This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

The timid Shen Youlin comrade ate two large bowls of rice and countless dishes of chicken, duck, and fish—not to mention, Mrs. Ye's cooking skills were truly exceptional!

Seeing that he had eaten his fill but was too shy to ask for more, Yu Shu smiled and served him another bowl of rice: "Help with the dishes after you finish eating."

"Um." Shen Youlin nodded.

After dinner, Shen Youlin and Yu Yang washed the dishes, while Wenwen held her phone and had Yu Shu draw cards for her. After finishing, she hugged Yu Shu and gave her a big kiss: "Sis, I love you so much~"

Ye Ping came downstairs: "Wenwen, want to sleep with your sister tonight?"

The bedroom next to Yu Shu's had been prepared, with Shen Youlin staying in that room, and Wenwen and Yu Shu sharing a room.

Wenwen readily agreed: "Yes, yes!"

Yu Shu pushed the clinging Wenwen away: "Go take a bath, I won't sleep with a dirty kid. Wear my pajamas, find them yourself in the closet."


After Wenwen went upstairs, Ye Ping said to Yu Shu: "Come over, I have something to tell you."

Here we go again, Yu Shu sighed and followed her into the master bedroom. Yu Feng was watching a show and quickly put away his iPad and sat up straight when he saw them enter.

Yu Shu sat down wearily: "Please begin your performance."

Ye Ping frowned: "What's with that expression?"

"I'm exhausted." Yu Shu looked at her. "Are you worried that Shen Youlin isn't sincere with me and is after my money? And by the way, are you also concerned that my money might be from illegitimate sources, and that I might spend it recklessly until it's all gone? Are you also worried that he's just a kept man?"

Her rapid-fire questioning left the two of them bewildered.

"You're thinking too much. He's much wealthier than me. Our money is just sitting in the bank earning interest—we won't be able to spend it all in this lifetime. And I've already been to his home and met everyone in his family. It's settled that he'll be the one I marry. He's currently a student without a job, but we've discussed this. He won't be working in the future either, but that doesn't mean he won't have an income, so there's no need for him to get a job just for the sake of it."

Yu Shu finished in one breath: "Any other questions?"

Ye Ping was still a little worried: "He... seems a bit immature. Living with him for a long time, you might get tired of it."

"His immaturity doesn't mean he's irresponsible. Immaturity and being incapable of shouldering responsibility are two different things. Whenever I need him, he can be my support at any time, like that time with your situation."

She was referring to when Shen Youlin forcibly took her to the hospital.

Ye Ping defended herself: "I don't hold it against him. I'm considering this from your perspective, I..."

Ye Ping wanted to say that only she would consider things from Yu Shu's perspective, but she didn't say it out loud, afraid that Yu Shu would get annoyed.

Yu Shu sighed, feeling utterly exhausted: "I know what you want to say. Perhaps there is unconditional motherly love, but you're not it. Your love is selfish—you seek reassurance and a sense of security from Yu Yang and me, and you impose unrealistic expectations on us that you can't fulfill yourself. Your love, now, is like shackles to us."

"You always use the excuse of doing things for our own good, constantly making demands of us, but you don't even know what you want us to become. We are independent, not extensions of your life, and certainly not your accessories. I can be someone you depend on now, but the sense of security you need, you have to find it for yourself. Security can only come from within."

Ye Ping listened quietly, her eyes filled with confusion, fragility, and uncertainty. Yu Shu sighed and felt terrible, got up and embraced her: "I'm not blaming you. I'm glad we can discuss these things calmly."

In the past, their mother-daughter "discussions" would always end in discord. Ye Ping's "talks" were always her trying every possible way to make Yu Shu agree with and submit to her views and ideas.

Ye Ping hugged her back, tears falling: "I know I'm always dissatisfied, unable to move on from those past troubles, always feeling like I have nothing. When I came home from the hospital and saw this house, the bracelets and skincare products you bought me, the iPad you got me, I realized that what I have now is something I couldn't even dream of before."

Yu Shu noticed all the various medicine boxes and bottles on the bedside table, feeling even worse. Although Ye Ping had been discharged from the hospital, her treatment was still ongoing.

Yu Feng handed them some tissues, and Yu Shu took them and wiped Ye Ping's tears: "No matter how unsatisfied you are, even the heavens will find it unacceptable. You have your children, you have money, and you even have the son-in-law you dreamed of. What more could you want?"

Ye Ping sniffled: "I want to travel the world."

Yu Shu waved her hand dismissively: "Arranged! We'll set off after the Fifteenth. And no more self-driving tours with Dad, he's unreliable. I'll have someone plan the route for you, with all the eating, drinking, accommodation, transportation, and activities taken care of. We'll cover China first, then Asia, and then Europe and America."

Ye Ping was amused by her grandiose manner: "Okay, I'll wait for you to arrange it."

Yu Feng protested: "Why am I unreliable?"

Ye Ping and Yu Shu said in unison: "You're unreliable in every way!"

Yu Shu put her arm around Ye Ping's shoulders and swayed: "There, that's better, isn't it? Worry less and enjoy more. Look, you have nothing to worry about now. Don't bother with anything else, just worry about what to eat, what to wear, and how to have fun every day."

Ye Ping leaned on her shoulder and sniffed: "You said it yourself."

"Yes, I did. As long as you stop worrying unnecessarily, you'll still be my good mother."

"Was I not good before?"

Yu Shu told the truth: "Good or not, don't you know it in your heart?"

Ye Ping raised her hand as if to hit her, but then seemed to remember something and quickly put it down.

Yu Shu couldn't help but applaud: "Bravo, Mrs. Ye, bravo! Recognizing your bad habits and actively correcting them, still a good mother."

"Oh, shut up!"

Yu Shu went upstairs and entered the guest room on the second floor, falling straight into Shen Youlin's embrace.

It was rare for her to seek his embrace, so Shen Youlin was pleasantly surprised: "What's wrong?"

"Tired, mentally exhausted, need to recharge." Yu Shu said weakly.

Shen Youlin nibbled on her ear, his voice low and husky: "Recharging needs to plug in, you know."

Yu Shu punched him: "How can you turn everything into an innuendo!"

"Natural talent, can't help it~"

Shen Youlin held her and sat down, massaging her shoulders and neck.

Yu Shu sighed in satisfaction: "So virtuous, not for nothing did I work hard to resolve the mother-in-law conflict for you."


Yu Shu smiled at his clueless expression: "Or did you think I was chatting with Mrs. Ye about something else for all this time?"

In these short few days, she had played the role of a great philosopher several times, truly exhausting.

Wenwen was sleeping with Yu Shu tonight, so Shen Youlin couldn't even get into bed. He reluctantly sent Yu Shu out of the room.

Yu Shu consoled him: "Wenwen will go home tomorrow afternoon, it's just for tonight. Sleep by yourself and be good, okay?"

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