There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 256: Did I Miss Something?

Chapter 256: Did I Miss Something?

Angara watched the scene before her, feeling somewhat bewildered, even questioning if she was experiencing an illusion. Miao Fengxian and Su Jingyi were actually snuggled up, one on each side of Lu Xun, resting their heads on his shoulders. Clearly, he had both their waists tightly embraced, holding them firmly.

What in the world is going on? How did it come to this? Earlier, the demoness was furious, declaring her intention to fight Su Jingyi. But after some time, it turned into this image of Lu Xun embracing both of them. What exactly happened during that time?

If finding out that the demoness and fairy both fell in love with the same man was not surprising enough for Angara, the scene on the rooftop almost dropped her jaw. Two top-notch practitioners of the Seven Realms, with their relationship not on good terms, now cuddled up together with a man. And the situation was surprisingly harmonious.

"This is completely different from what I imagined. Have they come to a compromise? Weren't they fighting just earlier today?" Angara stood rooted, staring at this bizarre combination of a human, a demoness, and a fairy, unsure of what to say.

After pondering for a while, Angara decided to hide and observe the situation's developments. Would it lead to an incredibly unexpected outcome?


"Is this moon the same as the one from a thousand years ago?" Lu Xun suddenly spoke, asking Miao Fengxian, who was nestled beside him.

"Of course, it is."

"Isn't the moon still the moon? Why would it change?" Miao Fengxian didn't understand his meaning, replying softly.

Lu Xun pursed his lips, gazing at the moon above. He murmured, "The moon remains the same, but people are not as they once were. Life is fleeting. How many wishes can be fulfilled? How many unresolved matters will flood the mind?"

This sudden sentiment made Miao Fengxian and Su Jingyi a bit unprepared, not knowing what to say to him. He seemed carefree on the surface, but it appeared that he was hiding many things in his heart.

"Aunt Su, do you have the Immortal Drunken Wine?" Lu Xun asked softly. "I'd like to taste it."

"With your current condition, you better not drink," Su Jingyi replied, concerned about her little scoundrel getting into trouble. Drinking makes things happen.

"It won't be a problem. Just give it to me." Lu Xun said with a smile.

Helpless, Su Jingyi handed over a small jar of Immortal Drunken Wine to him.

Lu Xun took the jar, sipping a small mouthful. Instantly, he was captivated by its taste. The wine was gentle, with a rich fragrance. In the atmosphere of beautiful wine, beautiful women, and a bright moon, a poetic charm hidden deep in his heart was inspired.

Releasing their waists, Lu Xun slowly stood up, savoring the wine in his cup, gazing at the moon, "When will the moon be clear and bright? With a cup of wine at hand, I ask the blue sky. Not being able to grasp the moon, yet the moon is still there."

Miao Fengxian and Su Jingyi were stunned. Lu Xun's opening lines, full of grandeur, combined with his posture of toasting the moon, delivered a striking bravado. Following his two lines about the moon's relation to people, distant yet close, expressing an emotionless but affectionate bond, a sense of the wondrous connection between the moon and humans surged within them.

"Bright as a mirror flying over the red palace, green smoke vanishes as the brilliance appears. We only see the night arriving from the sea; how can we know the dawn rising amidst the clouds? The white rabbit in the moon pounds medicine from autumn to spring. Chang'e lives alone in the moon; who is her neighbor?"

Lu Xun continued drinking and composing poetry. Each sip of wine accompanied a graceful and carefree personality on display.

Compared to his boldness and nonchalance, the fairy and the demoness were deeply engrossed, unable to extricate themselves. The subsequent verses, the initial two depicting the moon, followed by three peculiar inquiries, hinted at sympathy for immortals and fairies. It seemed to express the young man's own loneliness.

"Today's people don't see the ancient moon, yet this moon once illuminated ancient souls. Ancient and modern people, like flowing water, all view the same bright moon." After a few sips of the wine, Lu Xun began slurring slightly, but his words remained untamed and defiant.

These lines from Lu Xun led Miao Fengxian and Fairy Su into a quest for philosophical insights about life. Especially the line 'Ancient and modern people, like flowing water, all view the same bright moon,' seemed to resonate deeply within them.

"Only wish to sing with wine, where moonlight long shines in the golden cup."

At these words, Lu Xun lifted the wine jug and started drinking heartily, gulping it down.

Miao Fengxian and Fairy Su gazed at him, completely smitten, watching this spirited and gallant young man. Compared to those affectionate poems, they preferred this poem that questioned the moon, expressing sentiments from wine to moon and back again, flowing like a stream of emotions. It made them ponder deeply.

At the same time, Angara, who was observing from the shadows, felt profoundly shaken. Though she was a woman from the Western Regions, she was deeply influenced by Central Plains culture, especially enamored by splendid poems. Yet, she was rarely impressed. However, Lu Xun's recent poetry about the moon and wine fascinated her endlessly.

It was not just full of vigor and fluency but also naturally flowing, intricately beautiful. Crucially, he didn't seem to ponder but composed the entire poem in one breath. Though he occasionally sipped his wine in between, it emphasized his carefree nature. No wonder... no wonder they held him in such high regard. Turns out, he's actually quite the talented individual!

Oh, I suddenly want some too.

Angara suddenly had an earth-shattering idea. Startled by her own thoughts, she quickly shook her head and muttered to herself, "This detestable rogue. Better let Miao Fengxian and Su Jingyi enjoy it. Moreover, it's too chaotic in there. I don't want to get involved."

Apart from not knowing about Mu Qingshuang, Angara knew everything else. In her eyes, Lu Xun was a complete playboy, his audacity able to challenge the heavens. Not only did he handle the demonesses, but he also roped in the fairy, and on top of that, there were other admirers.

As Angara muttered to herself, something unexpected happened on the rooftop.

After drinking from the small jar of Immortal Drunken Wine, Lu Xun was nearly completely intoxicated. He absentmindedly threw the now empty wine jug, nearly hitting Angara hiding in the shadows, much to her silent frustration.

Turning his body, Lu Xun, in a drunken stupor, gazed dizzily at the two mature ladies in front of him and, staggering, lunged toward them.

Miao Fengxian and Su Jingyi didn't dodge but were directly pulled into his embrace. In his drunkenness, Lu Xun kissed the demoness' face and then planted two kisses on the fairy's cheeks, mumbling, "No more fighting in the future. If you fight again, husband will be... very, very..."

As he said this, his hands slowly descended, gripping their shapely hips firmly.

Instantly, Miao Fengxian and Su Jingyi shuddered all over, feeling an indescribable shame coursing through their bodies. Especially under the gaze of their rival, this hysterical feeling became even stronger.

"Spank your butts~!"

"Did you hear me? You two little ladies." Lu Xun was almost incoherent; his tongue started to twist, making it hard for him to speak clearly.

If this were a private meeting, Miao Fengxian and Su Jingyi would surely playfully indulge him. But given the current situation, they each maintained the demeanor of a thousand-year-old demoness and a contemporary fairy. Blushing, they appeared both angry and proud.

"How dare you!" Miao Fengxian shot him a charmingly angry look. "Do you believe I'll spank your butt?"

"What nonsense fills your head, you scoundrel?" Su Jingyi gazed at him with silky eyes, smiling in annoyance. "Always thinking of filthy things."

Lu Xun closed his eyes, subconsciously opened his mouth, and then, as expected, he fell asleep. The sight of him sleeping made the demoness and the fairy unable to look away. The previously carefree and gallant him was now peacefully quiet.


"How about some peace for a while?" Su Jingyi said to Miao Fengxian. "Once we deal with this Alchemist problem, we can sort out our own matters. What do you think?"


Miao Fengxian brushed Lu Xun's hair aside, moistened her lips, and lightly kissed his face. She said calmly, "But don't expect me to be gentle and kind towards you."


"Is your kindness and gentleness towards me that important? I'm only doing it because of him," Su Jingyi said unkindly.

With that said, Su Jingyi softly asked, "What about tonight?"

Miao Fengxian narrowed her eyes, silently observing the young man nearby, and leisurely remarked, "He was quite arrogant just now. How about teasing him a bit?"

"How would we tease him?" Su Jingyi asked curiously.

"Just like this."

Miao Fengxian lowered her voice and quietly shared a small secret between them.

"Kill with kindness, nothing surpasses this."



The next morning, Lu Xun felt a heavy weight pressing down on him and slowly opened his eyes, suddenly overwhelmed by a massive headache after being heavily drunk. He muttered to himself, "Ah, can't bear this, can't bear this." He touched his forehead, looking weary. He silently wondered, 'The Immortal Drunken Wine is truly powerful. My alcohol tolerance is decent, yet a small jug made me pass out completely.'


"I can't stand it anymore." Lu Xun stroked his forehead and muttered to himself with a haggard look on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, he once again felt the discomfort of heavy objects pressing down on his body. He silently glanced at his chest, noticing two slender arms, one on each side, resting on his chest.

As Lu Xun saw these two graceful arms, a sudden realization struck him. He shivered all over, turned his head to the left, and saw Miao Fengxian lying there, staring directly at him with a sweet smile. Then, he glanced to the right, seeing Fairy Su lying beside him, also smiling with deep meaning.

"Are you moved?" the demoness and the fairy asked simultaneously.

Lu Xun lay still, not daring to move a muscle, feeling anxious and urgent inside.

Last night...

Did I miss /collection/257029

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