Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 217: Breeze Island

Chapter 217: Breeze Island

The Clowns arrive on Breeze Island where strong wind happens all over the island all the time. No plant or animal lives on the surface because the strong wind will just uproot the plant and make the animal fly away. It's impossible to live on the surface of this island.

But as long as it's not the surface, then it will be fine. There's only one place that can be habited on this island. It's a giant cave on the right side of the island from where the Clowns come. That cave is where the Beasts Pirates' unit lives, so they need to go there.

There's only one entrance, so they will get discovered no matter what they do. That's why they will make a flashy entrance and gather the enemies' attention. They will enter the cave with a BANG.

"Shoot the cave!" orders Buggy.

When they get closer to the cave, the Clowns use their railgun to attack the cave entrance. They load it with Buggy Ball and shoot it from a long distance. The Buggy Ball moves at a high speed and explodes the big cave entrance.

"Good, the entrance is secured now. Keep shooting as we get closer, but use normal cannonballs so the cave won't collapse," orders Buggy.

The Clowns keep shooting as they get closer to the island. Their shot always hit the cave entrance and destroy the ships & buildings there. It really surprises the Beasts Pirates inside the cave because usually cannon attacks didn't work.

Cannon attacks usually didn't work because of the strong wind on the island. The wind also blows in front of the cave and blocks the cannonballs. But the railgun's shots are too fast and the wind isn't strong enough to block them.

It is a bad situation for the Beasts Pirates who are in the cave. But they aren't worried too much because they're sure the Clowns can't enter the cave. The strong wind will push their ship from the side and make it crashes onto the coast.

To enter this cave, the Beasts Pirates have made a tall wall that can be extended and retracted to block the wind. The ships that are allowed to enter can safely enter the cave by moving close to that wall. But of course, they won't use the wall to help the Clowns, so they're sure the Clowns can't enter the cave.

Too bad though, the Clowns have prepared to handle this problem. They roll their sails before entering the wind domain and prepare their propeller machine & jet dials. Then Buggy & Magnus gets ready on the front deck.

Buggy coats his swords with A-Haki and charges their devil fruits' powers. Magnus transforms into his Asura form and holds both of his axes. Then they get ready and face the direction of where the wind comes from.

"Now!" shouts Buggy as he swings both of his swords diagonally from below to make a cross shape.

Magnus also swings his Axes with the same motion. Both of them create big cross shape flying slash attacks. The slash attacks merge and then clash with the strong wind of this island.

Buggy uses all his power & swordsmanship ability in his attack. He even uses Pollux's devil fruit ability to create stronger pressure in his attack. He goes all out and his attack is far stronger than Magnus although they aren't competing.

Their combined attack clashes with the wind and stops it. Now there's no wind blowing in front of the cave entrance. The Clowns immediately use this chance and move their ship forward at a high speed using their machine & jet dials.

The combined attack won't stop the wind forever because the wind is a natural phenomenon. It will only stop the wind until its power diminishes and it's gone. So they hastily enter the cave before the wind blows again.

They safely enter the cave and soon after that, the wind blows in front of the cave again. The Beasts Pirates are very surprised because they never have had this situation. No ship has ever succeeded to enter this cave without their help, after all.

The Beasts Pirates want to call their main force in Wano, but they can't. Deon who has infiltrated this place before the Clowns' attack has removed all communication devices. He could enter this cave easily because he used a submarine that didn't get affected by the wind.

So now they can't call for help or inform what happens on this island. It will be up to the Beasts Pirates unit that is stationed here to take care of this problem. They have high confidence though because they have many people and their leader is strong.

The Black Pearl docks on the coast and the Clowns immediately jump onto the land. There is a vast ground inside the cave with many buildings inside. It's basically a town inside this giant cave.

The cave ceiling is also very high so Magnus doesn't have any problem standing here. He can even jump and still won't touch the ceiling. So Magnus won't have any problem-fighting in this location.

They all get prepared to move just like how they planned it. Buggy also moves stealthily and meets with Deon to execute their own plan. The other executives stay behind to provide support to Magnus & the men if needed.

100 Beasts Pirates immediately come to stop the Clowns. They have 1100 men but just send 100 now because they think it's enough to handle the Clowns. Their leader doesn't even come because he thinks the Clowns are too weak.

They need to swallow their arrogance though because all their 100 men get defeated in a short time by the Clowns. Magnus & the other executives don't even need to move. Their men can handle all 100 enemies easily.

"They've gotten much stronger now," comments Mantis while looking from the ship.

"Their previous raid & training have shown the result. We also have hastened their progress using Enel's electric therapy. With their current progress, I'm sure that they will be strong enough when the main war starts. I don't want to see any of my crewmates die," says Cricket.

"Don't worry too much. I'm sure they will be ready when the main war starts. We have given them everything we can and they've done their best so far. They will be strong enough and survive," says Palu.

The executives continue to watch as the Beasts Pirates' reinforcements come. Now they send 300 men led by some lower-ranked officers. But they still get defeated by the Clowns even if it takes a little longer than before.

Magnus still doesn't need to move as their men can handle the enemies. Ruff who joins the raid team is also attacking the enemies. He needs to gain battle experience so Buggy assigned him to this raid team.

The Clowns are getting some injuries when fighting 300 enemies. So Manba's medical team treats them immediately before the next wave of enemies comes. They just do some first aid treatments but it's enough to help them prepare for the next battle.

Soon afterward, the enemies' 3rd wave comes and they have 500 men now. Their leader still hasn't come and there are only some lower-ranked officers. It seems the enemies still underestimate the Clowns' power.

Well, it's also because they need to gather their men that are scattered everywhere in the cave. The Clowns are not moving and just wait on the port. So the Beasts Pirates need to come to the port and attack the Clowns.

Thanks to that, the Clowns don't need to fight 1100 enemies at once. The Beasts Pirates are strong and it will be difficult to win against that number. So fighting some big groups like this is better.

The Clowns win again now against these 500 enemies. So now they've defeated 900 enemies and only 200 left. They get more injuries now but Manba's medical team moves fast to treat them so they can fight again.

Sometime later, the remaining enemies finally come. They are led by a rather fat & buffed green-haired middle-aged man. He looks rough with an untrimmed beard and long body hair. This man is the leader of the enemy's unit. The real battle will start now.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 241 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 252 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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