Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 274 274: Part 1: Family II

It's been a very long day, Cole was absolutely tired without even a single chance to look over the territory and run some upgrades, or even look at his own notifications. He had spent the entire time getting to know each and every single one of the new aspirants and just so he wouldn't be partial. He also got to meet the rest of the Phonenixborn clans, and then the aspirants from his own Glade that Farida, Cassandra, Razor and Thunder-Jack had recruited in his absence.

But honestly Cole had enjoyed it, he had enjoyed it a lot. He couldn't remember the last time he was like this, to just be free and relate with people and just enjoy their company whilst not worrying a out scheme and plots, or about his next move or what would be the best way to take a person's head off. And then after that they had all stopped working, someone Cole couldn't remember who had already taken the liberty to use the bottling plant, so there was alcohol.

Then there was hunt by a small group of people who returned with enough meat and then some…. They probably hunter a dragon or something of similar size. They had a barbecue while everyone got to know each other. It was hardest on the people of the Phonenixborn clan, they came from a world overrun by super powered zombies, their very waking moment had always been filled with tension so a chance to relax like this has never been a possibility, until now that it. And it was quite the amazing experience for all of them, as they got to mingle and make new friends.

The only thing really off about this was that Cole wishes Tehilla was here, she would have been sure to enjoy something like this too. Perhaps he should make it a tradition, barbecue and a family thing, or a race thing. Everyone here was a Raen, the allure of the race even if they had to start from a low state was one they could not resist. Plus the transition to Raen always placed them in the right state of evolution for their levels, so level 70 would definitely be a Raen Arch-Duke like Cole. But ultimately he was still the Progenitor and the increase of Raens would sure to boost his stat by a lot.

As the night wore on they made a big bonfire and sat around it, drinking, playing games, arguing, some people had duels, others gave in to the base instincts and let carnal pleasures rule them. This was an open and free space, the kids of course were sent away to a smaller bonfire of their own, but Cole could sense groups of them sneaking to come watch the adults. It was here that Irma and Eze found him, weird how the two were together though.

"The both of us really want to thank you. You can and are an absolute ass at times, but you're a good man, and you have done well for yourself and for us. But I think this as good a time as any to ask you what your plans going forward are, there's a lot of people here, and things will get chaotic without structure." Cole nodded to them as he leaned back on the chair he was sitting, buzzed but still clear of mind as the effects of being drunk don't stay long with him…..his constitution was annoying.

"I have plans of making seven or so divisions or extra guilds that would all come together to form our alliance. But at the same time I think I'm just going to let us remain a guild. An alliance would put to much eyes on us when the Incursion has been completed, so let's just be an extremely large guild, with a lot of power. We'd be overlooked, which hopefully can give us time to get our feet under us before anything else.

The second division would be an Assault and Defense division, the military part of our outfit, that's your division Eze, you would lead it. The third would be a development and research division that's Castor and Pollux's division, then the fourth would be a resource gathering and management division for now, I don't know who would be running that. Then the fifth would be a scout and diplomatic division which would be under Cassandra's purview if she can stop canoodling with a Dragon and get back here. The sixth would be an espionage and assassination division, to be headed up by Delarosa, but no one else would know it exists. And the first division would be Command….my division. We can come up with better names for them, and deal with the intricacies of ranks, salary and merits later but basically that's what I have in mind. I'd also have to get some administrative help as looking after everything by myself would be crazy….so that's it."

He didn't ask them what they thought, he was just telling them what he has decided. It was up to them to challenge his ideas And see if at all the ideas that he has put to the table was of any good at all. But Cole knew his heart and head were in the right place, and all these divisions once they have seen the light of day would give everybody coming in a place to belong, regardless of what your personality was, race, class or preference. Raen Valley was the place to be if you wanted to belong and no one would judge you.

Of course Cole could not expect anyone to always be in harmony. There would be strife, there would be conflicts, and there will be judgment. Which was a other thing his own division would be responsible for, policing the remaining divisions and making sure there was peace. He spent much of the night talking with Irma and Eze, some time later they were joined by Farida and Cassandra, and not too long after Thunder-Jack, Castor and his Brother Pollux and a very drunk Razor who was promptly sent off to bed. And they all sat down and spoke, reveling in each other's company, but also planning, planning very hard for their future. And for the first time in a long time Cole felt a sense of belonging, this was his people, his clan, his pack...this was his family.

And no one, no one in heaven and earth would take them away from him.

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