Thousand Autumns

Extra 11

Extra 11

The side door of the daoguan was unlatched.

The osmanthus were in full bloom, a gentle breeze and drifting clouds, the sky refractive as glass, clear as ice.

Clusters of golden-yellow, light-yellow, and white blooms bursting from the branches, heavy-headed, weighing down the branch, which at this moment also had several riotous birds as guests.

Branches swaying, flower petals followed rustling in their descent, fluttering all over the head of the deer resting underneath.

The deer shook its head, and sneezed.

To the side on the short-table, the as-yet-unpoured cups received a scattering of petals, the teapot was simmering over a small fire, brewing tea, the fragrance of the tea was interwoven with osmanthus notes, the deeper and lighter tones achieving a remarkable balance, allowing people to relax completely. 

Osmanthus-falling-tea-brewing, the daoguan was still, no doubt it was a scene that brought joy to the senses, enough to be in a painting, but Yang Guang was not paying attention to any of this.

He was watching the person brewing the tea.

The other was wearing Daoist robes, hair in a topknot, the most plain manner of dressing, but Yang Guang had to admit, the simpler the style, the more it brought out that persons qualities.

From the first time he met this person, how many years had it been? Yang Guang didnt dwell on the matter, but growing up from a child to a young man it must have been at least several years in the interim, this person was truly like a celestial, showing no sign of the accumulating years.

Yang Guang was aware that once martial cultivation passed a certain stage, it would definitely be the case of youth that stayed, technically in the jianghu there were no shortage of people like this, but on account of this person being very good looking, everytime Yang Guang saw him he would spend extra time looking, thus he had a strong impression of this man.

The back gardens are plain, and are unsuited for esteemed guests, if seeking guidance or immortality, please enter through the front doors.

The clear voice sounded from behind the door, Yang Guang couldnt help but feel awkward and glance to the person accompanying him.

The latter was looking down and frowning, his expression calm, he demonstrated no impatience on account of having waited with Yang Guang for so long, neither did he show any discomfort at having been called out, he might actually have been an aimless guest of Yang Guangs, having suppressed his sense of presence to its lowest.

Hed been discovered, so Yang Guang laughed, and pushed the door wide open to enter: This lord saw the serenity of the daoguan, and so casually came this way, I didnt realize I walked this far, disturbing zhenrens repose, please forgive me.

He said this, but did not make any signs of retreating, instead he barged in loudly, he must have believed that the daoguans master could not refuse him.

Yang Guangs life had been smooth sailing since his youth, his doting parents made it so that there were very few things that did not go his way, naturally his character was a bit self-centred.

It turns out to be Lord Jin, please come in.

Shen Qiao smiled, no hint of discontent Yang Guang assumed this was because the other did not have the guts to show any discontent if Xuandushan wanted to maintain their foothold in Changan, they would need the continued support of the court.

As he had just been standing outside staring rudely, Shen Qiao did not get up to greet him formally, Yang Guang had no face to insist on this small detail, he flipped the bottom of his robe up and sat down opposite the other, now it was as if he was no longer the guest but the host, he gestured to the person next to him to also take a seat.

Just now from outside I saw zhenren brewing tea, the fragrance alluring, my feet wouldnt stay in place, I think zhenren will not blame us for this sudden intrusion?

Shen Qiao smiled: Of course not. And who might this guest be?

Yang Guang, intentionally: It is I who forgot to make introductions, this is Zhizhe-dashis disciple monk Yu Xiu, technically he would be my fathers shidi!

Zhizhe-chanshi was from Tiantai Sect, he was the shixiongdi of Fayi and Xueting, in the last couple of years, in order to subdue the Buddhist sects, Yang Jian had to use his position as emperor to acknowledge Zhizhe-chanshi as shifu, demonstrating his respect for the Buddhist sects, the reputation and standing of the Buddhist sects rose like a boat with the water level, in short order their prominence was unparalleled.

This monk Yu Xiu, he certainly did not have a single hair on his head, but he was dressed casually and not in monk robes, so after Shen Qiao heard who he was, his expression revealed a bit of surprise.

Yang Guang: Bringing a monk into a Daoist sect, I hope zhenren wont be displeased?

Shen Qiao smiled: Of course not, all visitors are guests, if Lord Jin and chanshi do not mind, try the crude tea that this poor one has brewed.

Yang Guang, a dashing smile: Tea brewed by zhenren himself, its worth a try regardless, only then can I go find my parents later to brag!

He and Yu Xiu received their cups and bowed their heads to take a sip.

The tea was indeed crude, although it carried osmanthus notes, it wasnt enough to cover-up the bitterness, Yang Guang was not accustomed to it at all, one sip and he had to frown, he put down his cup, glancing one more time at Yu Xiu, the latter was serenely holding his cup, sip after sip, not hurried nor slow, he drank it all.

Yang Guang derided himself: It looks like its me who does not appreciate the art of tea brewing, this tea is wasted on me.

Shen Qiao: Lord Jin is too kind, since the tea leaves have already turned into tea, then its for people to drink, if Lord Jin drinks it, or a passerby drinks it, after being consumed its still present, if not consumed its also present, the question is not about what is wasted or not wasted.

Yang Guang paused, for the moment he did not know how to continue this conversation.

It was monk Yu Xiu who spoke: Zhenrens words contain Buddhist teachings.

Shen Qiao smiled: Buddhism and Daoism are two paths open to each other, it looks like chanshi has some fate yet with the Daoist sects.

Yu Xiu also smiled: People say that zhenren is not one for words, unwilling to teach in a public forum, this poor one sees now that this is not true: zhenren is a skilled debater!

He had delicate features, with this smile his face was like a new bloom, a sudden beam of sunlight.

Yang Guang: After Yu Xiu became Zhizhe-dashis disciple, he trained in martial arts with shibo Fayi-dashi, its said that hes a genius the likes of which has not been seen in some decades at Tiantai Sect, his calibre exceeding that of Xueting in his youth, I was born late, unable to see the monk Xuetings prowess with my own eyes, would I have the luck today of seeing zhenren advising Yu Xiu in an exchange or two?

Shen Qiaos gaze swept past the two of them, landing on the tea cups in front, he said blandly: With Yu Xiu-chanshis calibre, hes sure to accomplish much in the next few years, this poor one is untalented, how could I dare give casual pointers?

This was a refusal.

Yang Guang was quite upset.

He had purposefully tried to garner favour with Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi these two, the latter was hard to track down, on the rare occasion they would meet, he wouldnt give Yang Guang any face anyway, Yang Guang had even complained about this to his parents, who knew the parents who always gave him his way this time were not on his side, this made Yang Guang even more vexed.

As for Shen Qiao, Yang Guang had paid him several personal visits, everytime hed be given the cold shoulder, or a polite refusal, it was as if Shen Qiao was completely uninterested in establishing ties with Lord Jin, he was always courteous but distant. For Yang Guang who considered himself a proud son of the heavens, it was undoubtedly several invisible slaps in the face, Yang Guang had been so upset on several occasions that hed smashed things in his own quarters, the vexation building up even more, almost to point of an unobtainable obsession. 

The only solace was that Xuandushan and Huanyue Sect, although they made no motion of accepting Yang Guangs good graces, they also didnt seem interested in getting closer to the crown prince.

Looking at Shen Qiaos handsome and kind side profile, Yang Guang felt defeated, as well as resentful.

Shen Qiao had saved his life, this he was aware, that year when that scoundrel Chen Gong abducted him to escape the palace, it was Shen Qiao who intercepted and saved him, but Yang Guang felt that in these years his parents had given back enough to Xuandushan, enough to settle the debt of saving his life, so in the depths of his heart, he didnt feel particularly indebted to Shen Qiao, this interval of fate between them was for Yang Guang more useful as leverage to gain a closer allegiance, so that Xuandushan would be more inclined towards him.

It was a pity, Shen Qiao was always tepid, Xuandushan when it came to Lord Jin, also kept their distance.

Thoughts were thoughts, but Yang Guang wouldnt dare display any sign of discontent: Zhenren is too humble, with respect to the martial generations of the jianghu, Yu Xiu is your wanbei, its only natural for him to receive pointers from you, if you dont want to, of course I wont force you, in a few days is the Chongyang Festival, Ive already indicated to his highness that on that day Ill be hosting a banquet on Cuihuashan, would zhenren be willing to grace that banquet with your presence, this lord would surely provide an enthusiastic welcome!

Pausing here, he thought Shen Qiao might decline on account of there being too many people there, and so pointedly added: There will be no extra guests at the banquet, only prominent members of the Buddhist and Daoist sects from the capital, in the conversational style of the Wei Jin scholars, it will be an elegant affair!

Shen Qiao was apologetic: Its a shame, today this poor one will set off to return to Xuandushan, in a couple more days Ill probably have arrived back on Xuandushan, it will be impossible for me to attend, I hope Lord Jin will not blame me.

Rage flashed across Yang Guangs face, but he recovered quickly, smiling, he drained the tea from his cup in one gulp: Its me whos made things difficult, zhenren need not pay it any attention.

Only after Yang Guang and Yu Xiu had taken their leave, did someone from behind the pillar speak up idly: Youve really insulted him.

Shen Qiao didnt bother turning his head, he took a few more sips of his tea, and said: And yet Yan-zongzhu will hide inside like a turtle retreating into its shell, forcing me to be the bad guy.

Yan Wushi laughed: Who let Shen-daozhang be the one to carry all the compassion for the world, his heart every kindness, if I made an appearance, then that Yu Xiu would probably have been unable to leave through Xuanduguans front doors!

Shen Qiao gave him a look, and didnt say more.

Yan Wushi bent over, his lips ghosting his cheek, then traced their way across, leaving a trail of hot breath, stopping finally by Shen Qiaos ear.

I wanted to return on time to spend Qixi with you, but I wasnt able to make it, at least I wont miss winter solstice.

Shen Qiao was slightly flushed, who knew if he was overwhelmed by the heat of the others breath or by sheer embarrassment.

You were gone a long while this time.

Yan Wushi chuckled lowly, and continued to flirt with him: So Shen-daozhang missed me?

Shen Qiao was struck by this, his blush deepening: You know thats not what I meant

Then what do you mean? Yan Wushi seemed to derive great joy from teasing him, and also seemed to be very interested in his ear, he bit it and wouldnt let go, the shell of his ear to his earlobe, was quickly licked wet and teased, Shen Qiaos body was frozen in place, as if someone cast a spell on him, immobilizing him completing. 

Did you With difficulty he summoned conscious thought, go deep into Tujue territory?

No, I went to Goguryeo. Yan Wushi could still spit out a full sentence, because it was his hands that were occupied exploring an unmentionable place, encountering no resistance he did as he pleased.

Shen Qiao: Goguryeo? What were youdoing there?

Yan Wushi: They grow ginseng there, its one of the commodities that Huanyue Sect does business in, I took a detour to east Tujue, and decided to go since its along the way, Duan Wenyang is doing pretty good in east Tujue, Tulan Qaghan values his talents, he can be considered the second Hulugu.

Shen Qiao shook his head: His heart is not in martial arts cultivation, so he will never become the second Hulugu, but that monk Yu Xiu just now, hes very interesting.

Yan Wushi: What, Im not enough for you, you still want the monk?

In short order Shen Qiao became completely red, he gaped, upset and wanting to dispute this, but not knowing where to begin, he was truly pitiful and very cute.

Yan Wushi couldnt help but roar with laughter, he picked up the person horizontally, and carried him inside.

The author would like to say:

This extra contains some foreshadowing, but wont get into extensively, only briefly touch upon some things, after all this is an extra, saccharine is the focus, the plot is secondary ~~

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