Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 318 318: The Dungeon Of The Dragon Queen III

· Aspirant: [Cole <World Breaker> Raen] Class: [Reaver Prince]

• Level: 74 [550,345/750,000)] Race: [Raen Arch-Duke]

• Titles: [Savage Connoisseur] [Antihero] [Warrior] [Progenitor] [Genocider] [Rambo The Commando] [Mass Murderer] [Void Breaker] [Undead Bane] [Creator] [God Slayer]

• Money: [Gold: 6.250.000] Alignment: [Chaotic Neutral] Lives: [08]

• Energy: [35.6k/35.6k] Negative Energy: [1090/1090] 

• Buffs: [+15% Damage] [+200% Eating Skills] [+50% Damage To All Alignments] [+70% Damage/Skill With Firearms] [100% Damage to Endangered Species and Solo Enemies] [+10% to all stats when Facing off against more than 5 Enemies, Doubles every +10 Enemies] [Permanent +25 points every 50 Enemies killed in a single Conflict] [+200% To Movement, +300% To Spatial Skills] [+65% Damage To Undead] [+100% Transformation Chance] [+300% damage against higher ranked beings]

• Primary Weapon: [Black Malakai Cursed Sword] Secondary Weapon: [Spear Of Life And Green Methu ] [Blue Obsidian And Black Sapphire] [Raen Ranger Rifle 'Gospel']

• Primary Armor:[Night Demon Bounty Hunter Set] Secondary Armor: [N/A]

• Party:[n/a] Team:[n/a] Guild:[World Breaker] Alliance:[n/a] Faction: [Leader Of Glade Raen (Third Floor)]

• Charisma(Seduction)+(Silk Tongue)+(Commanding Presence): Gold II(1338/3000) [Lesser Mind Control(Active)] [Assassinate(Active)] [Vertigo(Active)]

• Perception(Domain)+(Clarity)+(Focus): Gold III(492/3500) [Aeronaut(Passive)] [Sin Seeking Eyes(Passive)] [Shadow Dance(Active)]

• Intelligence(Technopathy)+(Psychometry)+(Arcane-Tech): Gold III(157/3500) [Shielded Mind(Passive)] [Sin Eater(Active)] [Technoman(Passive)]

• Dexterity(Wind)+(Telekinesis)+(Ambidexterity): Gold IV(920/4000) [Spectral Rover(Active)] [Sin Reaper(Active)] [Chaos Mirror (Passive)] [Shockwave (Active)] [World Storm(Active)]

• Attunement(Space)+(Dimension)+(Balance): Gold III(2634/3500) [Gravity(Mastery)] [Adaptive(Passive)] [Demon Constitution(Passive)] [Chaos Blast(Active)] [Star Fall(Active)]

• Soul(Aura)+(Divination)+(Astral Projection)+ (Soul Travel) :Gold I(1150/2500] [Soul Eater] [Soul Bank: 18] [Energy Manipulation(Mastery)] [Summon Deraka(Summon)]

• Knowledge: [Martial Arts Master] [Expert Marksman] [Arcane Farming] [Arcane Winemaking] [Arcane Brewing] [Dark Summoning] [Arcane Nature Engineering] [Monster Husbandry]

• Stat Points: 504

• Assets: [Cruiser Class Iron Ranked Luxury Ship/Mechanoid Direwolf King Mount] [The One Eye Of Mormon] [King Solomon's Undying Heart] [Gold Ranked Pseudo Dungeon Core ] of [5 Gold Prism] [1 Gold Prism Of The Avenger] [1 Diamond Prism] [Hero Class Atmospheric Base (Upgradeable/System Access)] [10% Shares Of Sierra Corp] [Cold Silver Spawning Crystal] [1 Gold Rank Prism Of Pioneer] [1 Gold Rank Prism Of Prodigy] [1 Gold Rank Prism Of The Pinnacle] [1 Gold Rank Prism Of The Sovereign] [1 Gold Rank Prism Of The Universe] [1 Gold Rank Prism Of The Deep] [1 Gold Rank Prisms Of The Crashing Waves]

There were a few changes that Cole could see, for one all his monetary denomination had changed and it was now just showing Gold. Of all his stats, only his soul stats was still Gold rank I, heck his dexterity was so far along being at Gold rank IV. It would be a little hard to truly measure his power, but on average you could say Cole was now a Gold rank III individual.

He shifted his attention back to the dungeon as he picked a random direction and started walking towards it. However his problems started the very moment he crossed the tree line from the clearing as the petrified trees around him all developed spikes that they shot out, skewering Cole in the process and poking him full of so many holes.

"Well this is awkward, and even more so quite surprising." Cole said to himself, there was no pain, and he was not dead, especially when you consider the fact that about two of the spikes that had shot out of the trees had stabbed into his head, ruining most of it, yet Cole was still alive.

Better yet some of the spikes had even broken on contact with his skin. This was [demonic Constitution] at the gold rank. Way beyond what he ever expected, and he could feel the skill at work, running calculations and even taking stock of the kind of material the spikes stuck in his body were made of. The next time such an attack would come his way, his body would be better equipped to deal with it.

The spikes retracted, and a basilisk showed up, jaws opened wide to bit of Cole's head. [Gravity] created a shield around Cole as he promptly pushed back, turning it into a reflective force that blasted the lizard backwards until it smashed through one of the trees.

Cole followed, Black Malakai in hand as he slashed  from bottom upwards, releasing a reddish blue trail of energy that cleaved the earth and the very air itself as it slashed towards the Basilisk. The creature was smart, and definitely in the gold rank as it dodged to the side, with Cole's slash just going on to split the tree behind it in half.


"Well fuck you too."

Cole responded with a grin, and in response another Basilisk showed up to join the party, dropping down on Cole from the top of the tree that was above him in a paltry attempt at an ambush. Cole moved backwards and slashed upwards, energy coating his swords as he divided the second Basilisk in half.

Then he rushed forwards to the next, it's eyes developed a shine, as a blast of energy released from its body. Cole came to a stop as his body locked up and he fell to the ground.

[You Have Been Affected By Petrification]

[Chaos Mirror Activated!]

  Almost immediately he regained his ability to move and rose up, just in time to see the Basilisk turning to stone mid leap, its own ability turned against by Cole's Chaos Mirror skill. But this was just the beginning as soon enough, Cole found himself surrounded by almost a dozen more Basilisks.

"where the hell did you guys all come from?" Cole asked, because he had not felt them. Not a single sign of life, no footstep as no nothing until they were all right in front of him.

"Very well then, you've got no answers for me? Then maybe you will give them to my blade." Cole said to them as he watched the Basilisks, it would not be wise to underestimate them, this was like being back on the first and second floor allover again. Some of this things were not to far in strength from him, and they outnumbered him…..this would be a difficult hunt, but that was good.

"It has been a while since something has really challenged me…. I hope you guy will Not disappoint!

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