Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 204: Comments

Chapter 204: Comments

Translator: Kris_Liu Editor: Vermillion

Sorcerer Administrative Department.

"All A+...?" Eric looked the young and good-looking man from head to toe several times, and said incredibly, "How’s that possible...? Your reasoning ability and your arcana way of thinking are similar to that of a middle-rank arcanist. Did you really just start three months ago?"

"I swear, Mr. Eric." Lucien grinned.

"I trust you, Evans." Eric rubbed his face a bit with his right hand, "There’s no way one could cheat in this test, unless they had some legendary level magic item. So, Evans, here I announce that you have passed the test. After the department director signs it, you will get one basic arcana credit. Please wait a little."

There was one main director and three vice directors in Sorcerer Administrative Department, and the main director was also the member of Affairs Committee.

Watching Eric sending the test result to the director, Lucien asked expectantly, "Mr. Eric, when do you think I can get the result of my arcana paper?"

Calm as Lucien was, he still definitely looked forward to it.

Undoubtedly, the periodic table of the elements played a very important role in the whole history of science development, symbolizing the end of human being’s disorganized exploration of elements, and it inspired countless further important studies.

Moreover, what was hidden behind the periodic order was an amazing, unimaginable, brand new area. In-depth study in this field could greatly shake the past knowledge of physics in Lucien’s original world, and might also overturn some major theories currently supported by the congress.

Therefore, it was not improper to compare the periodic table of the elements to the cornerstone and the throne in the world of element study. However, important as it was, when Mendeleev first put it forward in Lucien’s original world, no one paid attention to his research, and people even commented that his work was a total waste of time, including his teacher. Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the importance of his work was finally commonly acknowledged, Mendeleev still failed to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry by one vote.

Thinking of this, Lucien was inevitably a little nervous. He knew that his paper required the support of further researches, to be done by other sorcerers.

If no one was interested in his research, or the theories that Lucien brought from his original world did not work here in this magical world, his work would never pay off.

Even if there were arcanists who could see the importance of his finding, verification still needed time, but Lucien needed attention from the Will of Elements right now, or before that, he would be killed by some powerful group, say, the Hand of Paleness.

The best way to get enough feedback as soon as possible was to publish his paper on a very influential journal, but before that, the paper needed to get through the review of the board.

"It depends..." Eric answered, "For an arcana paper, I would say that it varies between three days to a week or even a month. Your last paper was an exception, Evans. But there’s nothing to worry about as well, as your paper will be saved by the board, and no one could take your research result."

"I see..." Lucien nodded. In a short period of time, Lucien believed that he was still safe, and the undead thing would not easily attack him. Although he did plan to somehow borrow the power of the congress to find who sent this thing to watch him, Lucien decided to be more cautious as he was still very new here.

A while later, the document signed by the director was sent back. Eric then renewed both of Lucien’s arcana badge and magic badge.

"Evans, you’ve got your basic arcana credit, while at the same time, in the latest issue of the journals, a total of nine papers cited your experiment and research result, including the one from Mr. Fernando, so that’s a total of nine arcana credits." Eric looked at Lucien’s arcana badge and said, "Now in total, you have seventeen arcana credits. Congratulations, Evans, you’re a level one arcanist now."

Eric shook hands with Lucien, and handed Lucien’s arcana badge back to him.

There was a shining silver star on the black badge, looking mysterious.

Then, Eric gave Lucien’s magic badge back to him, "Because Lord of Storm cited your paper, many arcanists are interested in studying your new magic. As it is an apprentice level magic, you get one point for each exchange. In total, you’ve got seven hundred and sixty-nine arcana points. Good for you, Evans."

Lucien was very surprised with the points he had earned. He knew that this number meant that close to one tenth of the sorcerers in Allyn bought his magic!

The grand arcanist was definitely influential. As a teacher in Douglas, Lucien had to at least work for six or seven years to earn this many points.

As soon as Lucien got excited, he realized that when he stepped out of this building, the undead thing would be following and watching him around again, so he quickly calmed down.

Wearing his new badges, Lucien came back to the department hall.

Cindy and Dona congratulated Lucien sincerely and felt surprised that he became a level one arcanist so fast.

After having lunch with Cindy and Dona, Lucien went back to Douglas to wait for the review result of his paper.


On the fourteenth floor of Affairs Committee, in an exclusive lounge.

Holding a glass of wine with his pale hand, Rogerio was quietly listening to the report of the tall undead spectre.

The spectre was wearing a black robe with a hood, which was different from the ancient style, and there were many mysterious white patterns on it. The eyes of the half-transparent spectre were shining with intimidating red light, and it’s thin skin was deadly pale.

"Adol, so you’re saying that Lucien’s just a normal, hard-working sorcerer, and he’s not seeing anyone who’s suspicious?" Rogerio’s tone speaking to the spectre was relatively respectful, as if the spectre was not something he summoned, but his partner.

"That’s right." Adol’s hood moved slightly, "His current research interest is elements, and he has just passed his basic arcana test. I did not find anyone else who was secretly watching or protecting him. You can trust my ability of traveling between the two worlds, Mr. Rogerio. No one except legendary sorcerers or level nine cardinals could sense my existence."

"I see... It’s getting more complicated now." Rogerio’s left hand covered his right hand holding the glass, "Maybe the Will of Elements is using Lucien Evans to distract us, or how would this new sorcerer dare to use his original name in Allyn... It seems that we need to do something now, in order to make some progress..."


Larry’s study.

Larry did not stop his own work until the owl, Mathew, came to remind him that it was close to the deadline of reviewing the several papers sent to him a couple of days ago.

As he was reading the papers, Larry found a familiar name, Lucien Evans, but after taking a second look, he noticed that the author was actually Lucien Evans X.

Because of the name, Larry started reading Lucien’s paper carefully.

In Larry’s eyes, although the periodic table of elements put forward by this Lucien Evans X was quite clear, nothing could verify whether the table was right or wrong unless some new elements were discovered. The discussion and exploration of the periodic order among elements was not something new, and the previous guesses had all proved to be wrong later.

As a level five arcanist specializing in the school of Element, when Lucien boldly pointed out that the measurement of some elements could be wrong because they did not fit the table, Larry slightly frowned, as Larry himself actually did some of the weighing several times and he found no error there.

Larry was about to directly fail this paper, but with a second thought, he murmured, "I should verify the rest of the atomic weighs as well. Now I’m preparing the paper for the next month’s conference in Rentato... I’d better write this down and do it when I’m back..."

Then Larry started to write down his comment on Lucien’s paper.

At the same time, in another place, Timothy, a level four arcanist and a fifth circle sorcerer, who was the student of the seventh circle sorcerer, Overee, was also working on his comment for this paper.


Three days later, Lucien asked for a leave again from the school and came to the Sorcerer Administrative Department. Eric was not here today, and Lucien visited a plump lady named Lucy, who was a level three arcanist, forth circle sorcerer.

"Ms. Lucy, I submitted my paper several days ago, and I wonder if the result is available now?" asked Lucien politely.

Although there was no smile on Lucy’s face, she had no intention to give Lucien a hard time. She nodded and took out a folder, "First, the paper passed the review. According to Mr. Gaston and Mr. Overee, the paper put forward a new periodic table of elements for further exploration of new elements and boldly pointed out the possible mistakes that might exist in the measurement of atomic weight, however, at the same time, there is no solid evidence supporting that the author’s assumption is valid. As a paper worth of further discussion, one arcana credit and one arcana point is given."

Although Lucien was relatively prepared, he found the result still quite disappointing, or say, ridiculous. He believed that this paper would be of great importance in the history of magic and the school of Element, but this paper only earned him one credit.

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