use from these fragments. It would be much easier if this one could see it in person, but I cant leave the mountain.

He seemed annoyed because he couldnt easily overcome something easy. Cadel walked next to Kunra, who had a frown on his face and looked down at the magic circle together.

Maybe well find a new magic circle fragment in the sealed area were going to tomorrow, and well be able to make some progress on our analysis.

You bet.

Staring at the magic circle didnt answer the question. Nevertheless, Cadel clenched his jaw shut and stared at the intricately drawn magic circle.

He knew he should ask Kunra about Van, but he couldnt bring himself to say it. He didnt want any answers. No matter what answer came out of Kunras mouth, he couldnt reassure himself. It was the difference between being anxious and uncomfortable.

But he had to ask.

Ive decided Im not going to deceive any more, and this is only going to make Van suffer.

No matter how painful it was, it must end. Biting down hard on his lower lip, Cadel took a deep breath to steady his trembling lips. But just as he was about to ask the question.

What happened to that guy?


The one who came to me last night.

Kunras gaze, which had been fixed on the magic circle the entire time, shifted.

I heard you sent him to get information about yourself, halfling.


I told him everything. I only told him about your soul, but that alone seemed overwhelming.

Van had heard it all. Cadels complexion went white at the realization. Kunra stared at Cadel and said in a somber tone.

I let him go because he walks so well even when hes lost his mind, but its bothering me. For a berserker, mental strength is important. If it seems dangerous, kick him out, for once hes crazy, he knows no friend from foe.

Van knew everything, but he wasnt angry, didnt question it, didnt leave the Knight Order. Cadel didnt know how Van felt, or why he treated Cadel the way he did.


If thats Vans choice, Ill go with it.

If Van pretended not to notice, he would act as if nothing had happened. If he was organizing his thoughts, he would wait in silence until he was done.

Because it was difficult to endure, he tried to pour out the truth to Van. He would accept whatever the consequences were.

As long as he doesnt leave I can do anything.

Biting his lip, Cadel looked out the carriage window. The swiftly changing landscape was gradually filling in with lush vegetation, signaling that they were nearing their destination.

Weve encountered High Demons at every seal circle, and somehow I have a feeling we wont be able to avoid them this time.

Cadel turned his head and made eye contact with Garuel, who was sitting next to him. He nervously shrugged his shoulders.

Its been that way since before I joined the Scarlet Scales Knight Order, but to have demons targeting not only the seals in the Empire but the outer seals as well. Thats pretty bad. Well need to hear the full report, but I doubt we could have avoided conflict with the demons by going elsewhere.

Im pretty sure the Demon Realm is up to no good.

Do you think it can be stopped?

No. You cant avoid a fight.

Garuel only grinned in amusement at the flat answer. He didnt know that Cadel was predicting a second Demon War, but he knew that Cadel was right, that there would be a big battle soon. It was a hunch of sorts. The world was not doing well.

There should be no wasting time trying to guess whether something will happen or not.

Wasting time going through procedures is what royals do best, right?

And thats the problem.

With a bitter smile, Cadels gaze shifted to the other side, where Yozen hadnt uttered a word since climbing into the carriage.

Yozen and Garuel were the only two members of the group riding in the carriage with Cadel. Yozen was brought by Cadel himself, as he hadnt yet blended in with the others, and Garuels place was taken by a simple lottery. The rest of the group was in the other carriage.

It was fortunate that Garuel was selected. If it had been Van, Cadel would have felt awkward, and if it had been Lydon, he would have been tired because he didnt know if they would get into an accident. It was lucky that Garuel was the winner among the most acceptable Lumen and Garuel.

But that was only from Cadels perspective, and from Yozens perspective, it seemed like a bad combination.

Speaking of which, Sir Yozen. Are you a drinker? Id like to join you for a drink sometime. Theres nothing like a drink for socializing, is there?

I dont drink.

Oh no, is it the unwinding factor that keeps you away? Or is it just the taste? If its the latter, Sir Lydon has a favorite fruit wine that he drinks well.

It doesnt matter why, I dont drink.

Thats sad. Then, would you like a cup of tea?


The corner of Yozens mouth, which had drawn a calm line, twitched slightly. Cadel, sensing a creeping sense of death, stabbed Garuel in the side.

Stop bothering him. Why are you being so mean to Yozen?

Haha, are you jealous, Knight Commander? This is different from the affection I have for you. Please rest assured.

Youre talking nonsense again.

I just want to become friends with other members of the same group. Sir Lydon breaks down quickly when I give him something sweet. Hmm, what can I do to gain favor?

Even if you ask me, there is no information. If Cadel had to pick something Yozen liked, well.

Maybe the neck of a pig-like bastard.

The head of a waste aristocracy might win some favor. Cadel thought for a moment, then shook his head and tipped Garuels chin up to silence him. Garuels face, resting on Cadels palm, tilted to the side, pressed their cheeks together.

You cant just touch me like this. Sir Yozen is in front of us, Knight Commander.

I told you not to talk strangely.

Cadel withdrew his hand in horror and glanced over at Yozen. With his blindness, Garuels words alone could be misinterpreted as something strange.

However, Yozen always blocked any possibility of misunderstanding with his soft voice.

I cant see the substance, but I can feel the outline.

Ooh, in what way? I was curious about the secret to being able to fight cleanly without errors even though you lost your eyesight.

You wouldnt understand if I explained it to you.

Are you challenging my comprehension, Sir Yozen? Fine, Ill take it. Now, go ahead and tell me.


Cadel felt Yozens killing intent, which had stagnated for a moment, boiled over again, but he decided to ignore it. After all, Garuel had regenerative abilities. Cadel felt like he wouldnt be bothered if Yozen stabbed him once.

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