This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role

Chapter 262: Going to Work

Chapter 262

The results of the library interview came out quickly, and Chu Yang was set to start work next week.

To celebrate Chu Yang's new job, Chi Yan instructed the family chef to prepare delicious food, bought a small cake, and even got Chu Yang a gift.

Chu Yang smiled and pinched his cheek. "What's there to celebrate?"

Chi Yan took her hand and kissed it. "We must celebrate mommy finding a good job." He then looked at Jiujiu, "Right, Jiujiu?"

Jiujiu babbled, "Aba aba."

Chu Yang's job was quite relaxed - nine to five and relatively leisurely.

However, little Jiujiu at home threw tantrums after not seeing her parents during the day for several days, crying and fussing.

Zhao Yun tried to comfort her but to no avail.

"Do you miss mommy and daddy?"

"Oh, don't cry, don't cry. I'll take you to see daddy." Zhao Yun instructed someone to prepare things, then headed straight for Chi Corporation.

The staff at Chi Corporation recognized Zhao Yun, though she rarely visited.

Zhao Yun carried the baby into the first-floor lobby, then took the elevator directly to the top floor.

People nearby noticed the baby Zhao Yun was carrying.

"That must be the little princess."

"My goodness, she's so adorable!"

"The little princess has come to the company."

Soon, everyone knew the little princess had arrived at the company. Many knew that the boss's wife had given birth to a daughter, but no one had seen her before. Neither Chi Yan nor Chu Yang had posted photos of the child on their social media, and there were certainly no photos online.

"I saw her, she's super cute!"

"She was waving her little hands."

"She looks a lot like the boss."

"I think she looks more like his wife."

Meanwhile, Qi Jie was reporting something to Chi Yan, who was signing documents with a pen, occasionally looking up to speak with Qi Jie.

A moment later, there was a knock, and the secretary opened the door. "Boss, the elder Mrs. Chi has brought the young miss."

Chi Yan stood up immediately. "I'll be right there."

Chi Yan walked to the rest area, and as soon as Jiujiu saw him, she reached out her arms, babbling, "Aba aba."

"Mom, why did you come?"

Zhao Yun looked at the well-behaved Jiujiu. "She's been crying all day. I figured she must miss you two. I didn't want to disturb Yang, so I came to find you."

Chi Yan noticed tears still clinging to Jiujiu's eyes and gently wiped them away. "Did baby miss daddy? In a bit, we'll go pick up mommy from work, okay?"

Jiujiu buried her face in Chi Yan's chest.

From then on, everyone who entered Chi Yan's office saw a small crib next to the boss, with a baby lying in it. When someone came in, she would look at them, melting hearts.

"Ah! I saw the little princess. Her chubby cheeks are so cute!"

"She even looked at me. Aww, it makes me want to have a daughter too."

"Wah, I want to see her too. How can I get to see the little princess?"

"Just pretend you have something to report, and you can see her."

"But what if my position doesn't allow me to reach the top floor?"


At 4 PM, Chi Yan left early. The elevator went straight to the first floor, where the receptionist watched the handsome and dignified big boss carrying a baby, tenderly saying, "Baby, let's go pick up mommy, okay?"

The receptionists clasped hands tightly. "The CEO as a dad is so handsome! Ahh!"

"Another day of envying the boss's wife."

"What kind of good deeds does it take to get such a husband and child? She's won at life!"

"Maybe she saved the entire world in her past life."

(Chu Yang: Well, she didn't save the world, just some people.)

By 5 PM, everyone in the office was preparing to leave.

At 5 o'clock sharp, only Chu Yang remained in the office.

She tidied up, turned off the lights, locked the door, and walked out of the library.

A luxury car was parked at the main entrance of the library, catching the eye of passersby.

As soon as Chu Yang came down the stairs, the car door opened. A man in a suit stepped out, tall and well-built, carrying a baby.

Suddenly, a woman in front paused, then quickly ran over, embracing the man and kissing the baby.

"Why are you here?"

"The baby and I missed you, so we came to pick you up. You just kissed the baby, but not me," Chi Yan complained.

Chu Yang smiled and kissed his cheek. "Let's go home."


The woman, man, and baby got into the car, which quickly drove away.

For several days after, Chi Yan and the baby came to pick up Chu Yang. The library was always bustling with people, and soon everyone knew that every afternoon, a luxury car would arrive, and a handsome man carrying a baby would come to pick up a woman.

"I know, I know! That's our senior. The handsome man is her husband, and the baby is their child."

"It's Senior Chu Yang. She got married right after graduating, then got pregnant and had a baby. She's already at the peak of life after finishing her master's degree. Now she works at the library."

"Our senior is super beautiful and capable."

"I passed by once and heard the man say to our senior, 'Give me a kiss,' in a coquettish tone. My goodness, his voice was so charming! Ah! I'm so envious!"

"I know, the man is the CEO of Chi Corporation. Wah, it's like a fairy tale romance!"


Due to the discussions Chi Yan's presence sparked, Chu Yang subsequently asked him not to pick her up, or at least not at the library entrance. He could only wait outside the campus and shouldn't get out of the car to be seen - it was too showy.

After that, people no longer saw the scene of the handsome man carrying a baby to pick up the woman.

As a famous and successful entrepreneur, Chi Yan often received interview requests and invitations to give speeches at schools. He had accepted a couple of interviews and given some speeches, but not frequently.

As a businessman, apart from attending some necessary public events, he rarely made appearances, despite being quite famous nationwide. After all, Chi Corporation's products were ubiquitous in people's daily lives, not to mention its status in the gaming industry. Every young gamer had probably played games developed by Chi Corporation, whether large-scale games or small mobile games.

Today, B University had invited Chi Yan to give a speech. As his alma mater, Chi Yan was happy to oblige.

After the speech, it was time for questions.

Unexpectedly, while the initial questions were quite professional, they later turned rather gossipy.

"Mr. Chi, we heard that you and your wife have been together since university and are still very much in love. How do you maintain such a good relationship?"

Chi Yan answered without hesitation, "Because I want to keep our relationship in the honeymoon phase." As long as he wanted to, he could make it happen.


"Do you think your wife has been helpful in your career?"

Chi Yan replied, "Her mere existence is the best help for me." In his life, he had faced confusion, helplessness, and difficulties, but as long as Yang was by his side, he feared nothing.

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