Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 427 427: The Tests I

Chapter 427 427: The Tests I

Cole opened his eyes to a colorful tapestry, soon enough this would be all he knows., but he was not exactly ready to leave everything he knew behind and fully become the World Breaker. Regardless, there were things that needed taking care of care, and chief amongst them probably has to be letting Peronico Porins run whatever tests he wants to run.

Being a Raen was probably a lot more than what he the first Raen probably knew. Everyday Cole was discovering new things about his body, and all of these new things were probably just a fraction to what he was probably capable of. Since advancement of his stats to the diamond rank and getting himself to the 100th level, has slowed so much. Cole had to seek out other avenues of improving and growing stronger, and the one of the best ways to do that is understanding exactly what his body is capable of.

Raen Valley had taken on a life of it own, the perfect blend of magic and traditional architecture had turned the once forest valley into a mishmash civilization of Asian and African culture. To Cole it felt so much like home or rather it felt exactly how home is supposed to feel.

The Collegium was at the south west end of Raen Valley, not too far from the main gates itself. Cole moved around incognito, seamlessly blending into his subjects as they moved to and fro the rapidly growing city. But it was not as if they didn't recognize him either, but except for the denizens who were not from earth and only had experience with looking up to the strong, the others just glanced and moved about their lives.

It was no different from their lives on earth, just sheep, moving about. To them perhaps Cole was some famous celebrity, or just another politician who had come down to play with the commoners. He was nothing more than a spectacle, Cole sorely wished that Raen Valley was much more than that, but this was a curse of society….people are content with watching from afar and not stepping up to take up their own destiny into their hands.

He huffed as he strolled through the doors of Collegium, his awareness of the dungeon spreading in an instant. Letting him find Peronico almost instantly and letting the arch mage know he too was around. Peronico had been given the Collegium as a base, and somehow the gnome had bonded himself to the dungeons core, being a part of the Collegium and much as it was a part of him.

It was weird but, apparently the Gnome had achieved some sort of pseudo-immortality. Well Cole hoped that ended well for him, as he turned a corner around one of the pillars in the building and seemingly walked into a wall…or rather through it.

It was a whole other world beyond the wall, there were gnomes, and Raen moving about. The Collegium was not just the headquarters of the 7th division under Peronico, it was also the secret base for the 5th division, Delarosa's [Threat Neutralization , Espionage Operation, Assessment and Logistics] division; (T. E. A. L)

Which was why it didn't come as any surprise to Cole when he felt Delarosa sink into his shadow. They had a bond for sure, her constant need to prove herself his bodyguard and most capable general baffled him. What she was in him that she could give this much loyalty Cole was not sure, but at least through it all…she was a very good friend of his.

"Your thoughts are louder than normal…don't think too much into it. You save my life…gave me a new one with meaning and helped me conquer my curse…you made me turn it into my strength. And even without any of that, you are a man worth following Lord Cole. I believe in what you are doing, not just for your people but for anyone who wants to find a safe place.

Everyone here has a vested interest in making sure that Raen Valley does not just survive, but grows. We are doing something that has never been done before, leaving a mark that would be seen and sung about for eons.

And if Chaos is what we are remembered for, to leave our names behind, to survive… then so be it. Chaos brings order and growth, I have seen it, we all have. What you do is almost.. no it's sacred! Everything you touch you make better, even while swimming in an ocean of blood.

Where you lead I'll follow, to the ends of the universe or the beginning of a new one, till the breaking of worlds. "

Delarosa sounded almost… psychotic. There was a madness to her words, Cole could feel it lingering within the hidden depths of her words. She was unique, she became a Raen from and extremely powerful Undead existence. She was unique even amongst every other Raen here, second only to Tehilla. But this was no game, this was reality, were there perhaps side effects of changing races?

Cole didn't know, but Delarosa almost religious description of him, had him worried. He was all about bringing down people like that, and yet now somehow he seems to be turning into those kind of people. He shook his head as he turned a corner and came up into a lab, Tehilla was speaking with Farida in the corner while Peronico waited for Cole, dressed in a literal honest to God magic robes. And not the harry Potter kind… rather the abracadabra stars and moons Merlin robe.

"Lord Cole! Welcome! Your presence in the Collegium is most welcome!"

"Err okay? Sure?" Even Peronico? Why was everyone (just two people really) acting so weird. He was sure there was some story to be told, and he doubted he'd like it, but then again… there wasn't anything wrong in a little hero worship.

But then again he has been rather reserved and volatile recently with the drama from his family, perhaps this was just everyone's way of letting him heal, but then again Cole could never really tell. He walked up to Peronico and gave the diminutive gnome a nod of acknowledgement.

"I am here now Peronico, so I guess it's about time you run your tests. " Peronico's eyes seemed to have developed some sort of gleam in them as he looked up to Cole with a rather excited look on his face.

"Of course my Lord, please come along with me, I already have something prepared for this. " Cole followed Peronico, raising an eyebrow as he passed by Tehilla and Farida who had not finished with their conversation, but still actually gave Cole a bow once he moved past them. Again he wasn't sure where this new level of regard and respect was coming from.

Peronico led him to a corner of the lab where a massive wheel could be seen. In the middle of the wheel was a mishmash of roots, at least that's what it looked like to Cole. I stead it looked as if a human shaped cradle had been made out of silvery metal, that was woven into thousands of individual strands, that were bow bunched up together. It looked like a giant bowl of noodles.

"My Lord I have not been able to come up with a name for this device, but I have been able to refine it's controls and functions over the time I have spent here and the tests I have been running since you gave me this position, which frankly speaking I can't begin to thank you enough for.

Anyways moving forwards, the Technology would scan you not just down to the molecular level, but down to sol and spiritual level, quantifying everything that makes you up from energy, talent and bloodline. I already was able to make certain calibrations, you would be studied and measured based on the what your people's system would look like once all this is over or you get to level 100.

The procedure is relatively painless and while the scan would leave some residual energy in the body that can be quite harmful if left unchecked, this machine was built for Raens by Raens. [Demonic Constitution] would stop any sort of damage or poison in its tracks. So are you ready sir? " Peronico asked him as Cole sighed then nodded his head.

"You don't have to worried baby…I've been in that thing too. And while it's extremely uncomfortable, the experience is not that bad. Plus many of us are still waiting for a full analysis of our own scans, we can't get that until the prime Raen template has been studied. We will not be able to fully understand our bodies until we are able to understand yours… now do you want to walk in yourself or you want me to push you in." Tehilla said from behind him as she came and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Well you don't have to push me in, I'm up against odds I can't use overwhelming power to defeat, I need to understand myself so that I can grow in the right direction and be stronger… so that I can protect you… the both of you." Cole said to Tehilla, his voice dropping into a whisper.

"That's cute, but maybe you're the one who needs protection, Mr. Chaos Lord. " Cole chuckled as he moved forwards, but not before Tehilla smacked him in the ass in front of everyone, releasing a chuckle of her own, it was a crazy feeling really, but it was almost as if she was telling everyone… 'he's mine' and Cole found that extremely endearing and sexy.

"Alright Peronico… let's get this over with. "

"As you wish my Lord. Now if you wouldn't mind too much….. I need you to strip."

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