Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 153: Splitting

Chapter 153: Splitting

The Clowns have gone far from the island and no one chases them again now. They've succeeded to defend the wood against so many ships. Enel has the biggest contribution in this after Buggy promised to pay off his debt.

Now they are going to Sabaody because the previous island is the last one before Sabaody Archipelago. But there's a problem too if they go to Sabaody like this.

"There are many pirates & underground forces there, more than the previous island. If they know we have Adam Wood, then they all will try to take it," says Buggy.

"Then we just need to fight them," says Enel.

"I know you're an idiot, but don't show that too clearly," says Buggy.

"What'd you say?" asks Enel pissedly, but he doesn't dare to do anything to Buggy.

"What I mean is, the enemies there, are too many. And those who can reach Sabaody are not normal people. They might have the same strengths as us," says Buggy.

"Like the Red Hairs?" asks Cricket.

"They're the clearest example. But some strong people stay there as it is the last island in Paradise. The other problem is Marine also watches over that island seriously. Then the most troublesome group in that island is the World Nobles, Celestial Dragons," says Buggy.

"WORLD NOBLES?!" shouts Jude, Ruff, Deon, & Mantis.

"Who are they?" asks Enel who doesn't know it.

The other boys also don't know about World Nobles at all, so Buggy explains it briefly to them. He doesn't hide anything and says all Celestial Dragons' behavior. His explanation surprises them and puts them in disbelief.

"Basically, they're nothing but scums," says Buggy.

"And the Marine protects them?" asks Manba in disbelief.

"Because they are controlling the World Government and Marine was created by World Government," says Buggy.

"So WG is CD's dog, and Marine is WG's dog," says Palu while nodding.

"Well, don't think too much about it. This is not a strange thing in this world. Those who have power can do anything to the weaker ones. People see differently from their positions and for these CDs, they feel that they're not wrong," says Buggy.

"They think what they do is normal, huh?" ponders Cricket.

"Yeah, there will be no end if we keep thinking about that, so just think of what we can. In Sabaody, you have one clear order from me. Avoid making trouble with CD. It's better to avoid contact with them because you will have urges to punch their faces if you meet them. But if you still meet them, never, I repeat, never bow down to them no matter what. Once you bow down to them, you are not my crew anymore," says Buggy seriously.

Everyone is surprised to hear that statement from Buggy.

"Even if they threaten you & you're scared, don't bow down to them. After all, why should you bow to those who are below you? They aren't humans nor gods like what they believed, they are just trash. We don't bow to even God, so why should we bow to trashes?" asks Buggy.

"Sigh, you are right, they aren't worth our respect at all. But if we show disrespect toward them, it will cause problems for us," says Mantis.

"We can take that problem, so don't worry," says Buggy.

"Captain, I understand your point and agree with that. But if their guards attack us, it will be too dangerous at that moment for us, especially Ruff. The others might be able to escape, but Ruff might get caught," says Deon.

"I know, that's why I won't take Ruff to Sabaody. In fact, I won't take everyone to Sabaody, only some of us," says Buggy.

The Clowns are surprised to hear that and ask for an explanation.

"We will move separately, for now, maybe some days or a few weeks, based on the situations. Some will go to Sabaody, while some will go to Water 7 immediately. I have bought an Eternal Pose to Water 7, so you can follow this to reach it from here," says Buggy while taking out an Eternal Pose to Water 7.

"You want to make the new ship immediately?" asks Palu.

"No, it is just a way to save our wood from being targetted by those people in Sabaody. It will be too problematic if a CD wants the wood or something from us. Also, this is a good chance for you to learn something from Tom-san. He is the best shipwright that I know and I'm sure you will learn a lot from him. Take this chance to improve yourself before building our new ship," says Buggy.

"Hmm, now I'm curious about this Tom-san. He is the one who built Oro Jackson, huh? He must be very great," says Palu.

"Yeah, he is, and Ruff, you will like his current project, so make sure to ask him about it," says Buggy.

"I will go there too?" asks Ruff.

"Of course, what will you do if a CD suddenly wants you to be their slave or something if you go to Sabaody?" asks Deon.

Ruff shivers and nods frantically. There's no way he wants to be a slave, so it's better if he doesn't go to Sabaody. Celestial Dragons are too scary for him because they can get anything they want just by saying it.

Buggy then announces the ones who will go to Water 7. They are Palu, Enel, Ruff, Manba, and Jude who will use the stolen Galleon ship. Buggy, Cricket, Mantis, and Deon will go to Sabaody using Little Hunter.

"Eeh~, I go to Water 7?" asks Jude in protest.

"Of course, you are. In this crew, the only ones who can navigate are you, Cricket & I. But Cricket's navigational ability is too mediocre, very bad instead," says Buggy plainly.

"Oi!" says Cricket in protest but Buggy ignores him.

"So only you & I who can navigate in Grandline. That's why we need to move separately. I will go to Sabaody, so you will surely go to Water 7," says Buggy.

Jude sulks because she can't be in Buggy's group and won't meet him for days or even weeks. But he just ignores her and gives everyone their tasks.

"Palu, you take the command in your group and learn what you can from Tom-san. Jude, don't just sulk and navigate properly. Ruff, don't create problems that you can't solve and check Tom-san's current project. Manba, keep these guys so they won't create too many problems. Enel, sigh, just don't kill anyone," says Buggy.

"OI! WHAT KIND OF TASK IS THAT?" asks Enel angrily.

The others just laugh because they all know why Buggy gives Enel that task. He is the biggest troublemaker in their crew and the easiest to get provoked. So he will surely create problems, that's why he tells him to not kill anyone or the problems will get bigger.

Everyone finally agrees with Buggy's decision and prepares themselves. They will do the plan immediately today before they go too far. The distance with Water 7 is quite far, so they can't waste time.

"Are you sure you will take Little Hunter there? I'm sure she can survive the journey there, but without me in the ship, she might break on your way to Water 7," says Palu to Buggy before they split.

"Yeah, I've promised her that I will take her to the last island of Paradise. If that's her limit, then I will be with her until she reaches that limit. We have been together for more than 3 years now. This is not just a ship, this is home for me. So I can't just go to Sabaody for the first time after creating my crew without her," says Buggy while caressing Little Hunter's railing.

"Sigh, alright, I know how big your love for this ship is, so I won't tell you to not do it. I will just tell you the parts that might need more attention. If you can, try to check them every day and fix them if there are damages," says Palu.

Palu gives a big piece of paper with Little Hunter's drawing on it. Many notes show what Buggy needs to give more attention to. Buggy nods as Palu explain everything to him. But then, Deon who is on the crow nest shouts and gathers their attention.

"WHAT THE HECK!? CAPTAIN! EVERYONE!" shouts Deon panicky.

"What is it?" asks Cricket curiously.

"We-well, I think my eyes are tired because I'm seeing a strange thing. I see a Giant floating on a gigantic raft," says Deon while rubbing his eyes.

"Huh?" asks everyone with a confused tone.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 177 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 188 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.