This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

If you've never seen heaven, you won't find the days in hell difficult.

The next day, back in the employee dorm, I looked at the dim and cramped room, smelled the sweat and stinky feet odors of my roommates, and slept on the hard bed boards, constantly sighing.

Over and over in my mind, I recalled the words of Master: "This is an era of rampant materialism. What you've seen is merely the tip of the iceberg. There's nothing wrong with people pursuing better material conditions, but they should obtain them through proper means."

I know this topic well, as my school teachers taught us - a gentleman loves wealth but acquires it by proper means.

It was only after being exposed to outside schools that I realized our school was different from most others. Other schools teach knowledge, ours taught us more about understanding principles and how to support ourselves in modern society.

I made up my mind - I want to make money! I want to make more money! I want to live in a big house! I want to sleep on a soft bed! I want to eat buffets every day! I want to marry eight wives... well, that last part was a joke.

As for my parents, let them go to hell!

I was only looking for them before to confirm if they were still alive, so that next time I visit my grandparents' graves, I could at least give them an explanation.

Now, I don't know how to explain it.

I vowed to make money, but two years later, the restaurant went bankrupt and I lost my job.

I had no savings, as all the money was spent on food and clothing - once you want a better life, desires become endless.

The boss once solemnly told me, "Human suffering equals the gap between one's abilities and desires."

The boss I'm referring to here is not the restaurant owner, but Shen Youlin, the Seventh Young Master Shen who led me to the peak of life.

Our first encounter was quite an accident, almost a deadly one.

Struggling with the pain of wanting hotpot every day but being unable to afford it, I gradually became deranged!

The TV said that when you grow up, you'll become the type of person you hated most. I immediately decided to become a someone who hates the rich! Hopefully it's not too late.

I racked my brains thinking about eating hotpot, and after much struggle, I decided to rob some money. I heard students' money is easy to snatch - if I can't rob enough for a hotpot meal, I'll just rob two bucks and buy some steamed buns. I... I haven't eaten for two days.

I don't know if it was lucky or unlucky, but I chose my current boss as my target.

He was still in high school then, but at such a young age, he was already a big shot. He was more monk-like than the Monkey King himself. In that dim alley, as I recited Buddhist scriptures to him with a rusty fruit knife in hand, I ended up becoming... not a Buddha, but his little brother instead.

We poured out our hearts at the hotpot restaurant and drank twenty bottles of beer as new brothers.

The next day, he mercilessly threw me to Uncle Wei for training, putting me through two excruciatingly painful years.

During those two years, I was reborn while he grew from an immature brat into a full-fledged asshole.

Those two years at the old mansion with Uncle Wei exposed me to the highest levels of wealth and glory - but after witnessing them, I no longer found them extraordinary.

During that time, I also learned about some of his past, understanding why he pulled me up - we were both children neglected and unwanted by our parents.

On his eighteenth birthday, he received a small portion of his family's massive wealth - small only in comparison to the family's enormous fortune.

It wasn't that little either - all in all, about a hundred billion.

Pfft -

A hundred, billion.

Can you believe it? Is that even something a human would say?

These aren't human words, yet I'm the one saying them?!

After his birthday, I, his special assistant, finally took up my post in full force!

Excitedly rubbing my hands, I vowed to make a big splash with the boss - and then I became a tool.

A tool dedicated solely to acting arrogantly and slapping faces!

My boss doesn't love doing business, only mischief.

He loves role-playing, pretending to be all sorts of insignificant nobodies to experience life. If some rude person insults him, I jump out in time, decked in dazzling golden attire and showing him the utmost reverence, highlighting his nobility and extraordinariness while I play the role of a capable sidekick.

He finds this endlessly amusing, and so do I, because my outstanding acting always earns me generous bonuses from him.

Oh, there's nothing more delightful than earning a little money.

I once asked him why he was so obsessed with this game, and he said literary creation must come from and go to the masses.

I couldn't refute that.

Once, while working as a server at a Western restaurant, he encountered the stray Dou'e.

Back then, Dou'e was a stray dog covered in mange, her body riddled with sores and scars, her fur all fallen out.

He went to dump trash and encountered Dou'e rummaging through it for food.

Seeing him, Dou'e stopped scavenging, crouched to the side with a standard Samoyed smile, letting him dump the trash first.

He cursed "stupid dog" at her but washed a steak he was going to throw out, and finding the floor unclean, served it to her on a plate instead.

Someone snitched to the restaurant manager about the plate incident.

While he was eating, the manager stood by and pointed at his plate, saying, "You mangy mutt, need a plate to eat? Know how expensive these plates are?!"

"No," my boss calmly replied.

"You could never afford one set in your life!"


Then he smashed all the restaurant's precious ceramics.

If I hadn't shown up with bodyguards in time, who knows how many would have beaten him up.

After venting by smashing things, he turned it around.

That Western restaurant was owned by his fourth senior aunt and her friends - he had really stirred up a hornet's nest.

For a year after, Miss Shen Si would only give him disdainful looks.

Speaking of disdainful looks, the true master had to be my boss's wife, whose looks were a combination of everyone else's strengths with her own unique flair.

But I noticed that whenever she gave the boss one of those looks, there was a hint of coyness mixed in.

"Tsk, every time I see her look at me like that, I find it so invigorating," the boss once drunkenly said. "Seeing her look at me like that can get me hard."

This isn't a bus going to kindergarten - I need to get off!

Going back to the boss's wife, she's definitely a role model for us all.

The first time she saw me was at the hospital after the ski resort avalanche incident, but the first time I saw her was when she and the boss first met at the Kyoto airport.

I went to pick them up and from afar, I saw the boss cover her head with his down jacket.

I swear, it was the first time I saw him smile at a woman his age without mockery!

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