Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 360 360: The World Council V

Chapter 360  360: The World Council V

Cole logged back in, making his way to the third floor. The moment he showed up he was assaulted by a bevy of sounds. The city was looking a lot better than he had ever expected and everyone seemed to be busy doing one thing or the other. At the south of the territory was the Collegium, and it actually had people going in and out of it.

But seeing as they were mostly Raens he did not think anyone of them were from the other side. It was surprising to see it here, but in the end the building existed in both realities at the same time. Th entire town itself was also added to the territory, with all of the dorms showing up on the south side. Cole would probably call that the academy district or something, either way he wasn't here for long.

He made his way across the city, with Tehila and Eze joining him soon after. They did not say anything, everyone at the moment had their minds filled with thoughts, or at least Cole and Tehila did and Eze did not want to distract them. Honestly Cole wondered what would happen if he uses the dungeon to train his skills and get to travel back to earth. What would happen? Would his two selves exist besides each other simultaneously. Well he wouldn't worry too much about that though, someone else would come and figure it out for him before he has to.

It was good to see that the Raens were actively trying to use the dungeon, but Cole did not think the dungeon would be able to serve anyone properly, at least not until they all reached level 100...a stage that Cole was just seven levels away from gaining. He was going to do that by clearing all the dungeons on earth, and also try to push for the diamond rank before getting to level 100.

In a way you could say he got his work cut out for him. Because he might reach level 100 or ascension as they say, ascension to what? He had no idea. Never the less, he was really focused on that for now, he wouldn't be worried about anything else, not even the sixth floor. By this point he could afford to let some other person take the lead for once, while he dealt with the problems in real life.

Even at that Cole did not think he was loosing out that much. He would be able to find ti,me to log back in and deal with whatever trials the sixth floor has to throw his way. As long as they could make the earth more secure then things would be easier for them in the long run. With that, once the integration starts, they would not have to be dealing with enemies from within, that would be fighting a war on two fronts and that shit would not be good.

Cole opened his inventory and as one, dragged Peronico Porins and his entire family out. It was weird, because really no living thing was supposed to be able to survive inventories. And funny enough Cole had not put them in his inventory, he had used his [Shadow Dance] skill to transport them into his shadow, however Delarosa who at some point was a permenent resident of his shadow, had been able to access his inventory from there, so Cole assumed the shadow was just a gateway.

"Listen Boy! You should never have kept me in that god forsake place! You put a full blown arch-mage in a shadow dimension designed to siphon and drain emotions. If it was not for my magic, you would have turned me and my family into living robots!" Cole had no idea what Peronico fucking meant by that, but it looks like that would probably something that he has to deal with soon enough.

"Welcome to Raen Valley Peronico. Behind you is a dungeon, but also a Collegium, it's a place of learning and training, and if you still want the job. It would be yours and your family's to look after from now on. As well host classes to teach about the arcane, and yes you will have a salary. Of course, which would be 20% of the revenue the Dungeon gains from people coming to use it.

I believe this should be a good enough set up for you and your family, any other staff that would be needed to run this dungeon, The Lady Tehila will make arrangements and provisions for. With this you would also have access to my own reality and it's resources. You will also be responsible for training people for there." Cole said, only for Peronico to nod and cut him off.

"10% is enough, I cant speak for my children though, now that we're free many of them would want to live their lives and have the chances to do something else. I will run the dungeon, and I retain the right to test any new employee, I don't want any sort of person to work here. And since you say it's a place of learning I ask for permission to find suitable teachers to help me...I have always wanted to be a headmaster.

I have a few favors spread across the universe...there are friends that would be happy for a new chance at life. Fine! You have my loyalty, whatever oath is required, I will swear it and so too will my family. But they will make their choice about how they want to live their lives, also…..didn't you say I would be the head of a division? What is it called." Peronico asked as Cole gave him a happy grin.

He turned to Eze and Tehila and pointed down at Peronico with a pleasant smile. They had attracted a few attention from the passer by's so Cole used his loud voice to introduce the garden gnome…..or maybe soon enough it would be a Raen gnome or something.

"Everyone please join me in welcoming Peronico Porins, the new Head of Division 7! which is the [Institute For Raen Energy And Arcane Mastery(I.R.E.A.M)]. I had to change the name from the former though, I realize that Raens are more than just demons, so everyone please welcome him, and be willing to come learn all about magic from him." Cole said only for Peronico to levitate himself to the air as he said.

"Please you are all too kind…..don't worry I will ensure you all are well trained Experi- err I mean well trained Raens. To the Breaking of worlds!"


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