This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role

Chapter 272: Returning Home at the End

Chapter 272

Chu Yang walked down the street in a large raincoat, accompanied by Wen Yi and a soldier protecting her. Many people were moving in the opposite direction carrying luggage, while Chu Yang and her companions headed the other way.

A child perched on his mother's shoulders pointed at Chu Yang's group. "Mommy, why are they going that way? Didn't the uncle say the flood is coming from there?"

The mother glanced over. "Child, there are always some who bear the burden for us. They must be going to help."

The child saluted in Chu Yang's direction. "Mommy, they're so great. When I grow up, I want to serve the people too."

"Then you must study hard."

"I will."

Chu Yang arrived at the most dangerous area, where many people were rapidly piling sandbags onto the riverbank. Everyone was soaked through, some with injured hands, but no one complained of hardship or fatigue.

The soldier who had been accompanying Chu Yang rushed forward to join the battle.

Suddenly, an urgent voice cried out, "Zineng has been swept away!"

"What happened?!"

Everyone immediately rushed to the riverbank. Chu Yang hurried over as well. They could only see someone struggling in the water, being carried farther away, soon disappearing from sight.

The leader immediately shouted: "Quick, save him!"

Someone hesitated before saying, "The current is too strong, it's too dangerous to rescue."

"We must try to save him regardless!"

Chu Yang immediately placed her hand on her crystal ball, then motioned for the young soldier who had been accompanying them to come over.

The soldier approached. "Mrs. Chi, what can I do?"

Chu Yang whispered to him: "I see that he will be swept onto a tree about two kilometers from here. The situation is still very dangerous, we must hurry."

The soldier saluted her, then ran to inform the leader.

The leader looked over, then walked up to Chu Yang, saluted her and shook her hand. He immediately sent people to rescue the man.

The rest continued to defend the riverbank.

Several people collapsed from exhaustion along the way. Chu Yang went forward to help, casting a healing spell on them.

Everyone she treated looked utterly shocked.


Chu Yang stayed there for three or four days, then rushed to the next location to do the same work.

Chu Yang was on this business trip for over two weeks, until the situation finally improved significantly.

At last, her work was done and she could return home.

As she exited the airport, Chi Yan and their two children were already waiting for her.

Jiujiu and Huohuo's eyes lit up when they saw their mother. Hand in hand, they ran over, calling "Mommy!"

Chi Yan also strode towards her.

Chu Yang crouched down and embraced both children, giving each a kiss. "Did you miss Mommy?"

"We missed you!"

Chi Yan stood to the side. "I want one too."

Chu Yang looked up at him, smiling as she stood and hugged him, then kissed him on the cheek.

Chi Yan's arm encircled her waist. "I missed you too."

Chu Yang: "I missed you, and our babies."

The family got in the car to go home.

A feast was already prepared at home. In contrast to the atmosphere after Chu Yang's departure, today the house was lively. The two children chattered non-stop, their laughter constant.

During the two weeks Chu Yang was away, the house had been filled with sighs. Huohuo asked the butler every day, "Grandpa Butler, when is Mommy coming home? I miss her."

Not only that, he would cry secretly at night, thinking of his mother every day.

Jiujiu hadn't yet learned how to see what she needed without the crystal ball. She wanted to know when her mother would return, but Chu Yang had taken the crystal ball with her. So she said to Chi Yan: "Daddy, I want a crystal ball. Then I'll be able to know when Mommy is coming back."

Chi Yan picked her up. "When Mommy comes back, I'll go with her to buy you the best crystal ball. Daddy doesn't know what makes a good crystal ball, Mommy understands better."

Jiujiu sighed. "Okay, remember to buy it for me when Mommy returns."

"I promise I will."

At the dinner table, no one had much appetite. Although Chu Yang had reported that she was safe and they had video called, seeing the dangerous news reports still made them worry.

Now that Chu Yang was back, everyone could finally relax.

That night, Jiujiu and Huohuo both came running to sleep with Chu Yang. Meanwhile, Chi Yan, who had planned to be intimate with Chu Yang: ... These two little rascals!!!

Chu Yang had Jiujiu on her left and Huohuo on her right, with Chi Yan on the other side, unable even to hold Chu Yang's hand.

Chu Yang told the two little ones some stories about what she'd seen during the disaster relief efforts, quickly lulling them to sleep.

Then Chi Yan immediately carried the two little ones back to their own rooms, so he could continue being intimate with Chu Yang.

The next morning when the two children woke up and found themselves in their own beds, they immediately got up to protest. "Daddy, you carried us back, didn't you? Why do you always have to monopolize Mommy?"

Chi Yan replied matter-of-factly, "Because your mother is my wife. We're supposed to sleep together. You were interfering."

"Mean Daddy!"

Chu Yang watched the three of them with amusement, patting Chi Yan. "How can you be so childish? How old are you?"

Chi Yan took Chu Yang's hand. "With you, I'm always that young Chi Yan from years ago."

Huohuo immediately went to pry their hands apart. "I want to hold Mommy's hand. Daddy can't."

Chu Yang held his little hand. "Alright, alright. Didn't we say before about going to the amusement park? We have time today, let's go to the amusement park."

"Yay!" The two children immediately got excited. "Then we'll go change clothes."

After the two changed and Chu Yang helped Jiujiu tie her hair, the family of four set off.

Merry-go-round, children's play area, miniature train rides - mainly attractions that young children enjoy.

Chu Yang watched the two children play while Chi Yan kept taking pictures of her with his camera.

When Chu Yang noticed, she playfully swatted him, laughing as she said, "Why are you photographing me? Take pictures of them!"

Chi Yan shrugged. "Force of habit!"

He still took several more photos of Chu Yang before turning to photograph the children.

After playing for most of the day, the two little ones were finally tired out.

"Did you have fun?"


"Was it enjoyable?"


Chi Yan chimed in, "Which attraction did you like best? I'll have Grandpa Butler arrange for one to be built at home, so you can play without going to the amusement park in the future."

Both children shook their heads. "No need. It's better if Daddy and Mommy take us again in the future." If they had one at home, wouldn't that mean Mom and Dad wouldn't accompany them anymore?

Chu Yang: "They probably prefer playing at the amusement park, it's more lively. Isn't that right?"


"Alright then. If Mom and Dad are busy, your Third Grandpa can take you."

When they got home, they ran into Chi Xin who had come over.

Jiujiu and Huohuo quickly ran to him. "Third Grandpa, we went to the amusement park today. It was so much fun!"

Chi Xin picked up one child in each arm. "If it was fun, next time Third Grandpa will take you to play! Are you hungry? Let's go eat!"

"Let's eat, let's eat!" Huohuo raised his hand. "Let's eat something delicious."

Chi Xin looked at him adoringly. "That's right, eat delicious food and grow tall. Hahaha."

Chu Yang and Chi Yan watched them from behind, exchanging smiles before following.

The future stretched long before them, but they would live happily ever after...

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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