There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 263: Simply... A Seductress

Chapter 263: Simply... A Seductress

Su Jingyi had told Lu Xun about her relationship with the two princesses of the dynasty. Though not mother and daughter, they were as close as mother and daughter, and there was also a teacher-student bond. It was evident how close the three of them were. However, there was never an expectation that the charming widow would also be involved in this.

At this moment, Lu Xun was extremely flustered, accompanied by a fearful emotion. He watched Mu Qingshuang tightly holding the arms of this young lady, and her appearance of affection made him almost cry without tears.

What to do? What to do?

If this little girl spills the beans to Fairy Su about me and the widow, wouldn't I... wouldn't I be in for a deadly punishment from Fairy Su?

Having barely survived the ordeal with the big demoness, he now found himself entangled in the chaotic situation between Fairy Su and the charming widow. Oh, why is my life so tumultuous? Why does every turn seem like a Shura Field?

Lu Xun suppressed the fear and unease deep within his heart, calmly replying, "I remember. That night in Yangzhou City."

As the words fell, suddenly, he thought of something, and his suspended heart almost reached his throat.

If he remembered correctly, she seemed to have seen the little fox that night. If this got to Fairy Su's ears and then to Miao Fengxian's ears... he would probably be beaten to death.

Zhao Qiuyu looked at Lu Xun, seemingly no different from that night. He appeared very handsome, elegant, and charming. Crucially, she could feel that his body was robust and strong, exuding a distinct masculine aura.

No wonder Aunt Mu likes him so much. Even though she knows he has other women, she devotedly surrenders herself to him. But wait, Aunt Mu's description of him seems a bit different from my sister's.

This man knows my sister, and in my sister's description, he seems quite formidable, especially his wife, who is so powerful that words cannot describe it. However, looking at that delicate girl that night, she didn't seem very powerful. She looked like a young girl in the prime of her life. No, no, maybe she's really powerful, after all, she's over two hundred years old.

"Thank you, sir, for your help that night," Zhao Qiuyu said softly to him. "If it weren't for your fifty taels of silver, I'm afraid I would have been wandering the streets. Oh, by the way, this jade pendant, my sister returned it to me. I wonder if sir has received the fifty taels of silver back from her."

Hearing this, Lu Xun became even more frightened; Oh no, I forgot about Zhao Yueyan. Zhao Yueyan has seen Miao Fengxian, and she is the sister of the girl in front of me. If Zhao Yueyan tells her sister about Miao Fengxian's matter, and then her sister tells the widow, I'm done for.

The situation is more complicated than I imagined!


"Lu Lang, you actually know Yueyan?" Mu Qingshuang's brows showed a hint of surprise as she looked at Lu Xun, curiously asking, "Why is that?"

"Uh, this matter is a bit complicated and can't be explained in a few words. Let's have a detailed discussion later." Lu Xun evaded the question with a sheepish look, then paused for a moment and continued, "Both of you, don't just stand there. Please sit down quickly. Wife, please make tea for this princess."

Mu Qingshuang, who was originally confused and puzzled, forgot all the questions instantly at the word "wife." Cheerfully lifting the teapot, she poured a cup of tea for Zhao Qiuyu, saying sweetly, "Qiuyu, is there any pastry you'd like to have? I'll have someone bring it for you."

"No need."

"I'll have osmanthus cake." Zhao Qiuyu picked up the teacup, elegantly sipping the clear tea inside. Her charming and lively eyes, however, always seemed to unintentionally glance at Lu Xun across the table. Many doubts surged in her heart again. Why does it feel like something is not right? It seems that there are some issues in certain details.

Cough, cough.

"Wife, feel free to bring some over," Lu Xun lightly coughed twice, softly saying, "If possible, bring me some chestnut cakes too."


"I'll go right away."

Under the repeated title of 'wife,' Mu Qingshuang felt somewhat ethereal, especially in front of Zhao Qiuyu. With each term of endearment from Lu Xun, waves of sweetness filled her heart, nearly overflowing with happiness.

After Mu Qingshuang left, only Lu Xun and the second princess, Zhao Qiuyu, remained in the pavilion.

"I'm sure you have many doubts in your mind," Lu Xun put down the teacup, staring directly at her and said lightly, "Some things are far more complicated than you can imagine. I got to know your sister because I wanted to help her with her succession. At that time, I hadn't met Shuang'er. It wasn't until later that I met her. Today is the first time I found out that Shuang'er knows you, and your relationship is quite special."


Zhao Qiuyu was naturally soft-spoken. Faced with Lu Xun's sudden assertiveness, she could only nod obediently.

"You genuinely like Aunt Mu?" Zhao Qiuyu asked cautiously.

"Of course," Lu Xun said with sincerity, "There's no ulterior motive between us. It's simply love or not. Your Aunt Mu is gentle, virtuous, mature, and steady. She is the woman I desire in my heart, so naturally, I love her beyond measure."

Zhao Qiuyu opened her mouth to speak, but the words that were about to come out were swallowed back. She mumbled, "But there's an age difference of more than twenty years between you two."

"Love has nothing to do with age," Lu Xun said as he lifted the teapot to pour himself a cup of tea. He then looked up and asked, "Do you want some?"

Zhao Qiuyu gently pushed the teacup toward him and said thoughtfully, "My sister told me that you have a very, very powerful wife and asked me not to speak recklessly. The woman next to you that night... is she the very, very powerful woman my sister mentioned?"

Lu Xun, aware that Zhao Yueyan was referring to Miao Fengxian and Zhao Qiuyu was referring to the little fox, confidently nodded in response, "Exactly, it's her!"

Holding the teacup, Zhao Qiuyu moistened her lips and sipped the clear tea. Her eyes were full of doubt. Since Aunt Mu and that extremely powerful woman have a sisterly relationship, does it mean that Teacher Su also knows that woman? The one who appears petite and delicate.

"About you seeing me, including the things between me and your Aunt Mu, don't tell your sister," Lu Xun said seriously. "And anyone else around you."

Just after saying this, Lu Xun sighed and murmured to himself, "Shuang'er is a pitiable woman. I don't want her to get involved in any trouble; she can't withstand the turbulence."

These words caused ripples in Zhao Qiuyu's heart. Aunt Mu is indeed pitiable. Her fate is similar to hers, both being tragic figures in this world. Although there are doubts in many aspects of this matter, no matter how you put it, as long as he sincerely loves Aunt Mu and she can feel happiness, those so-called doubts are not worth mentioning.

"Rest assured, I won't mention it to anyone," Zhao Qiuyu bit her lip and said seriously to Lu Xun, "But you must treat Aunt Mu well."

"I won't let her down," Lu Xun nodded.

Just at that moment, Mu Qingshuang, holding a bamboo basket, was strolling towards the pavilion.

"Lu Lang."

"Try the chestnut cake you wanted."

Mu Qingshuang picked up a piece and slowly brought it to Lu Xun's mouth.

Lu Xun opened his mouth and swallowed it in one bite. As he chewed, he smiled tenderly at her, "It's delicious."

"As long as it tastes good."

Mu Qingshuang lifted the tea cup again and brought it to Lu Xun's mouth, saying, "Come on, husband, have a sip of tea, or your throat might get sticky."

At the same time, Zhao Qiuyu, with an embarrassed face, sat there, watching this affectionate scene in front of her, feeling a bit overwhelmed. However, she genuinely felt happy for Aunt Mu to have found such happiness.

"Is it not quite appropriate for me to stay here?" Zhao Qiuyu said helplessly, "Then, I'll leave."

Mu Qingshuang blushed instantly, hurriedly grabbing her hand, and shyly said, "Alright, alright. It's Aunt Mu's fault neglected you."

Saying that, she handed the chestnut cake to Zhao Qiuyu's mouth, gently saying, "Aunt Mu will feed you."

"I-I don't want it."

Accepting the offered pastry, Zhao Qiuyu elegantly bit off a portion, chewing and savoring it slowly.

However, after eating two pieces of cake, Zhao Qiuyu found that Aunt Mu did not stop; on the contrary, she became more enthusiastic. Her body was almost about to plunge into her man's arms. In order to avoid mutual embarrassment, she stood up without hesitation and said, "Aunt Mu, I'm a bit tired. I'll rest in the room. You left that room for me, right?"


"Your and Yueyan's room, Aunt Mu has kept it for both of you. They are regularly cleaned by the servants." Mu Qingshuang snuggled close to Lu Xun, gazing at Zhao Qiuyu with misty eyes.

"That's good."

Zhao Qiuyu hurriedly left, afraid that she might see something she shouldn't.

As she was about to leave the backyard, Zhao Qiuyu couldn't help but look back. The scene before her almost made her jaw drop. She saw the mature and steady Aunt Mu, like a hungry tiger, directly pouncing into her man's arms. At the same time, she tightly embraced his neck, swallowing his lips into her own.

This... is this my Aunt Mu? The mature, intellectual, and calm Aunt Mu? How does it feel like a deep boudoir woman?

Suddenly, Lu Xun lifted the charming widow in his arms and placed her on the table. The pastries scattered all over the floor, including the purple clay teapot and teacups, were shattered.

Ah, this...

This situation greatly shocked Zhao Qiuyu. She stared at the scene in front of her with wide eyes, standing still like a wooden chick. Her cheeks on both sides first turned pale, then swelled to an extreme crimson.

After a while, Zhao Qiuyu recovered from her astonishment. With a blushing face, she hurriedly slipped away.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!"

"How did Aunt Mu become like this?" Zhao Qiuyu bit her lip, muttering to herself as she walked quickly, "This is simply... a seductress."

However, after walking a few steps, Zhao Qiuyu suddenly stopped, turned around, and looked back at the backyard.

At this moment, a strong curiosity deep in her heart was slowly guiding her /collection/257029

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