Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 153 153: Shopping II

"What are you doing?" Tehilla asked, forcing Cole to take a moment to think and ask himself 'what was he really doing'. It was almost as if his conscious mind had taken a back seat and something darker, something more primal had come out and taken over. But he was already on this road and there was no backing away from it, at least not until he had seen it through.

I wonder how far I can push you before you tell me exactly why you're afraid of me. And now that I think about it, you're almost always too tense when I'm around. Sure 8t could be because you hate me but still, this is way too weak for your normal self controlled self so tell me why" Cole heard someone clear their throat behind him as he turned and looked at the guide, realizing at that moment that perhaps he might have taken too far, up to the point that he forgot he had an audience.

"I don't mean to interrupt, and I know it's probably not in my place to say but, it was allover the news after the split…. That is the split between the both of you." When Cole kept silent, completely clueless about what she was talking about, she took a deep breath and started talking, but Cole could tell she was excited.

"So after your spilt, she was checked into a mental hospital for three months. She had a whole mental breakdown and reports that were leaked to the public says that the inside it caused psychological problems for, kind of like PTSD or something like that. So she's scared of you because you traumatized her, you're her trauma." It was akin to getting shocked with a bolt of lightning. Cole almost had no words to say, he looked down to see that Tehilla was trying her best to look forward and not back at him. He was about to say something when the elevator dinged open and led them into a massive clothing store, with hundreds of customers around.

The guide stepped past him and gestured in, forcing Cole to sigh as he grabbed a hold of Tehillah's wheelchair and started pushing it forwards. He tried his best to pay attention to everything that was going on, and all the managers and tailors and other representatives of Zakir Couture. But he was absent, however Tehilla was not. She guided the conversations he really couldn't deal or follow up with, made clothing choices for him and herself, even going so far to tailor a wedding suit for him, pleasing the people at Zakir Couture so much that a conference call to the CEO who was currently in Paris was held….he promised to be the person to tailor the suit himself along with a couple of other clothing all reinforced and made with special techniques for protection.

Half way through Cole remembered answering questions about his abilities, his body and if perhaps there would be more changes seeing as he was slowly taking on characteristics from his Demon half. Never the less Cole answered as best as he could, giving his dull input in areas where his opinion was needed. It sucked candy everyone could tell he was not okay and absent, a simple 'what're your favorite colors' question from Tehilla and that problem was solved immediately, through it all somewhere at the back of his mind he silently praised her, Tehilla was resourceful, focused, intelligent and adaptive. For a partner, she wouldn't be so bad to have…. Though the traumatized and being afraid of him would kill the vibe.

Shopping was cut short after the visit to Zakir Couture, to show the high level of progress of her healing she had been the one to drive. She didn't have long to spend in that wheelchair as the repairs and tissue healings were almost done on her spine. She would be able to walk again, which could perhaps ease his guilt a bit, but in the end he still needed to confront her based on what he had headed today.

"I don't remember it being that bad, I mean I heard about the heartbreak, the accident, but I didn't hear about all this…. And if it was on the news and I still didn't hear about it then…. Just how much of a terrible person must I have been to have done that to you…..I'm my head I didn't think I did anything wrong, heck I've broke up and broken the hearts of times of girls before you…. Why the fuck were you so different that you fucking saddled me with this heavy burden of guilt that I just can't get away from! There are hundreds and thousands fuck it! THERE ARE MILLIONS OF MEN OUT THERE! One would have loved you, what did you see in me that you had to be so fucked up just from getting dumped!"

At the end of his tirade Cole had smashed his fist into the dashboard multiple times, ruining it. He turned to look at her and growled. Cole was frustrated, breakups happen all the time, it should have been simple, they were both adults it didn't matter if one had a bloody mental illness or not, sure someone would have cried, but some two weeks later or perhaps a month if it was that bad she would have moved on…..but so many things went wrong just from the break up, now Cole has to live with that guilt for the rest of his life… and then she took one hand off the wheel and slapped him…. Hard.

"I'm so fucked up BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! I'd never stop, and you fucking bastard you don't deserve it! I was doing fine, I was moving on and you and you just had to fucking slither back into my life! You should have stayed dead! Everything hurts because of you and I absolutely abhor you! But my heart won't stop doing stupid shit every time you are around. And you are a monster! I see it now, you're a mad man and blood lust driven psychopath! Crazy recognizes Crazy hombre! I don't trust myself when I'm around you, because I hate you and just want to keep hating you!"

Cole blinked his eyes and turned to look at the road. If this was a rom com perhaps this is the part where he would say something cheesy then kiss her and tell her he too loved her, but this was not that kind of shit. So he sighed and leaned his head on his closed fist looking out the door as the city flew back, then he said to her. "Girl you've got some issues you need to deal with, that's a lot of emotional baggage to deal with dear. But ultimately I actually think you're right." Cole finally finished, but Tehilla then asked.

"Right about what?" Cole turned and looked her straight in the eye.

"Crazy recognizes Crazy!"




Herot shook as his skin flexed, shrunk and settled down into what he would consider a respectable form for the sapiens of the planet and universe. But thinking so straight was not his thing, but it didn't matter. His goal here was to build a cell, as the convergence between this universe and the System universe, more and more forces would be sending their elites to stake a claim out of the planet for them. Earth was the central node, the capital, it was the prized jewel that every other force would be coming for.

There was just something about this little blue planet. Herot couldn't exactly say what it was, but he felt drawn to it. Like there is something on or in this world that would have far reaching consequences for the entire system universe. Never the less he shook his body, acclimating to the temperature as he stepped off the circle that had been used to summon him. He smiled, his master had slipped an information packet into their neural network, it was just a matter of some random fool with a dome downloading it and being driven to perform the ritual that would summon him.

Guess the bald idiot bowing down at his feet with a bevy of law enforcement officers behind him and pointing their guns at him, was the idiot who had gotten the spell. The scent of innocent and virgin blood filled the air and Herot took a whiff and a look at the 7 slain young women, their bodies placed in specific positions to make a pentagram. Their blood filling in the gap to make the symbol. It looks like the Idiot had been caught after he'd probably kidnapped and serial killer all these young ladies….the allure for power just can't be denied. Herot smiled as he dispelled the spell that had been driving the man to commit suicide then he said.

"My name is Herot, I'm a Shade Knight from the Infernal Kingdom of Anurag! And I am most pleased to be here today, on this world with all you....it will be fun."

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