Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 141: Madness…

Chapter 141: Madness...

Chapter 141 – Madness...



Amidst Chen Yu’s screams and Little Peach’s laughter, the Life Sphere fell off the cliff.

For a moment, Chen Yu and Little Peach experienced weightlessness. It felt as if they were floating in mid-air. Only after the spinning Life Sphere slammed heavily into the sloping cliff did they experience an impact coming from beneath them.




As the sphere’s rolling speed increased, the two people inside the sphere started bouncing left and right, up and down.

The Life Sphere’s high degree of transparency made it look like it didn’t exist to the naked eye. Anyone that looked through the rolling and falling sphere would find it difficult to feel safe. Hence, every time the sphere collided with the rocky cliff, a mixture of cheers and screams would appear inside the sphere.

[This is too damned cool!]

[Crap. These youngsters really know how to have fun...]

[I~ Want~ To~ Play~]

[Those with heart disease, please leave the livestream. Don’t compete for a spot later on.]


[Rolling down from Mount Everest will definitely be a refreshing feeling.]

[People living in the future really know how to have fun.]

[There will also be full virtual reality games, robots, flying cars, and extended lifespans in the future... I really am born in the wrong era.]

[Future people have their own happiness, while we also have our own happiness.]

[What do we have, then?]


With the Life Sphere’s rapid descent, it only took one minute to reach the bottom of the 1,600-meter-tall mountain.



Thud, thud...

After the Life Sphere spent another minute bouncing about to eliminate its remaining energy, it gradually came to a halt.

As the Life Sphere stopped, its entrance got pried open, and a large amount of lubricant gushed out. Chen Yu and Little Peach similarly got “flushed” out of the sphere.

“Cough... Cough, cough...”

After wiping away the lubricant on his mask, Chen Yu staggered to his feet and gasped for air.

As for Little Peach, she was lying flat on the snowy ground, her body covered in the lubricating fluid. “So... So fun... It’s too fun...”

After spitting out some of the lubricant that got into his mouth, Chen Yu faced the camera, smiled, and said, “It really is fun. I don’t really have the words to describe the feeling of surprise I just experienced. Right now, I can still feel adrenaline getting pumped throughout my body.”

[I finally know why it is called the Life Sphere.]

[I know as well.]

[This is the story of amniotic fluid and baby. ( ?°???°)]

[Congratulations! You gave birth to a pair of twins!]

[Who said it was a Fertility Sphere just now?]

[UP, are you done? Is it our turn now?]

[Start spamming bullet comments now! Pick me, pick me...]

[Notice: Ming Zixie has sent 10x Little TV Spaceships...]

[Notice: Star Baron has sent 200x Super Rockets...]

“The designer that thought to pair a sphere with lubricating fluid really is a genius.” Lifting the Life Sphere, Chen Yu explained, “With the lubricant, no matter how the sphere turns, the user inside will always remain in an upright position. They won’t feel as if the world around them is spinning. The unobstructed view also causes frightened users to forget that they are in a protected state.

“Particularly, during the moments where the sphere collided with the cliff, the survival instincts engraved in your genes will make your scalp numb and pores open. You’ll be bursting with adrenaline. After personally experiencing this Life Sphere, I can only say that...

“This toy is goddamned amazing! Ninety-nine points for creativity! Sixty points for the actual experience. As to why I didn’t give full marks, it is because the manufacturer did not give me any advertising fees.”

[Hahaha, straightforward.]

[I have a hunch that the interactive phase is starting.]

[I’m sucking the luck of heaven and earth!]

[Pig Guidance Company has sent 10,000x Super Rockets.]

[UCWeb Inc. has sent 12,222x Super Battleships.]

[Xiaomi Corporation has sent 23,333x Super Rockets...]

[Crap! The bigshots have appeared!]

[Poverty, turns my face ugly.]

[The gods are fighting...]


Setting down the transparent ball, Chen Yu turned his back toward the camera and removed his mask. He then took out the protective suit’s helmet from his backplate and put it on. Afterward, he faced back to the camera and said, “That’s it for the demonstration. Next, the remaining time all belongs to you, viewers in front of the screen.

“Everyone should’ve read the rules posted in the announcement, but I’ll briefly repeat them.”

After saying so, Chen Yu opened his palm and gestured a “five,” saying, “One: Participants for the interactive session will be chosen from the bullet comments and donation list. I will also randomly grab people off the streets.

“Two: Participants chosen from the donation list won’t necessarily be the highest donor. However, those who donate more will have greater chances of being selected.

“Three: The chosen individual or organization will only have one chance to leave their addresses. After I connect the portal, you have one minute to enter it.

“Four: You must listen to my instructions throughout the playthrough. Otherwise, I will not take responsibility for your safety... Well, even if you listen to my instructions and fall into danger, I still won’t take responsibility.

“Five: The final interpretation right of the situation belongs to me. I will not accept prosecutions from any courts around the world.”

Raising his wrist and taking a look at the chaotic bullet comment section, Chen Yu then declared, “The lottery starts now!”

[Ahhh! Daddy, look here!]

[Daddy! Daddy!]

[What if?]

[What if?]

[What if?]

[Me, me, me...]

[Notice: China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation has sent 40,000x Little TV Spaceships.]

[Notice: NASA has sent 48,800x Super Rockets.]

[Notice: Swiss Bank Corporation has sent 35,000x Super Rockets.]

[Notice: Thailand’s Military has sent 52,000 Little TV Spaceships...]

[The bigshots have appeared.]

[The bigshots are here! Make way!]

[I’m betting none of the broadcasting platforms would dare accept any of these donations.]

[Don’t tell me these Gods are really trying to play with a ball, right?]

[They’re trying to let the host play...]

After the “tsunami” in the bullet comment and donation sections went on for 10 minutes, Chen Yu finally opened his mouth and said, “That should be enough. Now, let’s read the participant list. First, we’ll start with the lucky ones in the bullet comment section.

“Bilibili platform, ID Hahahaha and Um.

“DouYu platform, ID Yin Shixiu.

“TikTok platform, ID One Night’s Stance.

“The three mentioned viewers, I’ve granted you access to privately message me. Send me your addresses.”

After saying so, Chen Yu paused for half a second before continuing, “Next, we’ll choose from the donation list.”

“DouYu platform, ID Nintendo.

“DouYu platform, ID Xiaomi Corporation...”


At the same time, many experts, professors, and leaders were currently anxiously fidgeting in the lobby of a certain scientific research unit in Beijing. As these people listened to Chen Yu call out IDs one after another, their spirits tensed up to their very limits.

“We must be chosen... We must be chosen...”

An elderly man with graying hair tightly squeezed the teacup to the point where even the joints of his fingers had turned white.

“DouYu platform, ID Nintendo.

“DouYu platform, ID Xiaomi Corporation.”

Chen Yu’s leisurely voice echoed throughout the spacious hall.

“This is the last one...” The old man was already drenched in cold sweat. Staring at the screen with bloodshot eyes, he prayed, “We must be chosen...”

On the screen, Chen Yu raised his head and looked at the camera. He then lowered his left hand and flatly said, “Bilibili platform, ID China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation.”



“We won! We won!”


The atmosphere in the hall boiled.

Everyone roared and cheered to vent their surging emotions.

“We won!” The old man threw his arms into the air, tossing away both the teacup and walking stick he held. He then hugged the colleague next to him and cheered, “We won! We won!”

“We won, Director!”

“Hurry! Prepare everything we need to bring! Don’t waste even a single second!”

“Yes, sir.”

The old man took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress his emotions. He then picked up the microphone on the table and said, “Everyone calm down! It won’t be too late to celebrate after we’ve completed our mission! Now, to your positions!”

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