Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 245

Chapter 245

Rather than linearly ascending the Patagon Mountain Range, Mu-Gun's party opted for a zigzag course, strategically navigating the entire range. They had a clear objectiveeradicate the widely dispersed monsters inhabiting the mountains. The Behemoth population within the Patagon Mountain Range numbered just over a hundred.

Mu-Gun's party traversed the mountain range, systematically vanquishing all the Behemoths in their path. Empowered by the augmented Mana reserves from consuming the Mana Hearts, the knights demonstrated their newfound ability to hunt Behemoths independently, no longer solely reliant on Mu-Gun's assistance. With a Grand Master leading the charge alongside six or seven Masters, defeating the Behemoths proved to be a manageable task.

Despite some Master Knights sustaining injuries from the Behemoth's onslaught, Saintess Maria swiftly administered healing with Yupir's authority. However, the damage inflicted on their Chevalier Armor remained a lingering concern. While the armor possessed an autonomous restoration magic circle capable of self-repairing minor damage, it proved ineffective against extensive damage.

Several knights found themselves incapacitated, unable to utilize their Chevalier Armor due to severe damage inflicted by the Behemoth's onslaught. The cost of annihilating the Behemoths came at a steep price, with more than twenty Chevalier Armors rendered unusable in the process.

While facing intermediate-ranked monsters might be feasible without Chevalier Armor, tackling high-ranked monsters proved challenging. Mu-Gun, being as exceptional as he was, could confront Behemoths without relying on armor. However, for Master Knights, a Chevalier Armor was indispensable in dealing with high-ranked monsters. The destruction of their Chevalier Armor left them incapable of joining the ongoing battle.

"More than twenty Master Knights have lost their Chevalier Armor, and we can't predict how many more will be destroyed as we press forward. I believe it's time to implement preventive measures," Walter reported.

How about we let the Master Knights wear the Chevalier Armors of the Expert Knights? the paladin, Rood, opined.

That is a good idea. Considering the Expert Knights won't be immediately joining the battle, there's no urgency for them to use their Chevalier Armor," Gilphian, another paladin, concurred.

"I find that approach a bit unfair to the Expert Knights. They too harbor the desire to partake in the battle. While it may be presently beyond their capabilities, reaching the Master Rank with the Sky God's authority could empower them sufficiently. If we ask them to surrender their Chevalier Armor merely because they can't immediately engage, it would be akin to depriving them of the chance to contribute in the future," Philford countered.

Honestly, that is true, but isnt it a shame for our Master Knights in the current situation? In terms of efficiency, having the Expert Knights relinquish their Chevalier Armor might be the most practical course, Rood said dauntlessly.

Then there would be no reason for the Expert Knights to be part of the expedition squad. Even if they attain the Master Rank eventually, without Chevalier Armors, they won't be able to contribute in battle," Philford countered.

Walter expressed a new opinion. Then how about this? Lets send the Expert Knights away from the battlefield here and ask them to bring over extra Chevalier Armor.

Rood rejoiced and supported Walters opinion. That is a good idea. They wont be of help to us at the moment anyway. Rather than that, it would be more meaningful to ask them to bring over extra Chevalier Armors.

Saintess Maria pointed out, But I wonder if there will be any extra Chevalier Armors lying around.

You dont have to worry about that. Each nation has Chevalier Armors in their reserves in the case of emergency, Walter replied.

As Walter said, each nation had a reserve of Chevalier Armors in their storage, ranging from C-Class to E-Class. However, the E-Class Chevalier Armors only featured completed outer shells, lacking the crucial componentan embedded Mana Heart. The reason for this stemmed from the difficulty in obtaining the essential high-ranked monster's Mana Heart required to power an E-Class Chevalier Armor.

Despite the absence of Mana Hearts, each nation proactively manufactured E-Class Chevalier Armors, anticipating the possibility of embedding them once a high-ranked monster's Mana Heart was secured. In the Pantheon Kingdom alone, over ten E-Class Chevalier Armors were stockpiled in their reserves, all awaiting the crucial Mana Heart component.

"I agree with Sir Walter's suggestion. Let's dispatch around twenty individuals to transport the monsters' Mana Hearts we've collected thus far."

"Excellent plan. By sending back the Behemoths' Mana Hearts we've gathered, we can potentially energize several dozen E-Class Chevalier Armors," Philford remarked delightedly.

The majority of Master Knights were currently equipped with C-Class Chevalier Armors. Transitioning to E-Class Chevalier Armors would make them significantly more powerful.

Then, if there are no objections, lets do that, Mu-Gun decided.

Approximately twenty Expert Knights from the Golden Dragon Order were chosen and sent to the Evelyn fief. Those departing for Evelyn surrendered their Chevalier Armors to the Master Knights who had lost theirs battling the Behemoths. After this exchange, the departing knights set out, allowing the remaining forces to resume the expedition and swiftly eliminate monsters without delay.

* * *

Mu-Gun's group traversed the Behemoth's territory, transitioning into the domain of the Drakes. These Drakes were wingless, flightless dragons around half the size of ordinary dragons. Nonetheless, they possessed formidable bodies, easily surpassing thirty meters in size despite their reduced stature compared to actual dragons.

A Drake's entire body was covered in a hide as hard as dragon scales, incredibly robust to the point that even a Grand Master's Aura Blade struggled to penetrate it easily. The Drake's offensive techniques were straightforward, primarily relying on its powerful tail and the claws on its forelegs to display power comparable to that of an Aura Blade. Alternatively, it could unleash a formidable Breath attack through its mouth.

Despite relying on a straightforward attack pattern, the Drake species showcased unparalleled combat prowess among high-ranked monsters. Even at their colossal size, they had remarkable speed and agility that set them apart. Their swift, nearly imperceptible movements during their attacks posed a formidable challenge even for Grand Masters. The Drakes remained formidable adversaries even at a considerable distance, as they could launch powerful Breath attacks with precision.

Most significantly, every strike from a Drake proved lethal. The slash of a Drake's claw would often rend the formidable plates of the E-Class Chevalier Armor like paper , and the strike of a Drake's tail would crush the armor.

Fortunately, the territory of the Drakes was so wide that it was unlikely that multiple Drakes would attack at the same time, unlike what had happened in the Behemoths territory. No matter how powerful a Drake was, it would not be able to defeat five Grand Masters. Moreover, the presence of Mu-Gun, a God Master, further diminished the threat posed by the Drakes to his party.

Still, they did not let their guard down.

Mu-Guns party had to actively search the mountain range to locate the Drakes, as they were rarely seen.

Drakes are extremely sensitive to anyone intruding into their territory, so they appear quickly when an intruder appears. Am I mistaken? asked Walter in puzzlement.

They had thoroughly searched the Drakes territory, but the monsters were nowhere to be found.

I think they probably sensed danger, Philford replied.

Are you implying that they figured out the strength of our forces and are avoiding us?

If that is not the case, there is no way that the Drakes, which are sensitive to their territory, have yet to appear.

Are you perhaps trying to call for the other Drakes just like the Behemoths? the paladin Gilphian said, unable to get rid of the ominous feeling he was getting.

Then it will become a tough fight.

Do you know how many Drakes are inhabiting the Patagon Mountain Range? the paladin Rood asked Mu-Gun and Walter.

I am not sure, but I think there will be about twenty of them, Walter replied.

The population of Drakes, as Walter had mentioned, was an estimate provided by the Pantheon Kingdom. The estimation relied on the territorial expanse of the Drakes. After gaining control of the Drakes territory, the Pantheon Kingdom assessed the number of Drakes residing in the Patagon Mountain Range based on that territory. They concluded that there were approximately twenty Drakes in the region.

Even if so, theres no way twenty Drakes will attack simultaneously, right?

Walter frowned at Gilphian. Why do you keep saying such ominous things? The Drakes territory is so wide. Not all of them will move together.

I am not saying ominous things. Its just that when were planning a strategy, we have to prepare for the worst-case scenario. Thus, we have to prepare for a situation where all the Drakes within the Patagon Mountain Range attack us at the same time, Gilphian said as if he were teaching a student.

Well, I have no idea why we should prepare for a completely impossible situation, Walter responded sarcastically, clearly disliking Gilphians tone.

This time around, Gilphians expression stiffened.

If they were left by themselves, it was highly possible a conflict would spark between the two.

Mu-Gun immediately mediated. Both of you, please calm down. Arguing over something trivial won't lead to anything positive. Despite our diverse origins and affiliations, we've joined forces with a shared determination to safeguard Avalon. Our ideas and methods may differ, but we shouldn't let that lead to quarrels. We're united in our fight for the same purpose, so let's strive to understand one another and find common ground.

Youre right. It is my fault for making Sir Walter uncomfortable by making negative remarks over and over again, although it was not on purpose. I will pay more attention to it in the future, so please calm your anger, Sir Walter.

Ehem, I too, must have been too sensitive about this. I apologize.

After Gilphian apologized to Walter, Walter admitted his mistake and apologized too. Mu-Gun smiled at them.

By the way, it is certainly suspicious that the Drakes have yet to appear. I think we need to check it out, Rood said.

How do you plan to do that? Saintess Maria asked.

Rood turned to Mu-Gun. I think you have a way, right?

I will try looking for them, Mu-Gun said.

Do you have a method to do so?

It is nothing special. I will just have to move my body a little bit.

What? What do you mean by that? Are you perhaps going to find out by going personally? Rood asked.

Thats right. Originally, the Sky God possessed the power to traverse the entire Avalon Continent in a single day. While my abilities may not match that extent, I can mimic it to some degree.

Then, it wont be difficult for you to search through the Patagon Mountain Range to find the Drakes.

If they are not in hiding, it wont be too difficult, Mu-Gun said.

Then it would have been nice if you had done that right from the beginning.

I didnt know that the Drakes wouldn't show up. Well, although its late, isnt it more important to focus on the fact that there is a way to find them? Mu-Gun replied with a big smile.

Maria laughed in a baffled manner at Mu-Guns crafty reply.

Then, everyone, please wait here. I will go and take a look around, Mu-Gun said.

He ascended into the sky, leaving behind the Avalon Order and the members of the Yupir Church. Then, he transformed into a stream of lightning, swiftly vanishing from their view.

Mu-Gun activated the Thunder God's Shadow, scanning the expansive region surrounding the Patagon Mountain Range. His movement speed was so exceptional that he could complete a circuit around the Patagon Mountain Range in the blink of an eye.

Mu-Gun was able to survey the mountain range while moving at such incredible speeds because he possessed the Thunder God's Heavenly Eyes. Having attained divinity, Mu-Gun's Thunder God's Heavenly Eyes possessed the same ability as a divine eye.

Thus, Mu-Gun was able to take a close look inside the mountain range through the Thunder God's Heavenly Eyes while moving at lightning speed.


While swiftly scouring the mountain range for Drakes, something caught Mu-Gun's attention. Halting the Thunder God's Shadow, he focused on the situation deep within the mountains. He found the Drakes he sought, not just one but a cluster of over ten of them. Yet, that wasn't the main point of his discovery. The Drakes were assaulting some people who were inside a protective barrier of colossal tree trunks.

Mu-Gun observed the species engaged in combat against the Drake group within the fortress. They exhibited beautiful features, closely resembling humans in appearance. The distinctive feature setting them apart from humans was their long, pointed ears.

Mu-Gun swiftly discerned their identity. They were Elvesa race cherished by the forest and spirits.

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