Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 203: Finally, New World

Chapter 203: Finally, New World

The Clowns have left Fishman Island and are on their way to the surface. With 9 new crew members, they are ready to face the new challenges in New World. They anticipate their new journey as their ship keeps getting closer to the surface.

Then soon, they finally arrived on the surface and now they can see the new sea in front of them. But they can't celebrate it because the weather in New World is far more extreme than in Paradise. Sometimes, it can change just in seconds.

Everyone in the crew immediately moves to keep their ship safe. They do what they can to make the ship move so they can leave this area soon. Luckily, Jude has learned a lot since they were in Paradise, so she has a lot of knowledge of Mew Worlds's weather.

Jude keeps giving instructions to the crew and they all work relentlessly. The weather here is very extreme and it makes Paradise looks like a very safe zone. Then after 7 hours of a battle against nature, they finally get out of the dangerous area.

"*Pant Pant* Damn, that was very dangerous and tiring. No wonder many pirate crews can't even survive their first day in New World. The sea itself has sunken them even before they face anyone," says Deon.

"So you know that many pirate crews can't survive their first day here, but you don't know the cause. It seems your information gathering ability is still not good enough," says Buggy while smirking.

"Ugh, I will try harder," says Deon.

"You should. Jude, how's our route?" asks Buggy.

"It's fine, Captain. The extreme weather pushed us out of the route, but it's not far, so there's no problem," says Jude.

"Alright. Everyone take a rest for 10 minutes, then go check everything on the ship. We need to be ready for anything in this sea or we won't survive. So don't be lazy and make sure everything in the ship is fine," says Buggy to his crew.

"AYE AYE!" replies everyone.

They follow Buggy's command and rest for 10 minutes. Then they check everything in the ship to find if there's any damage because of the previous bad weather. Luckily, the ship is fine although there are some small problems like the ropes that tied their cannons get loosened a little.

They fix all the problems and continue to sail toward the first island that they'll visit in New World. But it won't be so easy because they encounter a Marine ship. It won't be a problem if the Marine ship isn't owned by Sengoku, an Admiral.

"Damn, a troublesome man appears," says Buggy.

"What should we do, Captain?" asks Cricket.

"What else? We'll escape. We aren't ready to face him yet. Let's escape while our distance is still very far," says Buggy.

The Clowns then move and get away to avoid Sengoku's ship. An Admiral's strength isn't a joke and Buggy knows they aren't ready to face Sengoku's unit yet. Even if they can win, there will be a lot of casualties, so it's better to avoid a battle.

Buggy sighs in relief knowing that Sengoku doesn't chase them. He doesn't know the reason but it's good that they don't need to be chased by an Admiral. They might need to abandon the first island to avoid Sengoku, after all.

On the Marine ship, Sengoku looks at the escaping pirate ship and sighs. Then he looks at his men and a lot of them are injured badly. They were just having a war against Whitebeard Pirates and many of his men have died or injured.

So it's not that he doesn't want to chase The Clown Pirates, but he can't. He needs to arrive on the base soon and gets his men treated. His men's lives are more important than chasing a rookie pirate crew.

But whatever the case is, it is a stroke of luck for the Clowns. Facing Sengoku right of the batt when they have just arrived in New World is just too much. Now they can sail more peacefully without Sengoku chasing them.

"Deon, try to check Marine's movements after we arrived on the 1st island. Sengoku will surely inform the Marine & they might send people to chase us," says Buggy.

"Understood," replies Deon.

They keep moving to the first island and finally see it after 2 days. This island is very big and tall with the shape of a giant pyramid. There are many levels on the pyramid with many kinds of structures built on them.

They docked in a special port for pirates and pay an entrance fee. This island is a Kingdom and they take fees on visitors, even pirates. But of course, they will protect the pirates from the Marine when they are on the island.

The Kingdom that owned this place is the Giza Kingdom. This Kingdom lives from tourism so there are many tourist spots here. But they also have many industrial & agriculture businesses because their land is vast.

The Clowns explore the island after paying the fee to stay for 4 days. The log will change in 4 days, so they will stay until it changes. Although their next plan doesn't need the log, they'll still stay here for 4 days to fool the Marine into thinking that they'll follow the log.

'Well, the log route in New World is harder to guess because we use 3 needled-log. So the destination will be one of those 3 and it's hard to guess which needle that we'll follow,' thinks Buggy.

Buggy is exploring the island with Ruff, Jude, and Dela. The 2 kids are with Cricket & Mantis now, so it's just the 4 of them. Jude & Dela will always stick with him as one is his secretary while one is in love with him. Ruff just likes to explore with Buggy because he can protect him.

As they explore the Kingdom, Buggy finally finds out that his guess is right. When he saw the island's shape, he has guessed that this place will be like Ancient Egypt. He is correct, the buildings, clothes, tradition, & other things are just like Ancient Egypt.

The leader here isn't a King, but a Pharaoh, just like Ancient Egypt. But the Pharaoh's name isn't similar to any Egypt Pharaoh that he knows. The current Pharaoh's name is Samunda, a young Pharaoh who has just ruled for a year at age 18.

There will surely be many problems with such a young leader. But Buggy doesn't care about the politics here and just wants to explore this place. He is just curious about the similarity of this Kingdom with Ancient Egypt including their leader's title, nothing else.

Buggy's group keeps exploring the Kingdom which gets split into 9 districts. There are 4 lower districts, 4 middle districts, and 1 top district. They were divided based on the floor levels and also sides.

The lower & middle districts are divided into west, east, south, & north because the pyramid has 4 sides. While the upper district was just made into 1 because it's not too wide even though there are 4 sides too.

The lower district is for the business area. Factories, tourist spots, agriculture fields, hotels, etc. This district is dedicated to visitors and business, it's where their money comes from.

The middle district is where their citizens live. But there are some divisions too because the higher floors have higher prices & tax. So the higher the floors are, the richer they are.

The upper district is where the castle is located. It is where the government works and also where the nobles lived. Not everyone can enter this place, so it seems Buggy can't explore this district.

There are a total of 100 floors on this pyramid and each floor is 10 meters tall & wide. So with 100 floors, this island has a height of 1,000 meters or 1 km. It's just like a mountain. Each side of this pyramid also has a length of around 1 km.


Just when Buggy learns about this Kingdom, an explosion sound is heard. A man was shooting his hand cannon at the guards that chase him. It seems he is running away from them and now running toward Buggy's group.

The man suddenly grabs Dela and holds her as a hostage, "Don't move! Or I'll kill this girl."


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 227 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 238 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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