TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 32: Portals to other villages

Chapter 32: Portals to other villages

Battle Goddess's Blessing (Passive) (Level Max) - Increases the points of all user attributes by 10%.

"This skill is very good at the highest levels. Ten percent may be too little, but one attribute point is a lot, let alone several in each of the attributes. I estimate that in the other villages something like this has happened, someone being able to bring the four villages together." Liu Yang was thinking about this.

Only the owners of the four villages in the initial area can receive this quest, as it was a very difficult thing to do. So it was natural that the reward was quite good. However, there was a special requirement to receive the highest rewards, the village owner must do this alone, and without the help of others.

"Let's see what this fish dropped" Liu Yang was anxious when he saw two items on the floor.

The body of the zombie fish was already gone. What was left were a ring and a crystal.

"What is it?" Liu Yang took the ring and felt his body become lighter. He received three points in agility.

The crystal was a light blue color. Cold energy can be felt while the crystal is being held.

"Is this to eat like the other crystals?" Liu Yang was curious. He hadn't seen any other crystals other than the fragments left by humans turned into zombies.

Without thinking twice, Liu Yang eats the crystal. A cold sensation passed through his throat and down to his stomach.

Since there was no one there, he would have no problem suffering damage.

When the crystal reached his stomach, it slowly melts like a block of ice.

Liu Yang was shivering with cold.

"This is very cold" His body was shaking all over.

This cold, freezing sensation lasted for a few minutes. Liu Yang was already pale from the cold.

"Congratulations, you received 3 points for the intelligence attribute" The system message echoed when the cold energy was completely digested.

"This is not bad ..." Liu Yang was happy with what he received.

Name: Liu Yang

Level: 9

Strength: 7 + 3

Agility: 6 + 4

Vitality: 14 + 6

Intelligence: 7 + 2


Immunity to All Poison (Passive) (Level 3) - The user is immune to all types of poison, including zombie poison.

Diamond Skin (Passive) (Level 1) - Increases the attribute of vitality, strengthens the body, and increases the user's recovery power by 25%.

Battle Goddess's Blessing (Passive) (Level Max) - Increases the points of all user attributes by 10%.

"Twenty points in vitality !! Hahaha!!! Rank 1 zombies will never be able to hurt my body again. Rank 2 zombies will only cause a small scratch. Rank 3 zombies can still rip off parts of my body. " Liu Yang estimated his current power.

"I better be back. The girls must be worried about me I just hope it doesn't take long for my foot to regenerate. " Liu Yang began to hobble out of the forest. He can't run, just walk.

A few days later

"Look !! Isn't that the owner of the village over there? He is still alive?"

"I thought he disappeared into the swamp after being gone for so long"

"It looks like the leader has had some difficulties, but he doesn't look hurt or anything. The only problem is this rotten smell, this is too stinky !!! "

Many conversations took place when the inhabitants saw Liu Yang running towards the village.

Some thought he had died, while others thought he must be doing something.

The worst problem was the rotten smell emanating from Liu Yang's body, many could not stand the smell and vomit.

"Leader, did anything happen in the swamp? That smell is horrible !! "

"Leader, how did you get that way?"

Many questions have arisen. Everyone was curious to know what had happened to Liu Yang.

"I had some problems exploring the swampy forest and ended up falling into some rotten water marshes. I need to go, "Liu Yang said bleakly. He came out of the entrance and ran to his house.

"Liu Yang, are you back ?? !!! Ahhh!!!" Lin Lan was surprised to see that Liu Yang came home, but when she saw him. She vomited instantly.

vomit vomit vomit

"I apologize for that. I'll take a shower quickly "Liu Yang ran straight to the bathroom. He only left there after two hours.

The bath took a long time because he needed to wash his clothes and clean the dirt off his body completely.

"This is much better." Liu Yang took a deep breath. The rotten smell has finally been removed from his body.

"Liu Yang, what happened? How did you get that way? " Lin Lan asked curiously. She had never been to the forest full of rotten swamps before.

"I fell into some rotten water lakes. Only that." Liu Yang summed it up in a single sentence.

"I see Liu Yang, you should go over to where those two Japanese women are. They are worried about you "Lin Lan received the request from the two women. If Liu Yang shows up, she should tell him to go to the brothel.

"Okay. Let's go together. This is a good opportunity for us to do activities as a group "Liu Yang tapped Lin Lan's soft buttocks.


"Pervert ..." She blushed at that action. Doing group activities was very daring for Lin Lan, she never did that before.

"Liu Yang, you finally came back. I was already worried about your safety "Lida Aoi hugged Liu Yang and kissed his lips.

"Aoi, you don't have to worry about that. In the initial village, there is nothing I can defeat me" Liu Yang said confidently. He had confidence in his own strength.

"Liu Yang, while you were gone. Some inhabitants spread the word that you had died or leveled to level 10"

"Interesting ... Did these people do anything else?"

"No. None of them know if that was true or not, so they didn't try to commit any crimes. "

"So everything is fine. As long as they do not commit any crime, there is no problem. Changing the subject, did you train while I was away? "

"Yes, but we only managed to level two levels" Naito Chiho said embarrassingly. She and Lin Lan spent several days trying to level off, but their performance was poor.

"At least you managed to do something. But let's change the subject. Aoi, you still owe me my reward, right? " Liu Yang hugged her from behind and whispered in her ears.

"Ahh ... Liu Yang, there are other people here ..." She was embarrassed to do this kind of thing in front of Naito Chiho and Lin Lan.

"Haha ... Let's all go together." Liu Yang carried the three women to bed. He played with each one of them until they passed out in the bed from fatigue.

The three women moaned like wild beasts in bed, after so long without doing activities. They were dry as a desert.

Liu Yang's arrival was like a storm with heavy rain.

Then it was the turn of the two assistants. Because they were also not doing activities all this time.

A few months later...

A message from the system scared all the inhabitants of the five villages.

"Attention!!! As each of the five villages was taken by one of its inhabitants. Each village will receive a portal to travel to the other villages. Village owners should check this option and activate the portals."

"The time limit for doing this is three months. After that, the portals will be activated automatically "

"The inhabitants will not be able to level to level 10 until the portals are open"

That message was like a bomb in everyone's ears. Because nobody imagined that something like that would happen.

It seems that it took about five years for the villages in each of the initial areas to be taken by just one player from each area.

"Liu Yang, what are you going to do? Will you enable the portal for the other villages? " Lida Aoi asked. She was naked and lying in Liu Yang's arms.

The other four women were lying in bed breathless, the long activity session was very intense.

"I will wait this three months before accepting. We can't embarrass the village, can we? Others need to get stronger before they show themselves to others. Besides, no one else can level up to level 10 and leave the village "

"Liu Yang, will you increase the rewards?"

"Yes, this is to encourage everyone to level." Over the past few months, Liu Yang has accumulated many points of contribution to the system. He increased the size of the village to the maximum size, also created more powerful equipment to buy and more other things.

Village E was the most delayed among the five, this happened because the real owner had left and the place stays without an owner to manage the village. Thus, the village never leveled.

"Liu Yang, this is a great idea"

"Yes. I also want my rewards appropriately, "Liu Yang joked.

"Pervert" Lida Aoi straddled Liu Yang like a cowgirl and started to move her hips seductively.

A new round of activities started inside the room.

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