Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 279 279: Part 1: Territory Upgrades I

Cole would have to check his stats to see to their growth but this was a welcome surprise. But beyond all of that was the announcement the system and just given, it seems they had run out of time. He would have to rush through the leveling up and upgrade of his territory. It needs to be as secure as possible as once he's on the fifth floor he would not be able to return until the path to the sixth had been discovered….. he didn't know what to expect but it would be best to cover his bases.

He turned to look at the crowd that had gathered. Since he was now the leader and there has been a major change in events, everyone was waiting for him to give them directions about what they would be doing next. He nodded his head to no one in particular as he took a deep breath and looked at them.

"Seems like there has been a change of plans, but it will not stop us all from growing as we ought to. The denizens under the command of the Phonenixborn clan will focus on defense and development, any aspirant not ready for the fifth floor would pitch in. The military guys, I can see you guys are rearing for a fight so we will make sure we conquer the whole of the valley before we figure out how to tackle the problem of the fifth floor. The rest of us, are free to pitch in anyway they want to, but ultimately I believe it would be wise for all of us to prepare for whatever rigors the fifth floor would have in store for us. So…..are you with me!" there was a smattering of agreement before someone screamed out loud.

"To The Breaking Of Worlds!" and then that became a chant as everyone else picked it up too.


Cole chuckled as he nodded his head. Raens….still humans in soul, but demons in body. They weren't really builders, if they built it was still to feed their penchant for destruction. To The Breaking Of Worlds! An apt description for exactly what they were, and who they were He broke the status quo, the broke the foundations, they overturned the heavens…..they will break worlds, and they will do it with a bloody smile on their face…..so Cole responded as he too agreed…..

"To The Breaking Of Worlds!

Cole smiled, and looked over the territory, there was quite a lot of things to look after, chief amongst them was making sure all his facilities are leveled up to iron, and then see how far he can push the upgrade of the territory until he could return. Because after dealing with this third floor event, it would be straight for the fifth floor and there would be no returning until the sixth floor.

First thing Cole had to deal with though were pending notifications for both the orchard and the farm, those two facilities did not need to guided and upgrade through the use of territory points, but they would do so themselves by benefiting from the ritual Cole had performed. Now souls could be a sort of battery for their refinement and upgrade, at least until the power of the souls runs out and Cole would have to replace it with another one.

But the souls that Cole had used originally were power souls, at least Gold rank. That should be more than enough to get the farm and orchard to silver I, and in his absence would still be enough to offer small improvements till he gets back from the sixth floor. He nodded to himself as he looked through the notifications, all the while still preparing to finally raise the territory to Iron rank I.

[The Ritual You Performed Has Raised Your Orchard Level From Bronze VIII To Iron I +20 Territory Points]

[The Ritual You Performed Has Raised Your Farm Level From Iron I To Iron III +30 Territory Points]

[You Have Harvested Yam x100 +15 Territory Points]x3

[Orchard Has Reached Iron Rank I! Evergreen II Buff Activated!]

[Territory Buff: Evergreen II: all natural produce and crops within your territory would remain fresh three time longer and would not degrade in quality until the period has Elapsed.]

That's two facilities now at the iron rank, there was already a lot of interaction from within his territory that was gaining him territory points, and nothing was bigger than the harvest and usage of resources. Apart from that all of the recent construction had even net him more points than he would have imagined and because of that he was sitting on a rather tidy sum. The best thing about this was that every facility that received an upgrade would find a way to give back to the territory, especially when they're in use.

[You Have Harvested Many Units Of Wood! +700 Territory Points]

[You Have Harvested Many Units Of Stone! +430 Territory Points]

[You Have Harvested Many Units Of Ore! +300 Territory Points]

[Recent Development On Your Territory Has Gained You +50 Territory Points.]

This was just a summary of everything that had been gained, as Far a Cole was concerned anyways. He did not have time or the patience to go into detail about how every single territory points came along, but never the less there was more than enough to make sure that everything here was at a high enough level before he upgrades the territory to Iron Rank I, and that would be when the greatest of changes would be implemented, at the very least the territory would undergo a qualitative change and Cole would finally be able to pick a type and a class, it should give the territory a theme and influence the direction of their growth.

The first thing Cole did was to spend 270 territory points each to raise the [Manor] the [Advanced Modern Dormitory] and the [Basic Guild Hall] To Iron Rank I. Then he used a 100 Territory Points to get the bottling plant to Iron Rank I. With this there was not a single facility in his territory that was at the Bronze rank, except for the wall, so Cole used another 270 points to bring that up to point. There was a small rumble, but no change was made, not until Cole was ready to upgrade the territory, however before that, every facility reaching Iron rank, had gained something.

[Manor Has Reached Iron Rank I! Territory Skill Core I Activated!]

[Territory Skill: Core I: a core has been created capable of storing energy to power. It will increase base territory energy and energy production by a factor of 200% and will be responsible for powering defensive and offensive enchantments and technologies.]

[Advanced Modern Guild Dormitory Has Reached Iron Rank I! Powerful I Buff Activated!]

[Territory Buff: Powerful I: As long as it is within your territory all guild members would gain a +50 to combat prowess including both defensive and offensive strategies.]

[Basic Guild Hall Has Reached Iron Rank I! Powerful I Buff Activated!]

[Territory Buff: Unity I: As long as it is within your territory all guild members would gain a Passive +200% Exp Accrual Rate. As the guild and territory grows so to will they.]

[Basic Wood Wall Has Reached Iron Rank I! Rebound I Buff Activated!]

[Territory Buff: Rebound I: every wall in your territory has a passive rebound effect on all attacks by a rate of 45% this effect utilizes energy]

There were still so many thing that Cole had to deal with. But he was in a hurry, as he was standing here he was hearing a sort of commotion coming from the entrance of his territory once again. Even more so as there were still quite a few people gathered in front of the manor as he was making this upgrades. So if this was an attack there was no much protection being offer to entrance of the people that were there. He shifted his gaze down and gave the territory stat sheet a cursory glance.

• Territory: [Raen Valley] Rank: [Bronze V] Type: [N/A] Owner: [Cole 'WORLD BREAKER' Raen]

• Class: [N/A] Energy: [1500/1500] Territory Points: 140/ Buffs: <Evergreen II> <Powerful I> <Unity I> <Rebound I>

• Stats: [Attack: Bronze I(0/10)] [Defense: Bronze I(0/10)] [Production: Bronze I(0/10)]

• Skills: [Attack:] [Defense: (Passive Health Regeneration)] [Production: (Core I)]

• Resources: [Wood: 4.8M] [Stone: 2.9M] [Ore: 764,088K] [Mana Cores: 900] [Prisms: Bronze>> 428/Iron>211/Silver>99/Gold>0/Diamond>0]

• UPGRADE REQUIREMENTS: [500 Stone] [500 wood] [50 Magic Cores] [50 Bronze Prisms]

• Facilities: [Manor: Iron I(0/110)] [Farm(Evergreen I): Iron I(3/110) ] [Orchard: Iron I(0/110)] [Wood Node: Silver I(0/1000)] [Stone & Ore Node: Gold I(0/10,000)] [Basic Wood Wall: Iron I(0/110)] [Basic Modern Bottling Plant: Iron I (0/110)] [Basic Guild Hall: Iron I(0/110)] [Advanced Modern Guild Dormitory: Iron I(0/110)]

It was far from the vision that he had originally planned for it, but he was not done yet. He just had to see what the fuck all the ruckus was all about. He really couldn't function or do anything with so much noise being made in the background, Cole didn't like that not for one bit. He shook his head as his body rose up into the sky, and with just a though he shot forwards through the air, going to find out what was wrong.

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