Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 208: Black Hole’s Romance (1)

Chapter 208: Black Hole’s Romance (1)

Chapter 208 – Black Hole’s Romance (1)

The moment Chen Yu stepped through the portal, a gravitational force that he could not see, but actually existed, dragged him forward.

However, when he activated the protective suit’s plasma engine, the engine’s thrust canceled out the dragging force.

“According to the data displayed in my helmet, my current speed is 1,020 meters per second. The black hole that’s 7,000 kilometers away will not pose a threat to me at all. Moreover, the engine’s pressure is only at 75%. In other words, even if I move further forward, I can still easily escape out of the black hole’s influence.

“However, for safety’s sake, we’ll set this distance as the limit.”

After saying so, Chen Yu increased the engine’s pressure by 10% and slowly flew in a particular direction.

“Logically, a black hole that doesn’t have an accretion disk cannot be seen. However, I have a method that can let everyone witness the black hole’s existence.

“Only, this method will require us to locate a special angle.

“While searching for this angle, I’ll give an explanation to the viewers who don’t know much about astronomy. What is a black hole?”

Facing the camera, Chen Yu recalled the script he memorized and slowly said, “A black hole, to put it simply, is the product of a mass of matter compressed to the extreme.

“If we put a cat through a hydraulic press, it will become very thin. If there is a magical hydraulic press capable of compressing the cat down to a few nanometers in thickness, every molecule of the cat’s hair, flesh, bones, and nerves will be crushed into atoms. These atoms will then be further crushed into neutrons. And finally, even the neutrons themselves will be destroyed...

“At that time, there will be no neutrons making up this cat. However, the cat’s weight still remains.

“Hence, this cat has become a black hole of infinite mass.”

[Cat: Meow?]

[What a horrible metaphor.]

[Truly easy to understand.]

[My husband is so smart!]

[Husband is so smart!]


[I know the principles, but where can I buy such a hydraulic press?]

[Have you all forgotten that the topic of this livestream is humanity’s Judgment Day?]

[I didn’t forget, but I still want to type ‘lololol’...]


As Chen Yu’s watch was covered by the protective suit’s glove, he couldn’t see the audience’s bullet comments. So, he continued on with his explanation.

“Of course, it is impossible for a cat to collapse into a black hole. In the universe, only stars such as the sun can collapse into a black hole.

“If our sun is dozens of times larger and becomes a giant star, once it exhausts its fuel for nuclear fusion, its outer shell will collapse inward. And under the drag of gravity, molecules, atoms, and neutrons will be crushed, eventually turning the sun into a black hole...

“This is the origin of most black holes in the universe.”

Chen Yu paused for a moment to let the audience digest his explanation. Afterward, he continued, “Many people will wonder how exactly humans managed to discover the existence of black holes. For this question, we will have to bring up the thighs supporting human civilization—Einstein.

“In 1916, Einstein formally published the theory of relativity, and the whole world knelt down to worship it. At this time, the astronomer Schwarzchild, while holding onto the theory of relativity, calculated the gravitational field equation and came up with a ‘vacuum solution.’ This solution shows that if a large amount of matter is gathered at a point, a spherical boundary will exist around this point. Meanwhile, any object that falls into this boundary will not be able to escape. Even light is not an exception.

“Meanwhile, these incredible celestial bodies that theoretically existed were termed as black holes by the physicist John Archibald Wheeler.

“The existence of black holes was utterly beyond the scope of academic understanding at that time, and many scholars were reluctant to believe it. However, Einstein’s general theory of relativity had already been verified. Unless the theory of relativity is wrong, black holes must exist.

“What happened later is something everyone should know.”

Raising his thumb, Chen Yu said, “The existence of black holes is proven through gravitational redshift and gravitational lensing.”




[Daddy Einstein’s thighs are thick.]

“Black holes are scary.” Glancing at the gravitational data displayed inside his helmet, Chen Yu solemnly said, “As long as you enter a black hole’s event horizon, you will be shredded until nothing but energy remains of you. Even Ant-Man won’t survive.

“Um...let’s stop our explanation here. I’m quite close to that ‘place’ now. Using these last few moments, I’ll tell everyone something interesting.

“Black holes only have three measurable physical properties: mass, angular momentum, and electric charge. Mass is weight, angular momentum is rotation, and electric charge is whether the black hole is charged.

“Hence, in academia, while referencing these three physical properties, black holes are divided into four different types according to whether they are rotating, whether they are charged, and the Cartesian product. The four different types are: Schwarzschild black hole, R-N black hole, Kerr black hole, and Cole Newman black hole.

“However, this kind of classification is too professional, and some of the audiences won’t understand it. So, I’ll use a method of classification for ordinary people and simply differentiate them by size.”

After saying so, Chen Yu stretched out three fingers to the camera.

“Miniature black holes, stellar black holes, and supermassive black holes!

“Let’s talk about supermassive black holes first. A supermassive black hole’s mass is beyond imagination, and it can even drive a galaxy’s rotation. For example, the Sagittarius A* (Sagittarius A-Star) black hole found in the Milky Way’s Galactic Center. Its mass is 4.3 million times that of the sun! Note, not the Earth, but the sun!

“There is also the Andromeda Galaxy next to the Milky Way. Its central black hole has a mass 33 million times that of the sun!

“Another example is the Sombrero Galaxy’s central black hole, and its mass is 1.02 billion times!

“There is also the Messier 87’s central black hole we saw last year, and its mass is 6.5 billion times.

“Ton 618, 66.6 billion times the mass of the sun. Just its Schwarzschild radius alone is 384 billion kilometers...”

After listing these supermassive black holes, Chen Yu could not help but sigh.

“As for stellar black holes, like I’ve previously mentioned, they are black holes formed from the collapse of stars. Their mass is generally several dozen times greater than the sun only, so we’ll skip them.

“Meanwhile, in the case of the black hole that has barged into our Solar System, it is a miniature, primordial black hole. Its mass is only 125 times that of the Earth. It was formed by the collapse of the universe during the Big Bang.

“According to the Hawking radiation theory, a black hole that is formed will slowly radiate particles outward. If a black hole doesn’t eat, it will evaporate, leaving behind only a permanent, Prandtl-length remnant. However, this is a long and slow process.

“In other words, the black hole that’s 7,000 kilometers away from me is 13.7 billion years old. It has witnessed the moment the Big Bang occurred.”


[Compared to the universe, the Earth is like a bacteria.]

[And ancient people thought the universe revolves around the Earth, lolol.]

[I’ve followed you since your first review, host! You know so much! Awesome!]

[Awesome my ass! Do you understand what copywriting is?]

[I curse your whole family! The host didn’t copy anybody! He’s just awesome!]

[Host is awesome!]


[Do you know how hardworking our host is?]

“We’ve arrived.” After flying for another five minutes, Chen Yu halted his flight and opened his arms. “This is the place.

“As we all know, when subjected to a black hole’s gravitational force, even light cannot escape. However, what happens to the light that brushes past a black hole’s event horizon?

“It will be distorted.

“This phenomenon is called gravitational lensing.

“Then, let’s make a bold assumption...

“If we look at the sun through a black hole...what will happen?”

Folding his hands together, Chen Yu spoke in an excited tone, “The light going into the black hole will disappear, and the light brushing past the event horizon will get distorted. In this way, we’ll get to visually see the black hole’s existence through the distortion of light!

“The black hole’s gravitational force that is capable of absorbing even light just so happens to be the culprit that exposes the black hole’s existence!”


[Makes sense...]

[The legendary Einstein ring!]

[What a fantastic thought process.]

[Awesome! Awesome!]

[I was still wondering how we’re going to see it. It turned out to be such an easy method...]

“Meanwhile, my current location places the black hole directly between me and the sun.

“Now, then, let’s start counting down from three...”

Chen Yu started slowly adjusting the camera angle. “Let us witness the true shape of the black hole!




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