Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 257 257: Part 1: The Glade Wars II

The scent of nature was in the air, it made Cole uncomfortable. On earth finding a wild stretch of land of significant size is almost impossible, unless of course those are designated farm lands. Humanity had spread so much they're in the trillions, spread out across the planet that's full to bursting with overpopulation and amongst the stars and moons above them.

So because of that the only things that could be considered remotely wild and natural are it's oceans, if you get past the mountain of trash floating on it surface. Either way Pangea was far different than Cole expected, even if to him it seems more like the entire place is infested with ectoplasmic ghost like lifeforms, the air just smelt so different he was more at home to it than any other place.

On a whim Cole decided to go after the Western Glade. He and Neral picked their way through the forest, making sure to avoid unnecessary battles, as it only ended in Cole stomping all of his enemies into the ground and turning them to dust, which pretty much took the fun out of all of it for Cole. He had already conquered this floor, and while he could not even dare to say that he was the strongest being on the entire planet, he could confidently say nothing here could kill him.

They spent the better part of 40 minutes quickly hiking the distance, which wasn't close by a long shot, but this was not enough to slow them down. They started noticing differences in the terrain as they got closer, many of the trees on this side had been felled, And Cole could see how sparse it was that issues were cropping up between glades. He stopped seeing trees 10 minutes into their hike, knowing for a fact there wasn't much of it left. Never the less when they got close enough that the barrier around the Glade was not just a speck in the distance, he came across people, all of them aspirants with some of them being Denizens.

Cole and Neral were able to seamlessly bleed into the crowd, Cole was still in his bounty hunter armor, so his identify was pretty much covered. And it seems the Aspirants were much more concerned with what was happening in front of them, than what was being them, as Cole had come from their backs. Cole moved amongst them, enjoying the feeling of anonymity, of being a shadow that was slipping past his enemies, then he found his target, a young boy standing all by himself but talk excitedly to a group of young children.

"Hey what's happening?" The boy looked up at him annoyed before asking back.

"How can you not know what's happening, where you been? Didn't you get the system notification?" Cole almost cursed out loud, the kid was a lot sharper than he gave it credit for, thankfully Neral was there to rescue him.

"We were in the fourth floor, you don't received system messages for other floors on other floors. Do you understand?" Cole didn't think they did, he watched them repeat the sentence two to three times before finally making sense of it. Cole had to admit that was a bit of a tongue twister. The boy seemed resigned so he just sighed and said.please visit

"Something happened with the darkling nest, it stopped spawning new darklings for like two hours, then it started popping them out faster than we can kill them. The system said there was an event, and that this was happening because we did not kill that massive darkling core thing and Instead left it alone , now some event called the convergence is happening.

Whoever can stop the tides of darklings and claim the three cores of the darklings nest mother's of whatever they're called. That person will become master of the entire valley And would be given Control of the Glade in the middle of the valley. Apparently there's lots of treasures in there."

Cole furrowed his eyebrows in thought. Glade solitude was not a part of this event, and if the cores from the nest mother's as the kid say was what they needed to be a part of the event for Glade or Valley supremacy. Then Cole had screwed his Glade and himself out of it by not just clearing the nest in his Glade but actually pocketing the core and leaving it in his inventory. He made it so that they were not even invited to the damn thing.

Cole was livid and at the same time annoyed, but then again the system had mentioned itself when giving them rewards that somehow all the nests Within their Glade had merged to one and was rather abnormal for a nest. He was right to put an end to it, now he wishes he could go back and perhaps try to do things differently, there were no darklings in his territory again, unless of course the ones that are pets.

"But what are you guys all standing outside, won't you go in and fight?" the boy looked back at Cole obviously annoyed and wanting to go back to chatting with his friends. But Cole was persistent.

"Once you leave the Glade to escape you're not allowed back in until the event is over. However you can still go to another glade and try to stop it from being run over. Then move on to the next before coming back to the one you left to clear it out. Many of us have already gone to the remaining two glades, hopefully we can win this, now leave me alone."

Cole sighed then took a deep breath, before a rather nasty smile etched the side of his face. While he thought he had doomed his Glade there was still a chance. Since the system did not invite Glade solitude, then Glade Solitude had no other choice but to crash their competition and win the whole thing. With that said Cole walked past the barrier into the Glade, with Neral on his heels, the canine huffing in anticipation for the excitement coming his way.

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