Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 273: Would he have been willing to die for that?

Chapter 273: Would he have been willing to die for that?

Chapter 273: Would he have been willing to die for that?

The man had used up all his strength to say that last sentence, his bloodshot eyes glaring at the two people walking away.

What was he feeling now? Regret for getting involved in this mess just for some money? Or had he already realized he was about to face revenge and failed to escape in time?

One thing was certain: only the living have the luxury of regret. Once you’re dead, regret doesn’t mean a damn thing.

He was panting heavily, his nerves stretched thin like a wire. If this didn’t stop Ryan and Mia from leaving, then death was the only thing waiting for him.

Luckily, his words were enough to make them pause. Ryan and Mia stopped in their tracks, their eyes filled with doubt as they turned back to look at him.

“Not an accident? Can you back that up?” Ryan asked, frowning. He wasn’t exactly buying it. If the guy really knew something, he should’ve said it earlier, not waited until now.

“I can back it up! I swear!” the man insisted.

“I only know so much about what you asked earlier, but these two things are definitely connected. You’ve felt it too, haven’t you?”

The man struggled against the ropes binding him. They were starting to loosen, and the chair he was tied to rocked back and forth from his violent movements. It looked like he was about to tip over.

One of the bodyguards immediately stepped forward, his face tense. He quickly moved in front of Mia, shielding her from any potential danger, while the others restrained the man again.

The man took another punch, but he didn’t change his story. He kept insisting that Ryan believe him.

Ryan hesitated for a moment, glancing at Mia. She had a “whatever you decide” look on her face, clearly leaving the choice up to him.

“Untie him,” Ryan said, rubbing his chin, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the man. He spoke slowly, almost lazily.

The man was in no shape to be a threat anymore. Even if they untied him, he wasn’t going to suddenly lash out. It was better to show a little goodwill, maybe get him to cut down on the lies.

“Talk to me straight. If what you say checks out, letting you go isn’t off the table.”

Ryan stepped closer, towering over the man, his tone casual but firm as he stared into the man’s swollen eyes.

The man was no fool. He’d just barely escaped death, and he wasn’t about to waste this second chance. His eyes flicked to Mia, who was standing behind Ryan.

She didn’t look threatening, but the man knew the people who’d beaten him up were all following her orders.

The bodyguards also looked to Mia for confirmation. She just gave a slight nod, her eyes sparkling with a calm confidence. There wasn’t a hint of hesitation in her expression.

She had already decided that Ryan was someone she could trust. She didn’t know exactly why, but whether it was how he’d handled the crisis with Alice or how he’d tracked down this guy, his abilities were beyond question.

And even without all that, she would still respect Ryan’s decision. After all, he was the person she liked.

With Mia’s approval, the bodyguards had no more objections. They untied the man and then respectfully stood behind Mia, waiting for her next command.

“You said it wasn’t an accident? What do you know?” Ryan asked, signaling for the man to start talking.

The man, still shaken by fear, stammered a bit before slapping himself to calm down.

“The guy who fell from the crane—his name was Frank. I knew him.”

That caught Ryan’s attention. Even though they were investigating a theft, the incident with the fall had been bothering him.

Seeing Ryan’s serious expression, the man felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe there really was a connection, and maybe he could still make it out of this alive.

Sensing Ryan’s interest, the man became more eager to talk.

“I met Frank while we were working together. He was a straight shooter, always stuck to his job.”

“As for me, well, the last site we worked at didn’t treat us well, so I bailed.”

The man looked a little embarrassed, his eyes dropping as he admitted this. At least he was honest about himself.

“Frank lived around here too, but he moved out about three months ago. We even had dinner together when he was packing up.”

“Moved out?” Ryan asked, glancing around. This area was full of affordable housing, mostly for migrant workers who came to Capitol City for jobs. It made sense for someone like Frank to have lived here.

“He said he was moving, but he didn’t really have anywhere to go. After that, it seemed like he was just sleeping at the construction site.”

“Sleeping at the site? The conditions here are at least a little better than that, right?”

Sure, this place wasn’t anything like Mia’s lifestyle, but it was enough to meet basic needs. No one would willingly downgrade their living situation unless something serious had happened.

Ryan’s instincts were sharp, and the man’s next words explained the oddity.

“If he had any other choice, he wouldn’t have done that.”

The man sighed, clearly feeling sorry for Frank’s situation. But his vague, roundabout way of talking was starting to irritate both Ryan and Mia. Noticing their looks, the man flinched and quickly got to the point.

“Frank had a daughter. She’d been sick for a long time, but he never really talked about her to anyone.”

“But this time was different. Last month, Frank started asking just about everyone he knew for money. His daughter was diagnosed with leukemia, and he needed a huge amount of cash.”


Ryan rubbed his chin, muttering to himself. There was no reason for the man to lie about this. If it was true, Ryan could easily imagine how desperate a middle-aged father must have felt.

“Did he manage to get the money together?”

“How could he? Everyone’s barely scraping by themselves. He borrowed what he could, just enough to get his daughter into the hospital, but there was no way he had enough for the surgery.”

The man scoffed at Ryan’s question, clearly thinking Ryan and Mia were just rich kids who didn’t understand the harsh realities of life. His tone had a hint of “let them eat cake” to it.

“So, from your perspective, do you think Frank might’ve killed himself?”

Ryan pressed on. In situations like this, staying strong was admirable, but if someone broke under the pressure, it wouldn’t be surprising either.

For families like Frank’s, even a minor illness could drain their savings. Leukemia? That was like a boulder hanging over their heads, ready to crush them at any moment.

“No, absolutely not.”

“Frank had been working on construction sites for years. He knew how dangerous they were, and he wouldn’t have let something like that happen. And he definitely wouldn’t have given up because of this.”

“He knew that if he died, his daughter would be as good as dead too. There’s no way he’d risk that.”

Ryan nodded, taking in the man’s words. They gave him a new angle to consider.

If Frank knew that his death would mean his daughter’s death, he wouldn’t have taken his own life.

But what if there was a way for his daughter to survive? Would he have been willing to die for that?


PS:Things are getting serious now, aren’t they? What started as a simple investigation has taken a dark turn, and now we’re learning about Frank—a hardworking father caught in a tragic situation with his daughter’s leukemia. You can’t help but feel for the guy. Life’s harsh, especially when you’re in a situation like his, and it seems like Frank might have been caught up in something bigger than anyone realized.

Ryan and Mia have a real puzzle on their hands now. Is Frank’s death truly connected to his desperation for money? Could he have made the ultimate sacrifice for his daughter’s survival, or is something more sinister at play here? One thing’s for sure—this case just got a whole lot deeper.

And let’s not forget, Ryan and Mia are dealing with more than just a petty thief now. The stakes have never been higher, and every piece of the puzzle they uncover could lead them to an even bigger threat.

So, what’s next for Ryan and Mia? Stick around, because you know this is far from over. And if you’re loving the twists and turns, don’t forget to share the story with a friend! Let’s unravel this mystery together.

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