Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 345 345: (Interlude 1: Azrael The Deathwalker)


5th Floor Renoir Island

Azrael focused on the words in front of him, even in the midst of battle his attention seemed to be drawn somewhere else. He took a step back, dodging a wild strike to his face as the Rapier barely missed his throat, he growled as he focused his attention back to the fight in front of him.

He bent down down under the next strike and left another cut on the Fishman that was in front of him, then he took three steps back, watching impassively as the Fishman grunted, the gaudy robes hanging over his naked frame doing nothing to give the aquatic creature any form of modesty.

He could smell the scent of death, it was heavy in the air, it was a reassuring to him, because he knew without a doubt that it meant that he would succeed. He did not need to try to see the spectre that heralded death's arrival. It consumed when it needed to, no one was above it, no matter how strong they were.

The fish man buckled as a sharp lance of pain seemed to burrow through his body. He grunted and turned to look at the wound Azrael had left on his thigh. Spreading from the wounds were black and purple veins, pulsing ominously as death seemed to sing even louder….Azrael made a move again.

The Fishman shrieked, stabbing his rapier out in Azrael's direction. Azrael danced around the blade. His body like smoke and water as he cut once more, his knife slicing the wound he already made even deeper. The Fishman shrieked again as his body began to convulse.

Foam poured out of his mouth as his eyes rolled back into his head. Azrael left him there as he turned to face the trio of women on the bed. It was unfortunate for him, but ambushing the Fishman noble whilst he was in the middle of carnal acts was the best course of action. The damn noble was too well protected and this was the only way he could safely get close and gut his target.

But Azrael had to admit it, getting into this building had been far from easy, he was almost caught multiple times, but he had managed to slip in and wait for the noble man to return from his soiree with the wives of a business associate of his who he fed to the fishes ten nights ago. That information was useless but at least it made it possible for him to give a little bit of justification to why he was crossing names of a supernatural list.

1. Borno Monig[Eliminated]

2. Seraka Vandelieu[Eliminated]

3. Rembley Solus[Eliminated]

4. Torgivon Geesen[Current Target][Eliminated]

The Fishman was dead, the knife he had was just as powerful as the curse that it had bestowed him with. But Azrael like to be thorough, he was  an assassin after all. No matter what he had to make sure, that the first strike kills the target, rather than having some prolonged fight.

He watched as death seemed to fill the room, the women were silent, none of them willing to let out a sound as they worried Azrael will kill them too. But they couldn't see it, only he could see as death wrapped around the body of Torgivon and pulled, removing a glowing green speck from his body…."The Gift of Life."

Azrael whispered to himself, as what was left, the soul and energy all coalesced into death energy rushed into Azrael's body and his knife's. this time the women could see, they had their eyes open wide in horror as endless streams of greyish black fog spilled out of the body of the Fishman, before rushing into Azrael's body.

He chuckled, grinning in ecstasy and enjoyment as he looked at the terrified faces of the women. They could die, it didn't matter to him anyways. They would die and be more fuel for his ascension. But what was the use, they would make for a pour amount of death energy.


It seemed the guards had been alerted that something was wrong. Azrael itched to take his blade out into the hallway and lay waste to the guards outside, but direct confrontation was not the way of the assassin, it was to come and go not to be seen or heard, only felt.

He jumped out of the window, his dark cloak spreading behind him as a fog of darkness seemed to spill out of his body. He went higher into the sky, floating until he was up on the ramparts, his form slinking slowly through the night. Over the walls of this keep was a port city down in the valley, Azrael jumped, his form vanishing as he popped out from shadow to shadow using [Shadow Travel] with ease.

There was a loud clan as bell began to ring, definitely the guards would now be raising the alarm as would have most definitely found their dead lord. Azrael picked up speed, using the trees for shade as he made his way to the town below. He was much faster than the guards and found himself within and on a ship that was conveniently just about to leave port this very night and this very moment.

He left, his job here down and dusted as he faded into the shadows of the ocean, their ship out of sight before anyone could know better. Just as he got the signal for the all clear his death list refreshed and a new name popped up.

5. Borno Monig[Eliminated]

6. Seraka Vandelieu[Eliminated]

7. Rembley Solus[Eliminated]

8. Torgivon Geesen[Eliminated]

9. Cole 'World Breaker' Raen Night[Current Target][Alive]

Azrael smiled to himself as the new name appeared, this meant access to more abilities and growing strong, so strong that no one would hurt him anymore, so strong that people would just leave him alone to do as he pleases. Azrael had no idea who this Cole Night is, but never the less he was looking forward to putting him down, and seeing if the [World Breaker] had what it takes to bring down the [Death Walker].

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