Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 281: Time of Terror…Arrives

Chapter 281: Time of Terror...Arrives

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 281 – Time of Terror...Arrives

Super Floating Castle, plaza:

After completing his “speech of the century,” Chen Yu felt comfortable all over. He had also sobered up for the most part. He then waved his hand, commanding, “Distribute the papers and start the exam!”

“Yes, sir!”

The several dozen professors nodded excitedly and jogged into the plaza. They then lined up on the marble platform on the plaza one after another.

“Students.” Lowering his hand, Chen Yu instructed, “You should’ve noticed the numbers on the ground, right? Please stand in the positions corresponding to your own student number and start preparing for the exam. You can find your student number in your invitation letter.”

Thanks to Chen Yu’s previous encouragement, the students were still in a hyped state. Hence, they moved with excellent efficiency, and every one of them found their respective positions within two minutes.

This was the so-called “high position, high authority.”

The same words spoken by different people would yield different results.

As the individual who currently wielded the greatest “authority” and “position” in the world, Chen Yu’s words would be deemed profound no matter how others interpreted them. This was a setting engraved in the genes of human culture since Ancient Greece.

After waiting for the students to be in position, the professors promptly began distributing the test papers, cardboard planks, draft papers, and oil pens.

Depending on these top students’ areas of expertise, every test paper’s content would also differ. The only similarity between the test papers was their absurd difficulty.

Removing his left glove, Chen Yu took a look at the time. He then announced, “The test should’ve originally begun ten minutes later, but since everyone has arrived earlier than expected, let’s just start right away.”

Hearing Chen Yu’s words, the students looked at each other at a loss while holding onto their test papers.

“What are you looking at?” Chen Yu frowned. “Answer the questions.”

“D-Do we answer while standing?”

“Have you never experienced this? Now that you’ve met me, you best start getting used to it.” Chen Yu nodded. “What I want is this: to strip you of your natural pride and remove any interference from the outside world. Also, if you’re a top student, you should perform equally in all environments. I want to see whether you can remain as top students while remaining in a standing position.”

Everyone: “...”

“That’s right. I want to disassemble your hardware and see through your software. I’m restoring the essence of written tests,” Chen Yu said, waving his hand. “The journey of scientific research is hard and boring. I am doing this so that you can adapt ahead of time. Now, stop dawdling.”

“I see.”

Realization dawned upon most of the students present. They no longer hesitated as they began earnestly answering their test papers.

Meanwhile, the professors continually walked across the aisles and monitored the students to prevent cheating.


Chen Yu snapped his fingers. Immediately, gray particles emerged from the ground and converged to form a chair. After straightening his robe, Chen Yu sat down leisurely and hooked his hand at a professor in front of him. “Professor Li, come here for a moment.”

“Headmaster.” Professor Li hurriedly ran up to Chen Yu. “What are your orders?”

“Are there any test papers left? I want to take a look.”

“You want to do it as well?” Professor Li’s eyes lit up brightly.

“Mhm. I want to see the standard of your questions.”

“Okay! Okay!”

Professor Li grew even more excited. Immediately, he pulled out several sets of test papers he carried in his coat pocket and handed them to Chen Yu. “These are the questions the students are answering.”

“Mhm.” Chen Yu nodded and accepted the test papers. He then opened the first page of a mathematics paper.

He, too, was a high school student. He felt that he similarly deserved to be called a top student after scoring within the top ten of Sixth High’s second year.

Since I’m similarly a top student, even if the purity of my essence is lower, I shouldn’t have any problems scoring a passing mark on this paper, right?

Thinking up to this point, Chen Yu picked up his pen without hesitation and began answering the first question earnestly.

[Suppose that R is the set of all real numbers. Find all functions f: R->R, so that for any real number x and y there are f(f(x)f(y))+f(x+y) =f(xy)]

Chen Yu: “...”

Straightening his mask, Chen Yu calmly moved on to the second question.

[There are 1987 beads on the circumference, and each bead is dyed twice with colors (twice in red, twice in blue, or once in red and once in blue). According to the final statistics, the red dye has been used 1987 times, and the blue dye has been used 1987 times. Prove that at least one bead has been dyed in both colors.]

Chen Yu: “...”

Lifting his head, Chen Yu took a look at Professor Li.

“How is it? The difficulty is slightly low, right?” Professor Li scratched his face awkwardly. “We were afraid that the students wouldn’t be able to answer the paper if we give them challenging questions right off the bat. If you’re dissatisfied with these questions, skip to the back. The ones behind are more challenging.”

Were these questions made by lunatics?!

Chen Yu opened his mouth but eventually held himself back from cursing. He then continued looking at the third “simple” question.

[A primitive lattice point has an ordered integer pair (x, y). What is the greatest common divisor of x and y?]

The third question is by far the shortest question, but its difficulty...

Silently, Chen Yu shook his head and closed the paper. He then returned the test papers back to Professor Li.

“H-Headmaster, t-these pftt...”

“You’re laughing?”

“No! I held it back!” Professor Li hurriedly shook his head. “I-I just wish to ask if you’re dissatisfied with the papers.”

“I’m satisfied.” Looking at the students swiftly wiggling their pens, Chen Yu forced a smile onto his face and said, “I’m extremely satisfied. I hope we can continue maintaining such excellence.”


“Go back. Leave me be.”

“Okay.” Professor Li put on a serious face as he stepped away. While looking at the test papers in his hands, he mumbled, “Hah... I guess they really too easy.”

Chen Yu: “...”

Chen Yu looked up at the sky expressionlessly. He then shut his eyes and asked himself a question.

If he didn’t have the Transdimensional Marketing Company, why did he come into being in this world? To make up for numbers?

“I thought the questions would be tough. I didn’t expect them to be so simple,” a female student standing in the front row whispered quietly to herself. She then flipped to the next page of her test paper.


Chen Yu silently held his aching chest...



At the same time, in Google’s headquarters located in the distant America...

Knock! Knock!

A sudden knock came from the door of the CEO’s office.

Google’s CEO, who sat on the sofa, immediately stood up and took the initiative to open the door. When he noticed the person standing outside was a middle-aged white man, his pupils shrank as he asked, “P-Professor, did you succeed?”

“Mhm.” The middle-aged man squeezed his old, brown suit and nodded. “It’s a success!”




Upon hearing the middle-aged man’s answer, the CEO disregarded his image and vented his excitement like a maniac. “Yes! Yes! Yes!!”

The middle-aged man also couldn’t help but smile as he watched the CEO jumping and hopping around.

After a moment of excitement, the CEO raised his wrist and looked at the time.

February 3, 2021...

“Quick! Take me there!”


The two immediately left the office. Under the escort of two bodyguards and several assistants, they entered a special elevator and descended to the headquarters’ first floor. They then took a bulletproof car through the back entrance and entered a nearby warehouse.

Meanwhile, mercenaries armed with guns and live ammunition were stationed all around the warehouse.

“You guys wait here.”

After getting out of the car, the CEO stopped his assistants and bodyguards from following. He then followed the middle-aged man into a deep, dark passageway.

“Sir, here.”


In front of a heavily guarded steel gate, the CEO and middle-aged man scanned their respective identification at the nearby scanner. The security personnel then opened the gate for them.

Throughout the entire process, the steel gate did not make a single sound.


For some reason, the CEO’s initial excitement suddenly turned into horror.

In his eyes, the slowly opening metal gate looked as if it had transformed into a terrifying Pandora’s box...

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