Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 318: Goodbye, Solar System (1)

Chapter 318: Goodbye, Solar System (1)

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 318 – Goodbye, Solar System (1)

Seeing the tens of billions of dollars NASA donated, Chen Yu understood that NASA was cornering him to select them.

At this time, the livestream already had over 160 million viewers. If he still refused to let NASA join the interactive event after the latter had donated so much money, many neutral audiences would definitely feel uncomfortable.

In fact, it might even affect his public persona as a generous and friendly reviewer with excellent international spirit and insight for the big picture.

Is there a need to go to such extremes? Am I the kind of person that targets someone with a narrow mindset?

Looking at the string of numbers representing purchasing power, Chen Yu smacked his lips as he felt a little heartache.

Despite his channel having received such a large donation, he couldn’t touch a single cent of it.

After briefly going through his thoughts, Chen Yu said calmly, “The time for donations is over. Any subsequent donations made won’t be considered. As we have many new viewers this time, let me reiterate that all proceeds Transdimensional Review receives will go to charitable foundations worldwide. I will not take even a single cent.

“The livestreams I host are meant to help everyone broaden their horizons and explore the future. It is both boring and vulgar to make personal gains through these livestreams.

“With that out of the way, I will now announce the selected members for the donation group.

“Bilibili platform, ID Red Coast Observatory.

“Niconico platform, ID Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.

“Taobao Live platform, ID Alibaba Network Technology Co., Ltd.”

After reading out nine IDs in a row, Chen Yu looked at the camera, smiled, and said, Lastly, Youtube platform, ID NASA.”






Including NASA’s director and several of the defense ministers present, everyone in the NASA Headquarters’ lobby instantly cheered maniacally.

One employee grew so excited that he had even opened his laptop and started watching pornography.

“Ha...” Slumping down onto his chair, the director took a deep puff on his cigar and exhaled. “What a wonderful feeling...”


“The ten winners mentioned above, please send me your addresses within three minutes. Late submission will result in disqualification.”

Turning to the Interstellar Portal, Chen Yu manipulated the virtual console while saying, “I will now begin teleporting the winners. Like before, I will start from the bullet comment group. All selected participants, please remain calm. Do not get too excited and do not run around randomly. Please follow the livestream’s rules.

“Now, first up, Bilibili platform, ID Falling Dawn!”

After saying so, Chen Yu entered the address he received and began establishing the spatial link.


After a bright flash, the landscape of a villa garden appeared in the metal arch.

A long-haired girl in a fluttering dress stood amidst the garden of flowers, and as the portal appeared, she stared at Chen Yu with watery eyes...

[Dammit! Where did this beauty come from?]

[How beautiful...]

[My right arm is getting out of control.]

[I speak the truth, and only the truth. This is a feast for the eyes.]

[Such a beautiful girl must be a boy underneath.]


As a male mammal, Chen Yu admitted that he was amazed. After freezing up for two seconds, he regained his senses and coughed lightly. He then stretched out a hand and asked, “Beautiful lady, do you want me to go over, or will you come over?”

Revealing a sweet smile, the girl moved her long legs and walked through the portal gracefully. When she arrived before Chen Yu, she spread out her arms.

“Huh? You want a hug?”

The girl nodded.

Glancing at the girl’s bulging chest and exquisite face, Chen Yu hesitated slightly before hugging her tightly.

“This sensation...” Chen Yu’s expression abruptly changed.

“Big Brother, I’m so excited! I finally get to see you!” the girl spoke in a rugged, manly voice.

“...” Lifting his head, Chen Yu subconsciously looked toward Little Peach’s position on the spacecraft. He then silently took out the antimatter bomb from his backplate’s storage compartment...

“Do you want to die together?”


“Stay 300 meters away from me.”


After watching the crossdresser walk far away from him, Chen Yu put away the antimatter bomb and calmed his emotions. He then entered the address for the second participant.

“DouYu platform, ID Crooked Cart.”

One minute later, another young girl appeared behind the portal. Her face flushed with excitement, she said, “Me, me, me! I am C-Crooked Cart!”

His eyes filled with doubts about the world, Chen Yu took a step back and said, “Come in and stand there. Don’t come close to me.”

“Mhm, mhm!”

“Afreeca TV platform, ID Leading Pillar.”

After the spatial fluctuations disappeared, a slightly chubby young man walked through the portal while declaring, “I-I’m Leading Pillar! Thank you for choosing me!”

“It’s your luck.” Upon seeing someone of the same gender, Chen Yu somehow felt more at ease in his heart. “Stand over there. I wish you a pleasant journey today.”

“It will definitely be pleasant!”

“Fourth, TikTok platform, ID Azure Fla—Oh, wait a minute. This participant says they haven’t made it to the given address and asks if I can wait for them.”

Turning toward the camera, Chen Yu stretched out a finger and said, “Attention to all audience members, such situations must be avoided in the future. I will only be accommodating this one time, so don’t take this as a precedent.”

After temporarily skipping the participant named Azure Flag, Chen Yu continued teleporting the six other members of the bullet comment group. He then started teleporting the members of the donation group.

“Bilibili platform, ID Red Coast Observatory.”

When the spatial link was established, a bespectacled, middle-aged woman carrying a toolbox walked through the portal.

“Please stand over there.”


The woman bowed politely before standing aside.

“Niconico platform, ID Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.”

Another minute later, two Japanese youth walked through the portal, each carrying a large box with them. It was evident they had come here to conduct work outside the solar system.

“Why are there two of you?” Chen Yu asked.

“We’re a couple. This is proof of our hotel stay—”

“Shut up. Stand over there.” Despite knowing it to be a lie, Chen Yu still chose to turn a blind eye to the situation.

“Third, Taobao Live platform, ID Alibaba...”

After Chen Yu entered the given address and established the spatial link, the sight of hundreds of people appeared beyond the portal.

Meanwhile, standing in the lead of this group was a man and a woman. The man was none other than the well-known, former richest man in China—Jack Ma.

“Greetings, greetings.” Under the crowd’s gaze, Jack Ma walked through the portal together with the woman before giving Chen Yu an enthusiastic hug. “It is an honor to meet you.”

“Same here.” Looking at the woman standing beside Jack Ma, Chen Yu asked, “This is?”

“My wife. This is our marriage certificate. You can be certain we are abiding by the livestream’s rules.”

“Okay.” Chen Yu waved his hand, not bothering to accept the certificate Jack Ma offered to him. “If you have any questions, we’ll talk about them afterward. I still have to teleport the others over.”

“Okay.” Jack Ma nodded before excitedly standing together with the other donation group members. He then puffed up his chest, putting the Alibaba logo imprinted onto the front of his shirt on full display to the camera.

Indeed, he was conducting an advertisement.

While he didn’t know whether his company would still be alive a hundred years later, Transdimensional Review’s videos would definitely be treated as the most precious research material of mankind and be circulated forever.

He wanted to use this method to leave both his and his company’s name in human history...

Five minutes later, Chen Yu finished teleporting the donation group’s members, including NASA’s two astronauts.

The two astronauts came fully armed. They seemed to be even wearing America’s latest power armor, and they carried luggage of all sizes with them. It looked as if they were trying to “earn” back all of the money they “lost”...

Hooking his finger and gathering the participants, Chen Yu said, “Out of the planned 20 IDs, 19 have arrived already. Now, all that’s left is the bullet comment group’s Azure Flag. I’ll open the portal now, so get ready to board the spacecraft in the meantime.

“Note that I will not be responsible for any accidents that occur during the voyage. If any of you are feeling unwell, please withdraw in advance.”

Naturally, everyone shook their heads.

After scanning the group around him, Chen Yu opened a portal to the last address.


The spatial film vibrated slightly, and the world beyond the portal appeared in everyone’s vision.


When Chen Yu saw the scene beyond the metal arch, he felt as if he had just been struck in the head by a giant hammer...

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