Top Sexy Girl Group

Chapter 169 - Do You Know?

Chapter 169: Chapter 169: Do You Know?

While watching ‘I would like to know.’

“Look at this photo. It’s Sian walking on air right? Oh, right. You can’t see properly. Let’s zoom in.”

At the host’s words, the photo zoomed in. The photo became incredibly pixelated after that, but there was no doubt who the person in the photo was. It was my face, with Nayoung and Ako-san were hanging onto me. It was the photo of me walking on air towards the building that we had fallen out of during the Japanese earthquake.

The host then continued.

“When I first saw the photo, I thought for sure that it was edited. But upon closer examination, it turns out it wasn’t.”

The host paused to take a sip of coffee. Then he went on.

“So, is the photo real? Is Sian actually walking on air? Is that truly possible? To find out, we located the other person in the photo, Ako-san, to get the real story.”

The host gestured towards another screen, with Ako-san showing up.

– You are the survivor from the Japanese earthquake, right?

– Yes, I am.

– Your Korean is very good.

– I like Korea so I am practicing the language.

– I see. Could you tell us what is happening in this photo?

At the reporter’s question, Ako-san nodded.

– Yes. At that time, we were in great danger. The building was collapsing. Sian suggested that we made our way to the building next door. She took me and Nayoung before jumping over. I thought for sure that we were going to die, that Sian was crazy. But then I realized that we were floating in mid-air! I was so shocked. But…I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say these things…nothing bad will happen to Sian, will there?” Ako-san asked out of concern. After she said all that stuff, of course.

– Well, don’t worry. Nothing bad will happen to her. We were just curious as to what was going on in the photo. So, what you’re saying is that everything that is happening in the photo is real. Is that correct?

– Yes. It’s correct. I don’t know who took it, but it’s a real photo.

– Thank you. Oh, and may we ask one more question?

– Sure.

– Did Sian ever use other powers while she was with you?

– Oh! She did! She broke walls and jumped down from the windows! She was like the Hulk! I saw her walk up walls as well. Like Spiderman!

Ako-san became so excited as she continued to spill about that day. The reporter nodded in response.

– Thank you, Ms. Ako. I appreciate you talking to us.

– No problem. And…could you please tell Sian that I’m grateful for that day. I hope to see her again someday.

– Will do.

The video ended as the camera turned back to the host.

“As you all just saw, the survivor who was with Sian at the time confirmed everything to be true. So, did it happen then? How is this possible? I would like to ask Sian myself.”

The host smiled as the screen cut to commercials.

“What the hell?”

Seriously, what the hell was that? I just came back from Korea yesterday. I was currently in the living room, drying my feet while watching TV. Jia was sitting right next to me.

“Sian, is this true?” Jia asked, looking right at me. My heart pounded. Her face was so beautiful and way too close.

“No,” I said. The moment that came out as true, it would not end well. A person walking on air? How was that even possible?

“I thought so. There’s no way a person can walk on air like that.”

“Right,” I agreed with a nod.

“What’s wrong with these people? Maybe you should sue them.”

“I’m sure Mr. Park will take care of it.”

I trusted that he would. I could not think anymore.

“But, Sian, are you okay?” Jia said, touching me here and there. She touched my boobs for a bit, but I didn’t feel anything. She can touch it if she wants to. Since I’m actually a guy, I wasn’t sensitive about it.

“Of course I am.”

After all, I wasn’t the one who got hit.

“That’s good. Do you know how worried I was while watching you on TV yesterday? Especially when Yoshiba came out to fight you.”

“What? Don’t tell me you thought that I would lose.”

“Of course I did! Look at the size of him! Plus he’s a guy!”

“Wow, I’m disappointed in you, Jia.”

“Aw. Well, I’m sorry.”

With that, Jia hugged me. I gulped. There I was, being tested again.

“But is it true that Yoshiba lost all his teeth?”

“Yeah. He’s going to need implants.”

“Wasn’t he wearing a mouthpiece?” Jia asked, looking confused.

“My fists aren’t your average fists,” I said with a smirk. If I just added a bit more of my strength, his entire head would’ve been bashed onto the floor.

“Well, you did well Sian. It felt so good to see you win.”

“It felt good for me as well.”

I may not have been able to hit him until I was content, but it still felt great. Just then, the show ‘I would like to know’ started again as I turned my focus back to the TV. There was that incident with Chun-ah when I was still fat, my bungee jumping incident, my match with Eunsoon, the terrorist incident, and finally, the terrorist incident in Africa. I don’t know why they had to talk about all that stuff. They don’t suspect that I’m an alien, do they?

“Ugh. Whatever. Mr. Park will take care of it.”

I was just going to trust Jinwoo.


Another day passed. I woke up and turned to my left to find Jia sound asleep next to me. It’s way too early for this, but it wasn’t just Jia. On my right was Hainan. Her head was on my chest…maybe she missed her mom.


I couldn’t tell whether this was a good or bad thing.


Suddenly, Hainan bit my nipple. I jolted in shock and pushed her off. Wow, that hurt. But what kind of dream was she dreaming that she would bite my chest? Strange.


Suddenly, Jia began to rub my stomach and I pushed her hand off. What is up with these two?

“This won’t do.”

I got up and headed towards the living room. No one else was there. These sleepyheads. This meant that no one was up yet. It was just me and the trash the other girls had left.


I began to clean up the litter. Considering that I’m the oldest, I guess it is my job.

“But why are they leaving their panties around?”

This, I don’t understand. I picked up the pair of pink panties and looked at it. Why? I’m not sure. Maybe it’s a man’s curiosity? Anyways, looking at the size, I guessed that it was Yoo-jin’s.


I tossed it into the laundry basket. Then I found a bra underneath the sofa. B-cup. Who’s a B-cup. Yoo-young? Jihyun? Oh, Hainan. Bet you didn’t know this, but Hainan has some curves herself. As I was cleaning up the living room, I got a phone call. It was Jinwoo.


– Hey, Sian. Are you free?


– Oh, we got some interest from China. I also wanted to discuss some things with you.

“Do you need to discuss it with me?”

– Otherwise, you’ll whine again.


Whine? That was harsh. Then again, maybe also true.

– You’re free, right?


– Then let’s meet after lunch. How about 2 pm?

“After lunch?”

– Yeah.

How shameless.

“Why not have lunch together?”

– No.

“Why not?”

– I have plans.

I could tell right away that he was lying. Wow, after all I’ve done for him, he didn’t even want to buy me lunch?

“Fine. Then I’ll just have some kimbap. Like a sad, lonely child.”

– (....)

“Don’t worry about me. I like kimbap. I’ll just buy some and sit in the living room by myself, eating a pitiful roll of kimbap. That’s my hobby. I hope someone gets a photo of it.”

– (....)

“Oh, maybe I’ll ask the convenience store part-timer to take my photo so I can put it up on SNS.”

– (....)

“I’ll just go then.”

– Let’s just eat lunch together.

“Okay. See you at 2,” I answered quickly with a big smile before hanging up.


I’m so hungry. I’m going to eat a lot.


At 2 pm, I left the dorms. The members all asked me where I was going, so I told them I was on my way to meet Jinwoo. The girls became envious, wondering if I was booked for someone else. So, I asked them if they wanted to go in my place. They all said no. They were tired as well since they were booked for so many things themselves.

As I was walking, some weird looking old woman came up to me. Suddenly, she started speaking to me.

“You have the energy of a dragon.”

“I was born in the year of the dragon.”

How did she know? Did I look like someone who was born in the year of the dragon? Anyways, the old lady continued.

“Your face is incredible. You’ll gain a lot of power in three years.”

“I’m already powerful.”

“You’ll be even more powerful.”

“Oh, right.”

If that’s the case, I wonder how much. Will I become the president or something?

“But your face looks sad.”


How did she know? My sadness comes from being in a girl’s body. Day after day, I am constantly tempted and tested, unable to do anything because I’m a girl. Who was this woman?

“But you can get rid of that sadness with the powers of the universe.”

“Powers of the universe?”

“Yes. It makes you become one with the Heavens.”

“The Heavens?”

Lady, it was the heavens who made me this way. What kind of powers is she talking about? She must be shitting me. Oh, sorry for the cursing.

“We are all creatures of the Heavens. We belong to the universe. If you could channel the powers of the universe with the Heavens, your sadness will disappear.”

Unfortunately for this woman, I wasn’t convinced.

“Sorry, but it sounds like crap to me. It was the Heavens who made me this way.”


“I’m a man, but I was born in a woman’s body. How is this possible? The gods made me this way. They told me I’d be reborn, but they shoved me into a woman’s body. Can you believe it?”

“What?” the woman didn’t understand what I was saying.

“I’m just saying.”

With that, I turned to leave. The woman then began to follow me.

“Would you like to go harness the powers of the universe with me? You just need to bring 300,000 won to start.”

“Sorry. I don’t have that kind of money right now.”

I turned my pockets inside out to show her. Then I began to walk away again. The lady still followed me, so I gave her a warning. She immediately disappeared after that.

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