Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 210: Coke Island

Chapter 210: Coke Island

The war with Toothless Pirates finally has finished. There are no casualties among the Clowns and they just get injured. Now they are looting the enemy ship before leaving for the next island.

In this war, Brook & Deon have made some good progress. Brook can use the coldness of death in his attacks now. Deon has used A-Haki hardening in his last attack when he went all out.

Manba couldn't awaken his A-Haki, but he has improved his O-Haki and his spearsmanship. None of the normal crew members awaken their Haki. It has just been 2 weeks since they started their Haki training, after all.

But Deon's progress makes Enel jealous because he still can only use colorless A-Haki. So Buggy promises to let him fight the next strong opponent. It will stimulate his growth faster than just training.

For now, they just need to celebrate their victory by having a party. It's their first war in New World, after all, so it's worth a celebration. They also get a lot of loot from their enemy, so they can spend some immediately.

Their next destination is Coke Island, which will take a week from Giza even with Black Pearl's top speed. It is an island with abundant coal resources even though it's not a big island. Beasts Pirates conquer this island for the coal because they need it to fuel their factories in Wano.

Buggy plans to take over the island and stop the coal supply. Of course, he knows that Beasts Pirates won't stay silent and will take over the island again. But that's fine because it will still cut off their supply for some time.

Besides, Buggy intends to take all the coal that has been mined and sell it. He will also plant some spies among the locals & miners to inform him if Beasts Pirates come again. If they come again, then he will just beat them up again.

His objective is to reduce Beasts Pirates' power slowly before the main war. It will also be good training for his men because the Beasts Pirates are strong. This way, they can weaken the enemy, get stronger, and gain loots in the process.

But Buggy knows it won't be that easy because the opponent is Kaido. He knows that Kaido won't leave Wano because Oden is still there. At most, he will just send the All-Star. But there will always be a possibility.

Well, if Kaido comes, then they just need to do something based on the situation. They can fight back if the situation is in their favor or just run away. Their main objective is still the main war in Wano, after all.

The Clowns keep training on their way to Coke Island. They finally arrive in 8 days because they take it rather easy. In these 8 days, they also have an electric therapy session and obviously made some good progress.

"So that's Coke Island. It's still very far, but let's start our plan. Palu, Deon, it's time," says Buggy while looking at the far away Coke Island with a scope.

Palu & Deon nod before they go to the lower cabin to do their plan. Soon, a small submarine shaped like a jet comes out of a door at the left of Black Pearl. Palu & Deon operated it and they go to the island first.

The submarine is named Torpedo and it can move fast. It is powered by a battery connected to its machine. Of course, Ruff & Palu are the ones who made it. They were very interested when Buggy asked them to make it.

They reach the island in a short time while Black Pearl doesn't move. Deon leaves the submarine and goes to the town alone. Palu stays in the submarine and dived down to avoid detection.

Deon uses his camouflaging and moves in the town undetected. He searches the Beasts Pirates' base and finds it in a short time. Then he infiltrates the base and moves fast to cut off all the communication accesses.

His mission is to cut off the communication of this island to the outside world. This way, no one on the island will be able to contact the Beasts Pirates and call for reinforcement. So when the Beasts Pirates finally get the news, it will be too late already.

Deon finished his job just in 10 hours because he has used to this kind of job now. He could finish it in 6 hours if he doesn't double checked everything. Luckily, he did a double check because he found some hidden denden mushis.

After he finished his job, Deon calls the crew and Black Pearl moves again. Everyone in the crew is ready to fight the Beasts Pirates on the island. Deon has given them information about the enemies, so they are very ready.

"The ones on the island aren't that strong, but there are a lot of them. They are led by Solax who has a bounty of 94 million Belly. But don't underestimate him, he should be stronger than the previous turtleman who has a bounty higher than 200 million. His bounty might be lower, but he is from Beasts Pirates. Kaido won't take just anyone as his subordinate," says Buggy.

"Hmm, that makes sense. Kaido puts him as the leader here, so he must have the skill & power to do it. His bounty doesn't represent his strength. I guess it's because he is overshadowed by those above him," says Cricket.

"That's what usually happens in a crew as big as Beasts Pirates. They can get stronger but their bounties are hard to raise. Well, it's not a problem for us because we still can handle this. Enel, you can go and take the leader of this unit. Also, I give you all permission to kill the enemies. We can't leave them alive because they will just return to Beasts Pirates," says Buggy.

"It will be useless if we let them alive because our objective is reducing their power, right?" asks Enel excitedly.

"Yeah, and by killing them we will get the locals & miners' trust. Those guys are forced to obey the Beasts Pirates, so we can be their saviors. It will make our plan easier. So while Enel & the guys take care of the Beasts Pirates, the other executives & I will handle the traitors," says Buggy.

"Traitors?" asks Mantis confusedly.

"It's the traitor from the local side. There must be some people who submitted to the Beasts Pirates and willingly become their lackeys to get profit. If we remove them, the locals will like us more," says Cricket.

"Oh, that's a good idea. We can gain their trust easier and plant our spies among them," says Mantis.

"Yeah, it will benefit us & them. I doubt there will be someone strong among them but it will be difficult to find them. Deon is working on it now and I hope it will be fast," says Buggy.

They talk more about the plan as they approach the island. Palu also has returned with the submarine after Deon finished his main job. If Deon failed, then he will return with Palu, but there's no need to do it now.

The Clowns get ready for the battle as the ship is getting closer to the island. They all have new weapons now after Gil made them using good materials. Their previous weapons were their loots and have decent qualities.

But Gill can make better weapons, so it's better to ask him to make weapons for the crew. Weapons are very important for pirates like them, after all. The weapons' qualities contribute a lot to their victories.

Black Pearl finally arrives on the island after some time. Then some Beasts Pirates that guard the port approach their ship. Without waiting for the enemies to talk, the Clowns kill the guards immediately.

Of course, it causes a ruckus but that's good because now the enemies will come here themselves. There's no need to search for them and it will save time. They kill all the guards in the port and gather a lot of attention.

Buggy smirks & says, "Let's hunt the Beasts."


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 234 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 245 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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