Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

Having claimed Belial's Demon Heart, Mu-Gun shifted his gaze toward the ongoing clash between the Spirit Kings and the high-ranked demons. More than half of the demonic forces had already fallen to the Spirit Kings, leaving the remaining demons cornered and overwhelmed.

Not only the Spirit Kings but also Antalion was actively engaged in the fray. Utilizing Dragon Tongue Magic, he mended his injured body and wings before plunging back into the battle. His assaults on the high-ranked demons were marked by an unprecedented ferocity, perhaps fueled by a desire to retaliate for the torment he endured before the Spirit Kings intervened.

In the collective onslaught of Antalion and the three Spirit Kings, the high-ranked demons found themselves powerless, unable to withstand the onslaught of their combined attacks. As their ranks rapidly diminished, Mu-Gun, confident in their capability, saw no necessity to intervene and shifted his focus to assess the situation on the opposing front.

Mu-Gun instructed the Dragons, aside from Antalion, to handle the territory where another Hellgate had been opened concurrently with the ongoing battle. Following his command, the five Dragons redirected their efforts towards the second Hellgate's location.

The Earth Spirit King Nordic told Mu-Gun what he heard through the Earth spirits,

-The Hellgate has already been destroyed, and most of the summoned demons have been eliminated.

Then, there will be no problem there.

-That place is fine, but it has been confirmed that there are Hellgates opened elsewhere.

How many Hellgates were opened?

-There are three.


-Yes. Hellgates were opened in three placesnamely the Tosca, Nevada, and Ankar fief.

Its all territories of the Albion Kingdom. What are the demons summoned through the Hellgates doing?

-As soon as they were summoned, they scattered in small groups.

It seems like they are trying to avoid being wiped out at once.

Mu-Gun's expression darkened upon learning that the demons were dispersing in smaller groups. Given their Master Rank status, he knew they posed a significant threat, capable of wreaking havoc on a fief even in smaller numbers. The challenge ahead was not to be underestimated.

If they dispersed across the continent, launching random attacks, it would prove nearly impossible to thwart them on every front. With their power surpassing the Master Rank, confronting them required knights of comparable prowess, but the challenge lay in their mobility. The demons, swift in their strikes, aimed to elude pursuit by moving promptly after each attack.

There was a silver lining pursuing ordinary demons could be done through the portal. However, when it came to the high-ranked demons equipped with wings, only Mu-Gun, the Dragons, and the Wind Elves possessed the capability to chase them effectively, thanks to their swift movement abilities even without relying on a portal.

Despite their abilities, relying solely on Mu-Gun, the Dragons, and the Wind Elves to pursue all the high-ranked demons emerging from the three Hellgates had its limitations. While it was conceivable to eliminate them eventually, the process was bound to be time-consuming. With every passing moment, the Avalon Continent would bear the brunt of increasing damage.

-They were wiped out a few times, so they are using their brains now.

For starters, please track the demons through the earth spirits.

-I am already doing that. But there are so many demon groups that it is impossible to track all of them.

That cant be helped. Please try to do as much as you can first. Also, please tell the Dragons about it, and ask them to deal with the high-ranked demons that can be tracked first.


After giving Nordic instructions, Mu-Gun summoned a hundred Thunderbolt Swords. Feeling the urgency of the situation, he recognized the need for his direct involvement, especially with the constraints on leaving the responsibility solely to Antalion and the Spirit Kings. Without hesitation, Mu-Gun unleashed the Thunderbolt Swords upon the airborne demons.

A hundred Thunderbolt Swords streaked across the sky in a swift blur. Occupied with fending off Antalion and the Spirit Kings, the demons were caught off guard, unable to react to the impending onslaught of the Thunderbolt Swords despite their awareness of the imminent threat.

The Thunderbolt Swords bore through the demons' resilient bodies. Then, they circled through the air before striking once more. The cycle persisted, each successive thrust drilling holes into the demons' forms, leaving a visible mark with each repetition.

The demons, riddled with holes from the relentless assault of the Thunderbolt Swords, found themselves incapacitated. Subsequent attacks from Antalion and the Spirit Kings sealed their fate, ultimately wiping them out.

With the demons eradicated, Mu-Gun dismissed the Spirit Kings. Following this, he prioritized replenishing his internal energy by first circulating his qi. Despite the urgency of the situation, Mu-Gun recognized the indispensability of maintaining his internal energy for effective combat.

Antalion waited by Mu-Guns side until he recovered his strength. Antalion also used up a lot of energy. However, the Dragons Mana Heart could restore Mana on its own even if they didnt do anything.

Antalion observed Mu-Gun with a mix of emotions as the latter circulated his qi. Mu-Gun had released the Dragons from God's boundary and even intervened to save Antalion's life. The gratitude Antalion felt towards Mu-Gun surpassed that towards anyone else. Previously, Antalion had downplayed Mu-Gun, viewing him as a mere human who lucked into God's favor and strength.

Antalion's decision to disregard Mu-Gun's words and tackle the Hellgate alone stemmed from the lingering hostility he harbored towards Mu-Gun. Nevertheless, Mu-Gun had gone above and beyond to rescue him.

Of course, Mu-Gun must have saved Antalion because he was essential to eradicate the Demon God and to protect Avalon, rather than because he valued Antalion. Still, Antalion was grateful. Recognizing Mu-Gun's indispensable role, Antalion resolved to express his thanks once Mu-Gun completed the circulation of his qi. It took Mu-Gun an hour to finish the process.

Antalion spoke hesitantly to Mu-Gun as he was getting up,

-Thank you. I will not forget your kindness this time.

When Antalion, who had always treated him with an unfriendly attitude, thanked him hesitantly, Mu-Gun tried to hold back his laughter and replied,

I only did what was needed for a comrade. Also, I am glad I arrived on time. I was worried about what would happen if I couldnt save you in time.

-Do you not think I deserved it because I acted arbitrarily?

I dont feel that way at all because I know that you did it for the sake of protecting Avalon.

-Ehem, in any case, I apologize for making things complicated by acting arbitrarily this time. I will follow your words from now on.

Thank you. Then, lets go catch the scattered demons for now.


Upon receiving intel from the spirits tracking the demons, Mu-Gun and Antalion wasted no time in springing into action. Simultaneously, the other Dragons, having obliterated the remaining Hellgates, swiftly joined the pursuit of the elusive demons.

Mu-Gun and the Dragons concentrated their efforts on chasing down the high-ranked demons, particularly those with wings that afforded them swift mobility. Dealing with the wingless normal demons fell to the Avalon Knights, the paladins of the Yupir Church, and the elves. Despite lacking wings, these ordinary demons still wielded power equivalent to that of a Master Knight.

Dealing with the demons in large groups would have posed a challenge for the Avalon Knights and the Yupir Church's paladins. Fortunately, the demons chose to move in smaller groups, inadvertently playing into the advantage of the knights and paladins. The manageable size of these demon groups allowed for effective division of forces. Additionally, the presence of a substantial number of Grand Masters among the ranks of the Avalon Order and the Yupir Church's paladins further bolstered their ability to confront the demonic threat.

As the key members faced the demons head-on, the outcome was a resounding defeat for the demonic forces. However, the demons were not passive victims; they cunningly spread out across a vast area. Dealing with them collectively, even with the combined efforts of Mu-Gun, the Dragons, the elves, and the knights, proved an insurmountable challenge given the demons' strategic dispersal.

Evading the relentless pursuit, certain demons resorted to random attacks on unsuspecting humans. With each demon possessing at least a Master Rank, even in small groups, their destructive potential was immense. In less than a day, a County could be laid to waste by these demons, despite their small numbers, showcasing the devastating impact of their assaults.

Despite the determined efforts of Avalon's guardian forces, led by Mu-Gun, the task of defending every corner proved impossible, resulting in escalating damage over time. A more significant concern arose as their attention remained fixed on pursuing the demons new Hellgates opened elsewhere, summoning additional legions of the Demon God.

In haste, Mu-Gun convened with the Dragons to strategize and implement countermeasures. The Spirit Kings were also summoned to partake in the urgent discussion.

-At this rate, we cannot keep up with the speed at which the Hellgates are being opened.

When the Gold clans Blaze spoke, the Wind Spirit King Nervatum chimed in,

-Youre right. We need to take extraordinary measures.

-What do you mean by extraordinary measures?

When asked by the Ice Spirit King Eladium, Nervatum stuttered,

-I dont know that far

For now, the best option would be to locate the Demon God through the Demon Hearts and eliminate it, replied Mu-Gun instead of Nervatum.

-Yes. Thats what I am speaking of.

Nervatum replied as if what Mu-Gun said was the extraordinary measure he had spoken of. Eladium stared at Nervatum with a baffled expression.

-How many Demon Hearts are there for you to absorb right now? The Blue clans Thermeon asked Mu-Gun.

I have three Demon Hearts with me.

Mu-Gun possessed three Demon Hearts in total. One was acquired from defeating Belial, another was secured by the Dragon clans at the fifth Hellgate, and the third was obtained during the pursuit of demons. However, Mu-Gun refrained from absorbing these Demon Hearts as he couldn't afford to do so while actively tracking down and eliminating the demonic threat.

-It would be a big problem if the Demon Gods location is not within the memories of those three Demon Hearts.

We have to hope that there will be a memory fragment that contains the location of the Demon God.

-Dont worry too much. If the Demon Hearts you have right now do not have the memory, we can just hunt for more Demon Hearts.

Nervatum replied curtly to Nordics remarks,

-How can we not worry? The damage will increase if we cannot locate the Demon Gods location through those three Demon Hearts.

-Who doesnt know that? I am just saying that its not something that can be resolved by worrying about it anyway, said Nordic, expressing displeasure at Nervatums tone.

-Now now! Lets not argue about something like this. Lets try it out first. We wont know until we check it out anyway, said the Fire Spirit King Sarman while stopping Nordic and Nervatum.

-Yes. I think it would be better to look at the Demon Hearts right away rather than waste time arguing uselessly, Antalion agreed with Sarman.

Alright. I will check it out right away.

Mu-Gun extracted the Demon Hearts, and upon doing so, he sensed an overwhelming surge of demonic qi that sent shivers down his spine. The Demon Hearts still retained their unfiltered demonic essence, which hadn't been purged.

With the pressing circumstances, Mu-Gun couldn't spare the time to extract the demonic qi from the Demon Hearts. Absorbing them required purging the demonic essence first. Mu-Gun summoned the Blazing Thunder Qi, infused with Sarman's power, and directed it into one of the Demon Hearts to initiate the process.

The demonic qi within the Demon Heart resisted the Blazing Thunder Qi. Despite its vigorous resistance, the demonic essence succumbed to the overwhelming power of the Blazing Thunder Qi and began to burn. It took over an hour to successfully rid the first Demon Heart of its demonic essence. Subsequently, Mu-Gun quickly proceeded to extract the demonic qi from the second and third Demon Hearts.

Having successfully removed the demonic qi from the last Demon Heart, Mu-Gun took a moment to collect himself before starting to absorb the first Demon Heart. As he quelled the lingering demonic divinity within the Demon Heart, Mu-Gun turned his attention to the fragments of memory it held. To his dismay, he couldn't find any memory fragment revealing the location of the Demon God descending upon Avalon.

After a short break, Mu-Gun proceeded to absorb the second Demon Heart. Once more, his search for the crucial information proved fruitless within the contents of the second Demon Heart. Now, with just one Demon Heart remaining, the pressure mounted for Mu-Gun to uncover the elusive details he sought.

Mu-Gun drew a deep breath and absorbed the last Demon Heart, observed closely by both the Spirit Kings and the Dragons, their expressions fraught with nervousness. Fueled by a sense of desperation, Mu-Gun turned his attention to the memory fragments within the third Demon Heart.

Perhaps because his feelings reached the heavens, a memory fragment revealing the location of the Demon God surfaced within the last Demon Heart. Mu-Gun, focused and determined, scrutinized the contents of the memory fragment, finally uncovering the vital information about the whereabouts of the Demon God.

Upon scrutinizing the memory fragments within the third Demon Heart, Mu-Gun opened his eyes, and met with an urgent inquiry from Blaze,

-How did it go?

The remaining Dragons and Spirit Kings stood waiting, their expressions filled with anticipation for Mu-Gun's response.

I found it.

-Are you speaking the truth?

There is a Demon Churchs headquarters located within the Centrion Mountain Range that runs through the center of the Avalon Continent. The Demon God seems to be recovering its strength there.

-Is that all? I dont think it will be easy to find it just from the fact that the Demon God is in the Centrion Mountain Range.

Thermeon said awkwardly.

We will have to find it somehow.

-Though it is important to find the Demon God, isnt it also important to wipe out the demons summoned from the Hellgates?

Thats a matter of course. So, I think it would be better for me and the Dragons to move separately.

-How do you want us to move?

Me and the Spirit Kings will find the Demon God in the Centrion Mountain Range. Meanwhile, I would like the Dragons to track down the demons and eliminate them, exactly as you are doing now.

-I think thats a good idea.

The Dragons all agreed with Mu-Guns opinion. Then, they set out immediatel.

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