Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 225: Way to Wano

Chapter 225: Way to Wano

The Clowns are on their way to Wano after finishing their raids. It's been a few months since they started their attack on Beasts Pirates' territories. Buggy thinks that it's enough and it's time to attack Kaido.

He doesn't know the exact time of Oden's last battle with Kaido. So he goes to Wano right after the new year. He hopes that it isn't late yet and Oden hasn't attacked Beasts Pirates.

His attacks on Beasts Pirates might change Kaido's plan, after all. Kaido might hasten his plan and makes Oden attack him faster. There is a mole in Oden's group, after all, so everything can happen.

On their way to Wano, Clown Pirates encounter a Marine fleet. It's a fleet led by a Vice Admiral but they can destroy the fleet fast. The Clowns use their railgun to destroy the Marine fleet from afar while testing their improved railgun's power.

The encounter with the Marine fleet is quite a problem for them. It's because the Marine will know their current location and it will spread. So Kaido will most likely know that they are on their way to Wano.

Now a surprise attack doesn't seem possible so they need to fight Beasts Pirates' main force head-on. The Clowns aren't afraid to use a frontal attack but the enemy's number is high. Even after they killed many Beasts Pirates' members, there are still more than 10 thousand enemies in Wano.

'It seems we need to work together with Oden's group to fight Kaido. But the problem is that bastard Kanjuro. I'm glad that I've known about Kanjuro's real identity before I got sent to this world. If not, then I will think that he is an ally and the information will leak,' ponders Buggy.

Buggy then thinks of a plan to dispose of Kanjuro first before attacking Beasts Pirates. But he can't just tell Oden that Kanjuro is a spy because Oden & his retainers trust Kanjuro. They will just think that Buggy lies and might even see him as an enemy.

He can't let them hate him because he needs their help to fight Beasts Pirates. There are many samurais who follow Oden and they will be a great help in the battle against Beasts Pirates because they are strong.

The Clowns have gotten much stronger since they started their raids. But they can't just ignore the enemy's number. Besides, the Beasts Pirates' main force is composed of their strongest members too so it will be difficult against that number.

Buggy thinks of something and then picks his denden mushi to call someone. He calls Shanks to ask if the red hair wants to join this attack on Beasts Pirates. In Sabaody, Buggy has told Shanks his plan to attack Beasts Pirates in Wano and he has asked whether Shanks want to join or not.

But now, Shanks still doesn't give him a clear answer. So Buggy tells him that they will attack in 2 weeks. It doesn't matter whether Shanks wants to join or not. Buggy & his crew will still attack Beasts Pirates in 2 weeks.

Buggy calls the executives and starts a discussion with them. He needs to tell them about the current situation and asks for their help to create a plan. They will do this together, so they need to think about it together too.

"Shanks still hasn't decided anything and I don't know the current situation on Wano. It's better to think that they won't help us in this so we can only try to get Oden's group's help now," says Buggy.

"What if Oden doesn't want to be our ally?" asks Cricket.

"Then we won't attack until we have enough men. I don't want my crew to get slaughtered. If everyone in our crew has the strength of an executive, then the enemy's number won't be a problem. But that's just wishful thinking," says Buggy.

"That's an impossible thing to have in any crew," says Palu.

"Of course, that's why we need to make Oden our ally. But even if we can, there is a problem on Oden's side. There is a spy among them, or maybe a few spies. I only know one who is very close to Oden. We need to remove him before doing anything," says Buggy.

"It seems you know who the spy is. How can you know it even though Oden doesn't know?" asks Deon.

"I have my own way, you don't need to worry about it. Or maybe you don't believe me?" asks Buggy teasingly.

"As if I'll not believe you. It's just that I am curious about how you get the information. I thought that my information gathering skills are very good already. But it seems I am still lacking compared to you," says Deon.

"Haha, have you forgotten that I was the one who taught you how to gather information? If my skills are lower than yours, then I will get ashamed of myself. I have done this for years even before I made this crew while you have done this for just around a year," says Buggy.

"Sigh, I guess you're right. I shouldn't get ahead of myself," says Deon.

They all then start to discuss their plan for the main attack on Beasts Pirates. Buggy already has a plan but he needs the others' opinions to improve the plan. They give him many opinions and discuss them.

It takes a few days for them to reach Wano and they use this time to prepare themselves. They formulate many plans based on the information that they have. Such a big mission needs many plans in case the main plan failed, after all.

So they think of many situations that might occur during their attack. They think of the best to the worst situation and create plans according to them. Even so, there might be situations that they can't think of so they need to prepare themselves.

The crew also keeps training to raise their power even if it's just a little. A little improvement in their power can raise their survival chance. A small difference in strength can decide their life & death in a war of this scale.

Buggy & the executives also train themselves while helping their men to get stronger too. Losing 7 members in the raids is enough for them. They don't want to lose more men even though it's almost impossible.

But at the very least, they want to increase their crew's survival rate and reduce casualties. That's why they need to create some good plans and get stronger. War is merciless, after all, and even the executives or even Buggy might get killed.

But they've done everything they could in these few months to raise their crew's power. They improved a lot of things like their physical power, mentality, battle skills, and other things including Haki.

Currently, many crew members who have trained Haki since they were in Paradise can use Haki already. Of course, their mastery is still low and they can only use one type of Haki for now. Some trained A-Haki while the others trained O-Haki and they've reached a decent mastery for people who have just trained Haki for a few months.

The A-Haki users can only cover a few parts of their bodies, but it's good enough to help them in battles. The O-Haki users can use it to predict enemies' movement but not for a long time. Still, it's very useful against strong enemies.

It's not just the normal members who improved their Haki. Even Jude also improved her Haki and now she can use A-Haki a little, so she can use 2 types of Haki already. Brook & Ruff also can use O-Haki a little but still can't use A-Haki.

To raise their chance, Ruff's science team also has worked hard. They've improved the crew's weapons and even create some new weapons. Good weapons are very important in a war of any scale.

The Clowns have done what they could to prepare for this war. So now, they can only work hard to achieve victory. They prepare themselves for the final battle on Wano while looking at a massive waterfall in front of them. The Clowns have arrived at Wano's border.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 249 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 260 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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