There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 36: Have I Improved

Chapter 36: Have I Improved

The next day.

Under the bright sunshine and fresh air, Lu Xun, who had been cultivating in meditation overnight, slowly opened his eyes and glanced at his character panel data.

【 Name: Lu Xun, Level: 52, Experience: 3100/10000, Cultivation: 1344461 】

【 Abilities: Pure Yang Body (Level 2, requires two million cultivation for the next level), Copper Wall Iron Defence (Level 2, requires two million cultivation for the next level) 】

"Um, in just seven days, I'll be able to upgrade the Pure Yang Body to the next level."

Lu Xun was quite satisfied with his current speed. Previously, he relied on slaying monsters to accumulate experience and cultivation. Now, he only needed to meditate and refine his breath, and the speed was even faster than before. However, there would still be bottlenecks eventually, but for now, he was content.

Feeling comfortable, Lu Xun stretched lazily, got out of bed, and pushed open the door. A cool breeze hit his face, accompanied by a sense of dampness. It was raining, and the rain seemed quite heavy.

Lu Xun's face fell a little disappointed. He had hoped to have the little demoness give him some guidance today, but he didn't expect it to rain. Helpless, he sighed and went back into the room to retrieve an oil-paper umbrella. He then quickly walked through the courtyard to the hall.

Sitting on a wooden chair, he poured himself a cup of tea and sipped it while watching the raindrops falling in the courtyard. The sound of rain echoed in his ears, and he couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

Upon careful consideration, he wondered if his crossing over was too rushed. Other people's transmigration stories usually involved slaughtering their way through everything, but he… While he was indeed engaging in the slaughter, he was only responsible for the "blah blah," while his wife took care of the "kill kill". There seemed to be quite a difference here.

Just then, light footsteps came from the backyard, pulling Lu Xun back to reality. He turned his head to see the mature and charming figure of the big demoness, who still stirred his heart and mind with her allure.

"Why did Sister wake up so early?" Lu Xun asked softly.

Immortal Miao Feng glanced at this sneaky man and said lightly, "What does my waking up early have to do with you?" As the words fell, with a moment of hesitation, she coldly said, "Don't call me Sister."

"Not call you Sister? Then should I call you ‘Miao Feng'?" Lu Xun asked.

Hearing him call her "Miao Feng" caused ripples in the big demoness's heart. She furrowed her brows tightly and replied in an unfriendly tone, "Miao Feng? Do you think you have the right to call me that?"

"Not calling you ‘Miao Feng,' not calling you Sister, should I call you ‘Wife' then?" Lu Xun shrugged, looking helpless.

"You, you…"

"Absurd! Shameless! Ridiculous!"

Immortal Miao Feng's enchanting face turned red with anger. She glared at him with widened eyes, her ample chest heaving up and down due to her emotions. Angrily, she said, "If you dare to spout nonsense again, I'll make you regret it!"

Lu Xun gazed directly at her, observing the raging big demoness. He suddenly realized that Immortal Miao Feng also had an adorable side, especially when she was angry. However, this unique aspect came at the cost of being in danger of getting beaten up.

"Sister, calm down."

"I just said it casually," Lu Xun smiled amiably. "Don't take it to heart."


"In this world, speaking carelessly might cost you your life," Immortal Miao Feng hummed coldly. She picked up her teacup, took a sip, and then slowly put it back on the table. She said lightly, "Are you getting used to living here?"

"It's passable."

"It's been several days since I last had a hot bath. Showering with cold water every day is getting a bit unbearable," Lu Xun said with bitterness.

Immortal Miao Feng pursed her lips and said leisurely, "There are a few natural hot springs not far from the foot of the mountain. Let Xuan Yin accompany you there."

After saying this, she rose gracefully and prepared to return to her room. However, after taking a few steps, she suddenly stopped and said softly, "Xuan Yin really enjoys soaking in the hot springs."

The big demoness left, leaving behind a mysterious remark, seemingly conveying some message to Lu Xun.

Sitting on the chair, Lu Xun muttered to himself, "She enjoys soaking."

"Do you like soaking too?"

During the day, he passed the time in a daze until the hour of evening, when the little demoness knocked on Lu Xun's door.

Xuan Yin sat at the table, holding a brush, carefully copying the two poems taught today. Her strokes were meticulous, and Lu Xun sat beside her, observing her precise work and giving pointers on how to write with the brush.

"Take a look, have I improved?" After finishing the two poems, Xuan Yin raised her head to look at him and asked softly.

"Not bad, not bad. My wife is indeed incredibly clever, the speed of improvement is simply… simply…" Lu Xun looked at the crooked and twisted characters and said with a clear conscience, "Throughout history, there has never been any person as intelligent as my wife, no, I mean, any intelligent demon like my wife."

Listening to his exaggerated and nauseating words, Xuan Yin wanted to punch him. With a dark face, she glared at him and said indignantly, "Do you really think I can't see through the meaning behind your words?"

"What meaning?"

"I really meant to praise you, nothing else," Lu Xun smiled and said quietly, "That's enough for today. Let's stop here."


"It's not even an hour yet. Didn't I tell you yesterday?" Xuan Yin frowned and said softly, "Don't you want me to read for another hour?"


Lu Xun shook his head and said earnestly, "I heard from your master this morning that there are a few natural hot springs not far from the foot of the mountain. I've been showering with cold water for several days now, and I'd like to go soak in the hot springs tonight. My wife, will you take me there?"

Hearing that he wanted to go to the hot springs, Xuan Yin didn't think much of it. She simply stood up and said to Lu Xun, "Let's go."

The little demoness gently pushed open the door and found that it had started drizzling again at some point.

Lu Xun took an umbrella and walked to her side. After slowly opening it, he strolled out.

"Why are you standing at the door? Let's go," Lu Xun turned around and said to Xuan Yin.

"I don't have an umbrella. The clothes will get wet." She pursed her lips calmly.

"Isn't this an umbrella? Come on, come on, we can share it." Lu Xun urged.

However, a trace of unwillingness appeared on Xuan Yin's face. She slightly turned her head away and muttered softly, "I don't want to share it with you."

"Do you have an umbrella in your room?" Lu Xun asked helplessly.


"No, I don't!" Xuan Yin still turned her face away, coldly.


"Do you have it or not?" Lu Xun couldn't quite grasp her meaning for a moment.

"No." Xuan Yin bit her lip and firmly said, "I don't have it."

As soon as she finished speaking, Xuan Yin was startled as her hand was grabbed by Lu Xun, and she stumbled into his arms.



A sweet, muffled sound escaped from between her crimson lips and pearl-white teeth.

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