There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 248: A Man They Can't Resist

Chapter 248: A Man They Can't Resist

The demoness and the fairy both shouted the name of the beautiful woman in unison. However, Miao Fengxian called her by her Central Plains name, while Su Jingyi called her by her Western Regions name.

The Western Region was only a few hundred miles away from the Yomi Mountain Range. With full effort, it would take only half an incense stick's time to reach there. The crucial point was that the place was perfect for recuperation, especially the territory occupied by Angara. It had abundant rainfall and a cool climate, renowned for producing high-quality grapes.

"Wei Xue, also known as Angara, I happened to visit her recently." Miao Fengxian pursed her lips and said slowly, "I told her about Lu Xun and mentioned you to her."

"I know she already came to me, subtly inquiring about Lu Xun's situation from my place." Su Jingyi smirked, saying casually, "I told her the truth, but she probably didn't let you know, right?"

Miao Fengxian shook her head and said softly, "Although this woman likes to watch us fight, she's quite strict with her words. But, but..."

Speaking of this, glancing at the unconscious little thief, she said with a troubled expression, "I'm a bit worried now. What if Wei Xue, that is, Angara, falls for Lu Xun? Wouldn't that lead to a constant rivalry?"

Su Jingyi hesitated for a moment, then said earnestly, "You still have Xuan Yin and Xuan Shi to take care of. How about you leave him to me for supervision?"

Miao Fengxian lightly raised her eyebrows, laughing sarcastically, "Don't even think about it!"

"How about each of us takes turns for a day?" Su Jingyi shrugged. "I've already made a concession. Don't take advantage of me."

Miao Fengxian hesitated for a moment but ultimately agreed to this arrangement. However, she muttered with a stubborn expression, "I don't want to argue with you about these matters now, to avoid delaying my man's recovery. After he recuperates, I will settle the score with you."


"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Su Jingyi sneered.

After the discussion, they set out on the journey. However, they quickly fell into a contradiction about who would support him to go to the Westsern Region, starting a heated argument.

"Why should it be you?" Miao Fengxian glared at her through gritted teeth, annoyed, "He is my man."

"He is also my man." Su Jingyi said unkindly, "You were too reckless; what if you hurt him?"

"Reckless? The two sword wounds on his body, aren't they also your responsibility?" Miao Fengxian retorted coldly. "I don't care; I have to hold him to the Western Region."


"What qualifications do you have to hold him?" Su Jingyi showed no weakness, solemnly saying, "Don't forget, you stabbed him the deepest, almost piercing his heart. Fortunately, my man is blessed, and his life was spared from you."

"You, you."

Miao Fengxian frowned, took a deep breath, and said coldly, "One person holds half."

"Fine!" Su Jingyi didn't continue to argue; she directly accepted this most fair solution.

In the subsequent time, Miao Fengxian flew on her sword, supporting her little thief, quickly heading towards the Western Region. Behind her was Su Jingyi watching over her. When they reached a certain point, Su Jingyi started urging her to switch. In a displeased mood, Miao Fengxian handed Lu Xun over to her. Then, she followed closely behind Su Jingyi, watching her every move.

Just like that.

The sisters, who were both enemies and friends, successfully arrived at the location of the Western Region's Demonic Sect, bickering about who gets to hold Lu Xun. Initially, they switched positions, but at the end of the journey, each of them held half of him.


Su Jingyi supported Lu Xun on the right side and said softly, "What if the world knows that we, for the same man, quarreled so fiercely and even resorted to physical fights, won't we become a laughingstock?"

"Probably." Miao Fengxian, supporting Lu Xun on the left side, murmured in response.

Su Jingyi sighed, turned her face away to glance at the man close at hand, and smiled ruefully, "Perhaps this is our tribulation."

Facing Su Jingyi's words, Miao Fengxian, surprisingly, didn't retort. She always believed that Lu Xun was her tribulation, but this tribulation was both happy and sweet. Of course, it also came with a lot of pain, first the awkward situation with Xuan Yin and then the competition with Su Jingyi. She had invested a lot for this man.

After a while, they arrived at a palace, guarded by disciples of the Demonic Sect.

Seeing Miao Fengxian and Su Jingyi, they knelt down in fear, not daring to meet their eyes.

At the same time, a blonde and green-eyed beauty of the Western Region was lazily lying on a couch, wearing a loose robe that half-covered her. Especially on both sides of the hem, it was wide open, showcasing her generous bosom and perfect curves. At this moment, she was reading a love story while eating grapes.

Gently picking up a crystal-clear grape, she slowly brought it to her mouth. Her moist vermilion lips even cheekily sucked on her own fingers.

Suddenly, hearing a commotion of footsteps, she raised her head to look towards the door and, after a moment, saw Miao Fengxian and Su Jingyi supporting a man walking in from outside.

For a moment, the blonde and green-eyed beauty of Western Region was dumbfounded, looking at them with an expression of disbelief and a bit of confusion.

What... what's going on?

They were actually supporting the same man. Could he be the legendary man that both the demoness and the fairy couldn't resist?

Wait a minute.

How did he get injured?

"You two," Angara, unable to hold back any longer, opened her mouth but swallowed her words. She stood up and said, "Follow me."

Saying that, she led them to a room, watching as Miao Fengxian and Fairy Su cooperated with each other, carefully placing the injured man on the bed. Angara was suddenly shocked. Could they have reached some kind of agreement? Were they starting to share a man?

"What's going on here?"

"Also, is he your common man?" Angara asked.

Miao Fengxian and Fairy Su glanced at each other, neither denying nor confirming. The demoness pursed her lips and explained, "This matter is complicated. He was stabbed by both of us."


"Surely you two fought fiercely out of jealousy, and then this young man came to stop you, only to be accidentally injured by both of you," Angara rolled her eyes, saying assuredly, "Am I wrong?"

As her words fell, Miao Fengxian and Su Jingyi turned their faces away in embarrassment, their eyes looking somewhere vague.


"You two, one is over a thousand years old, and the other is in her forties, how can you... forget it, forget it, it's useless to say more at this point." Angara looked at her blushing friends and asked casually, "Do you want to leave him here for healing?"

Su Jingyi nodded, muttering, "More or less. The demoness and I have discussed it. Each of us will accompany him for one day."

"It's already arranged in advance." Angara looked at them with a smile, curiously asking, "What about after this young man recovers? Will it still be one person for one day?"



Miao Fengxian and Su Jingyi glanced at each other, each lifting a proud chin and snorting at each other.

"He is my man. Why should I give him to her?" Miao Fengxian said coldly.

"What do you mean, 'your man'? Clearly, he's my man!" Su Jingyi retorted lightly.

"I came first!"

Miao Fengxian widened her eyes and said fiercely, "Do you know the rules of 'first come, first served'?"

"Knowing it, what difference does it make?"

"It's your fault for not keeping an eye on him, then he wandered to me. Can you blame me for that? Besides, he's unhappy with you and happy with me. Based on this, I am his suitable match," Su Jingyi replied coldly.


"You shameless harlot!" Miao Fengxian said angrily, "A man-stealing seductress!"

"Me, a seductress?"

"Then what are you? Yes, you are a demoness! Clearly, you know that love between demons and humans is a taboo, violating the laws of nature, yet you still did it," Su Jingyi retorted with a dark face, irritated.


Angara angrily shouted, rebuking, "Your man is still lying in bed. Instead of caring for him, you're here quarreling over jealousy. Don't you know that recovery requires a quiet environment? Can he recover well with you two like this?"

Facing this reasonable reprimand, the thousand-year-old demoness Miao Fengxian and the contemporary immortal Su Jingyi lowered their heads in shame, like children who had done something wrong, full of embarrassment.

"I really can't believe you two."

Angara sighed with a stern face, but in her heart, she was exceptionally relieved. Usually, she endured humiliation in front of them, but she couldn't help it. Who made her cultivation level insufficient? Although she was only half a step away from the Seventh Realm, this half step was a world of difference. But now, she could finally hold her head high! She could even lecture them a bit.

"Let's do this."

"You two go take a bath first, see how dirty you've become, and then I'll help you resolve the conflicts." Angara said lightly.

"Resolve conflicts?"

"Aren't you gonna laugh at us for making a fool out of ourselves?" Miao Fengxian looked at her warily.



"You see, this heartless demoness is suspicious of me, even though I'm helping her." Angara said annoyed towards Su Jingyi.

However, Su Jingyi didn't stand on her side at all, answering indifferently, "I don't think there's anything wrong with what she said."

"You two..." Angara was so angry that her face almost twisted. Just now, they were at odds, but now they were united against her.

"Go, go, go!"

"Seeing you two is annoying."

After pushing them out of the room, Angara led them to the hot spring, brought clean clothes, and silently returned to that room.

Looking at the handsome and robust man lying on the bed, a young man who both the demoness and the fairy couldn't resist, Angara whispered, "Hey, now that they're not here, stop pretending. I know you're already awake."

As soon as she finished speaking...

Lu Xun slowly opened his eyes, turning to look at the charming and mature woman from the Western Region standing at the /collection/257029

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