This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 116

Chapter 116

During dinner, Yu Shu was called by Yu Fanxing to sit next to her, and Shen Youlin naturally followed along as well.

Even though his expression was normal, Yu Shu still sensed that he was unhappy, so she put two green tea flavored cream puffs on his plate. Shen Youlin ate them up quickly, one after the other, and his mood floated up again. His knees knocked against Yu Shu's legs under the table, swaying back and forth.

Kids are so easily pleased.

The second auntie sat across from them, smiling and joking that Yu Shu and Shen Youlin looked like a perfect match, enviably loving. Yu Fanxing happily agreed, and praised Yu Shu, saying all sorts of nice things that seemed endless.

Zhao Wenqian looked at their four blue outfits and the sapphire ring on Yu Shu's hand, her heart souring until she almost overflowed.

An'an sat between her dad and brother, enjoying being fed by them. She gnawed at a lamb chop, her little legs swinging back and forth nonstop, and her little mouth constantly smacking.

Shen Yuxiao listened quietly, occasionally wiping her mouth.

Zhao Wenqian couldn't help but say: "Eating messily while talking, what kind of behavior is that?"

"She's still young and can't even hold her chopsticks steadily. What do you expect from her?" Shen Yuxiao frowned and retorted, then reminded her: "Rui Rui was the same when she was little."

The old madam generally didn't get involved, but most disliked seeing Zhao Wenqian act so improperly. She said sternly: "When I was young, I worked barefoot in the fields. Don't forget where you came from just because you've been wealthy for decades. The Shens don't have those superfluous rules and etiquette."

Everyone else obediently listened and agreed with "yes".

Zhao Wenqian lowered her head as her nose soured, tears instantly falling down her face. The old madam was reproaching her, reminding her not to forget her own background.

What made her even sadder was Shen Yuxiao didn't gently comfort her as usual. As soon as the children finished eating, he took them and left the dining room.

After lunch, several aunties pulled Yu Shu to the Shen family strawberry garden to pick strawberries for desserts. Shen Youlin wanted to tag along but was teased by the women that he wasn't allowed. Instead, some brothers dragged him off to play pool.

The Shen family's backyard was freakishly huge, encompassing three mountains. There were orchards, rice paddies, vegetable plots, fish ponds - anything imaginable. They even raised dozens of cows and sheep, and had a pig farm, though it was far from the main house. With the Shens' front gate closed, they could be self-sufficient for years.

It was like a super farm! No matter how rich Chinese people become, their love of farming is in their genes, and would never fade. And the Shens' backyard was more fun than any farm resort!

Walking past the fish pond, Yu Shu was startled by the giant shadow lurking in the water. Looking closely, it was actually a 6-foot long giant fish!

Yu Shu couldn't help but exclaim: "What is this fish? It's so big!"

The second auntie explained: "It's a Giant bony tongue fish. We got it from Africa a few years ago. The texture when eating it is similar to pork."

"You can eat this?"

"Of course! Keeping such an ugly fish if it wasn't edible would be pointless. I'll have the kitchen prepare one for you to try tonight."

"That would be great, thanks a lot second auntie!"

Yu Fanxing pretended to be upset: "Flirting with my daughter-in-law right in front of me?"

The second auntie joked: "How dare I, you're so fierce. I don't dare provoke you. Youlin entirely takes after you."

Yu Fanxing immediately denied it three times: "It wasn't me, I didn't do it, don't spout nonsense. That brat is a pure genetic mutation."

Everyone burst out laughing, especially Yu Shu, who increasingly enjoyed watching the loving abuse between Yu Fanxing and her son.

After picking strawberries, everyone's farming buff had awakened, still not satisfied. They kept walking up the mountain to dig bamboo shoots and mushrooms, unconsciously reaching halfway up the mountain. From here, one could see the main house.

Only now did Yu Shu realize that besides the main house, the other buildings weren't haphazardly constructed. Surrounding the main house symmetrically on both sides, the layout resembled a moon encircled by stars. However, there was a missing building on the east side of the main house, just a few trees, no architecture.

"There used to be a building there," said Shen Yingshuang, appearing beside her and pointing at the vacant land. "In the past, the servants called that building the ‘Young Master's Place’. Later Shen Youlin burned it down in one fire."

When Yu Shu didn't respond, Shen Yingshuang scoffed coldly. "Shen Youlin is a madman, capable of anything like murder and arson. I wish you good luck. Don't be unaware even of how you died one day."

"I believe he had his reasons for doing that. If he tells me I will listen, if not I won't ask," Yu Shu said indifferently to her. "But I won't try to understand him from anyone else's mouth in any case."

"Humph, true love can withstand fire eh?"

Yu Fanxing walked over with a stern face, asking Shen Yingshuang: "What nonsense are you spouting?"

Without responding, Shen Yingshuang walked away sullenly.

Yu Fanxing cautioned Yu Shu: "Don't believe anything she says. It wasn't how she imagines."

At the time, Shen Yingshuang was still young too. The adults hadn't explained things clearly about the incident. She had guessed bits and pieces from everyone's attitude and idle gossip, but her imagined truth differed somewhat from reality.

Yu Shu nodded. "I won't believe her."

Yu Fanxing sighed. "Actually, Shen Youlin used to be a very well-behaved and sensible child."

Yu Shu: "...I won't believe that either."

Yu Fanxing looked somewhat helpless. "He wasn't born a scoundrel. Every child is a blank slate at birth. The children are not at fault, it's us failing adults."

After playing a couple rounds of pool, Shen Youlin quickly got bored. He poked people with his pool cue, even jabbing their butts (lol)...

Everyone was fed up. They tattled to Shen Chaowen and Shen Yuxiao to come collect their unruly child.

Shen Chaowen and Shen Yuxiao were amused but had no choice. They coaxed and persuaded Shen Youlin to the wine cellar for some father-son drinking and chatting.

Shen Youlin sampled over ten wines before finding one satisfactory. He had a case sent to Yu Shu.

The wine was called Rose Lover, with a mellow fragrant texture and strong rose bouquet that Yu Shu was sure to love.

Shen Yuxiao couldn't help but tease him. "Who was it that once claimed he would never be lovestruck like dad and I, devoted to a woman his whole life? And now look, even when drinking you're thinking about your girl."

Shen Youlin stated forcefully: "Even if I'm lovestruck, I'm fundamentally different than you two!"

Shen Chaowen asked: "How so?"

"My wife is way better than yours combined!" Shen Youlin listed out one by one, taking turns crushing them. "She's younger and prettier than your wives, smarter and more sensible, better at making money, more candid and honest..."

"My wife thoroughly crushes both of your wives in every way!"

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