Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 233: Mini-War

Chapter 233: Mini-War

The Red Scabbards and executive boys ask Oden & Buggy for permission to change the match system. Buggy agrees immediately while Oden hesitates a little before agreeing too. He knows Buggy has a plan, so he decides to believe in Buggy's plan.

The sparring finally continues with a free for all system. But the stage isn't enough to house a battle between so many people. So they decide to use the whole training ground for the sparring match.

The samurai and pirate groups are standing on opposite sides. They hold their dummy weapons and get ready to fight. But only the normal pirates and samurais will fight. The Red Scabbards & executives will fight later to make it fairer.

After everyone is ready, the referee starts the match. Both sides rush at each other and start to fight. With so many people who fight at once, it looks like a small war instead of a match.

Both sides clash and the higher-ups are watching it. Buggy, Oden, the Red Scabbards, & the executives are very focused now. They observe the mini-war seriously to see their men's power and prepare if any accident happens.

As the mini-war goes on, it becomes clear which side is better. The Clowns gain the advantage slowly and they push the samurais back. It is clear that their power is quite equal, but the Clowns have better movements, and their teamwork is far better.

Well, they have been fighting together every few days in these last few months. So of course, their teamwork & war skills are better than the samurais who never fight together like this. Also, the Clowns are more experienced in a crowded war like this.

The samurais are strong individually and they have good swordsmanship. But they often fight individually, not in a crowded war like this. So their individual skills & power are high enough, but skills & power aren't the only things needed in a battle or war.

Teamwork is also important and being able to help each other in the mess of war is also important. The Clowns who have gone through many wars together have good teamwork. They don't hinder each other and even help each other.

Compared to that, the samurais who have just been gathered never went to war together. There is no big-scaled war in Wano before because Orochi took over the country without waging war.

Furthermore, these samurais come from different groups. They have just been gathered by Oden to join this war. So it's a normal thing that they have bad teamwork and fights individually even though they are together.

The results of their bad teamwork are that they hesitate a lot because they are afraid to hit their allies, their movements hinder their allies, they lose focus because of what their allies do or what happens to their allies, and some other things.

However, some of them have good teamwork because they come from the same group like the Yakuzas from Hyogoro's group. Hyogoro agrees to help Oden and has sent his men yesterday while he will come tomorrow because there are a few things he needs to do.

But even the Yakuzas' teamwork isn't as good as the Clowns' teamwork. The scale of war that they've gone through is different. Besides, their number in this mini-war is far too different because there are only 11 Yakuzas in the samurai group while there are 50 pirates.

The samurais get pushed by the pirates so they need to do something if they want to win. A samurai suddenly has his wooden sword cracks. If he loses his weapon, then he will lose for sure, so he needs to prevent it.

He immediately coats it with A-Haki, or the people of Wano call it Ryuo to make his wooden weapon tougher. No one used Haki so far and just relies on their battle skills. But suddenly, someone uses Haki and it changes the game.

Some other samurais who can use Haki also start to activate it. They gain more confidence because being able to use Haki gives them more options. Although they are also wondering why they didn't use it since the beginning.

The samurais start to hold their ground after some of them can use Haki. Not everyone can use Haki, but those who can are strong, stronger than those who can't at least. With that, they are holding their ground and even start to push the Clowns back.

Such a turn of the event makes the Red Scabbards elated because their men don't lose. They look at the Clowns' executives smugly but then realize that the executives are still very calm. None of the executives are worried about their men even though they are being pushed.

It makes the Red Scabbards wonder why they are very calm. The answer appears soon when 31 Clowns suddenly use A-Haki too. They have activated their A-Haki in these few months after going through many wars.

Also, there are 13 more people who can use O-Haki. So there are only 6 people among the 50 people who can't use any type of Haki yet. They are still new, after all, as they've just joined the Clowns in the last few months.

Now the direction of this mini-war changed again with the samurais being pushed back again. The Clowns haven't gone all out before but now they go all out after they can use their Haki. They could use it before but they don't because it won't make the mini-war interesting as they would win instantly again.

For the Clowns, war is a source of entertainment too. The thrill of war is one of the things that make them feel alive. They never know when they will die, so they always try to enjoy every little thing they have.

Slowly, the samurais got defeated one by one after the Clowns go all out. The Clowns' war skills and experience are too much for them to handle. In the end, the samurais are completely defeated by the pirates in less than half an hour.

The Red Scabbards are very surprised and even Oden is surprised. Not only do The Clowns win as a group, but they also win overwhelmingly. None of them were considered defeated based on the sparring rules.

It's because when one of them almost gets defeated, the others will always help. This is something that they always do in every war. If they can't do that, then their friends will die, and none of them want that.

The Clowns treated this mini-war as a real war so that they can use all their power. They might appear like they were playing around a lot, but they are always serious in a war. With death being the risk, the Clowns just can't be not serious in a war.

Only after they finish the war will they relax and joke around, just like now. The Clowns smile and laugh then talk to each other while boasting. Their boast even makes them fight among themselves, very different than when they worked together in the mini-war.

It makes the samurais dumbfounded, but the Clowns' executives just laugh at it. Fights like these are different because they show how close the Clowns are. They aren't fights caused by hate but closeness instead.

The mini-war participants then get treated with the samurais looking down all of the time while the Clowns behave like usual. Winning a war is not unusual for the Clowns and even if they lose, they won't get dispirited. For them, losing their comrades is worse than losing the war, after all.

The samurais can only accept the fact that the Clowns are better than them in a war and the Red Scabbards also think the same. But they still want to win and they need to get it in the next match. Finally, the Clowns' executives will fight with the Red Scabbards.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 257 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 268 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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