Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 194: Way to Sabaody

Chapter 194: Way to Sabaody

The Clowns leave Water 7 and go to Sabaody Archipelago. They've recruited some people on Water 7 and made their crew bigger. Buggy targets to have 7 more members before they enter New World.

They already have 45 people now, but 2 of them are kids. These 2 are counted as crew members, but they are still apprentices. Both of them aren't the crew's main power so Buggy needs 2 people to replace them as the main power.

'The only options are to recruit them in Sabaody or Fishman Island. There are many strong people in Sabaody and Fishmen are naturally strong. The problem is that most Fishmen hates humans, so it will be difficult to recruit them. Sigh, but I really want to have at least one Fishman in my crew,' thinks Buggy.

They already have 2 Sky People, Palu & Enel. There are many humans in their crew and some of them are unique. They even have a giant. So now Buggy wants a Fishman. He also wants a Mink, but it's not easy to find Zou.

"Sigh, let's just do what we can," says Buggy.

Buggy then looks at his crewmates that train hard since they left Water 7. All of them know they need to prepare for New World, so they can't slack off. None of them want to die even if they're prepared for it, after all.

The new recruits are also training now with Cricket teaching them. But Dela & another new girl are trained by Mantis. The martial arts for women are different from men because they have different body structures, so Cricket can't train the women.

They all work hard because they want to survive in this harsh sea. Survival of the fittest, that's the basic principle for everyone in this world. Only the strong can survive while the weak will die or serve the strong. That's why they need to become stronger so that they can survive and get what they want.

After watching ones who train, Buggy goes to check those who don't train. Dela has made a schedule for everyone in the crew so now everything is more organized, even their training & resting time. She spent 5 days to make their crew's schedule to its detail.

Right now, she is working on the crew's wealth and its distributions. She will count everything from the crew's spending, everyone's payment, loots distribution, etc. With her help, the crew has become very organized and things have become easier for Buggy.

Now he doesn't need to think about administrative problems anymore. He just needs to think of where their crew will go from now on. The other problems have been managed by the executives and his secretary.

Right now, Buggy is inside Ruff's lab where many weapon prototypes are placed. There are 2 people in this lab, Ruff & his new team member, Ray the Chemist. He is a new member that joined in Water 7.

"Ruff, how's the progress of the thing that I've asked you?" asks Buggy.

"Oh, Captain. Gil is working on that thing now. He never sees that model, so he is quite eager to make it. He said it will finish this noon," says Ruff.

"Good, I can't wait to see it. How's Ray doing?" asks Buggy.

"He's good, he really likes my projects and he's also interested in Manba's projects because he is a chemist. I'm really glad that we get him because I'm not really good with chemists. So he can help me with a lot of things," says Ruff.

"That's good then, but make sure he doesn't make something too dangerous that can harm us," says Buggy.

"I understand. Scientists like us usually like to go overboard, I know it the best," says Ruff.

"It's good that you know it. How about the electric generator?" asks Buggy.

"I'm glad that you ask, Captain. I've already made the prototypes. There are 4 prototypes that I've made with 4 different energy sources. Solar, wind, water, and magnet. They all have a different generator, but they'll transfer the energy to the main generator. I'm still working on the last one with kinetic energy," says Ruff smugly.

"Kinetic energy? What's that?" asks Buggy.

"Well, to put it simply, it's energy from movement. I want to make a tool that will use the energy from everyone on this ship. Everyone will put the tool on their body and every time they move, they will charge the battery on the tools. Then the energy that they produce will be transferred to the main generator,"

"Ho, so we will gain energy every second," says Buggy.

"That's right, and now Ray is working on a chemical energy source. He is very interested in our energy generator project, so he also wants to make one," says Ruff.

"That's good. If everything works, then we can make more weapons and machines to strengthen our ship & crew. Have you tested the prototypes?" asks Buggy.

"Yes, they all work very well. Right now, Palu's team is working to make the real ones, but we lack the materials. We didn't get some materials on Water 7, so we can only work with what we currently have," says Ruff.

"Then try to get the rest on Sabaody, that place almost has everything. Don't worry about the money, we have plenty of it. Just ask Dela to allocate the budget," says Buggy.

"Aye aye," says Ruff.

Ruff then shows the prototypes to Buggy and he is very impressed by them. He doesn't really understand how these things work, but that's not a problem. What he needs to know is just that these things work.

After that, Buggy goes to the rear deck to train his advanced Armament. There are some wood logs there for him to train. He can't do it in the training room or he will break everything. The rear deck is the best option because it's empty.

His advanced Armament training progressed well in these few days. He still can't coat it with his Conqueror Haki, but it becomes easier for him to emit his Armament. Now, he can even use it on his swords and make his sword attacks a lot sharper.

The next day, the crew arrive in Florian Triangle and it makes them very excited. Some of them are afraid though because of this sea's bad rumors. Buggy is also wary of this sea now after seeing those gigantic creatures after he recruited Brook.

So now they move faster by using their dials to avoid meeting those creatures. But then they meet another pirate crew that is very eager to attack them. Buggy wants to ignore them, but his crew is getting excited to fight.

He doesn't have any option except to let them fight the enemies. It's also a good chance to see their progress in these few days. The crew fights the enemy crew which has a total bounty of 141 million. Their Captain has a bounty of 92 million, quite impressive.

But they aren't the Clowns' match and get defeated easily even though they have 183 crew members. The Clowns didn't even send the executives and just let the normal members fight including the new guys. They get rather good loots from this crew, which is good.

After that, they leave Florian Triangle hastily before those gigantic things appear. Then they keep moving toward Sabaody. They encounter some more enemies and some more abnormal weather changes.

But they can handle all of those problems without much difficulty. Buggy is really happy about those problems because his crew can train more. Then 3 days after they left Florian Triangle, they finally reach Sabaody Archipelago.


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 218 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 229 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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