There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 188: What She Has, I Want Too

Chapter 188: What She Has, I Want Too

Su Jingyi held her composure, unwilling to appear weak or beg for Lu Xun to hold her hand. She wanted him to understand her intentions through subtle hints. However, her flirting technique was rather clumsy. The key problem was that she couldn't seem to catch his fingers with her own little finger.

He was perfectly capable of it in one try, but I've tried multiple times without success. Just how many women does this guy have outside? Is he just too skilled? Maybe Miao Fengxian is not his only wife.

As Su Jingyi pondered this, she continued her efforts to catch his fingers, but she was failing. They remained in this awkward standoff for a long time, and her emotions began to crumble as frustration surged through her.

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye and saw that he remained unfazed. She couldn't help but bite her lip. A faint sound of grinding teeth escaped between her red lips and white teeth.

"What exactly do you want, you scoundrel?" Su Jingyi asked him with an icy tone, as if her words were filled with anger, and she might draw a sword and attack in the next moment. A gentle breeze lifted her veil, and beneath it, her face was exuding a sense of resentment.

Getting impatient?

Lu Xun curled his lips, a smile dancing in his eyes. He had long known Fairy Su's intentions. He wanted to see just how stubborn this beautiful woman was, considering her tough talk. It turned out she was no different from the big demoness, as both became irate and started making threats when provoked.

"Under the broad daylight, I cannot tarnish your reputation," Lu Xun said solemnly. "Aunt Su, I'm half a scholar. I understand the importance of decorum. You mustn't make me tarnish the reputation of a man of letters."

Even though she didn't want to admit it, the little scoundrel was quite talented, almost as brilliant as a top scholar. The key was that he excelled both in learning and martial arts. Unfortunately, he was too playful and cheeky, especially considering the thickness of his skin, which was thicker than a city wall.

Su Jingyi looked at him coldly and squeezed words out between her teeth, expressing her anger, "Don't push me."

That's about enough.

Lu Xun had been roaming the martial world alone for two and a half years, and it showed. He was good at adjusting, easy to talk to, and had a way of defusing situations. He smiled and said, "Aunt Su, I'm just teasing you. There's no need to get so angry. Come on, let me hold your hand."

Having said that, he reached out to take her hand. However, Fairy Su was now in a bad mood and stubbornly resisted his attempts to grasp her hand. After a brief struggle, he finally succeeded. But the resentment in her heart wasn't so easily dissipated. She pinched his hand several times, occasionally making him grit his teeth in pain.

Huh, this woman usually carries herself with such high esteem, but I didn't expect this side of her.

Lu Xun, enduring the pain, was also savoring the exquisite touch of her delicate jade-like hand. Though the journey wasn't short, it eventually came to an end. They were almost at the city gate. Along the way, they exchanged few words, yet the atmosphere was filled with warmth and happiness.

They both gazed at each other and, without making any prior arrangements, began to walk back. It was still too early for Lu Xun to return home, and Su Jingyi felt the same. She was still lost in the wordless happiness and didn't want to return to her desolate residence, where she would once again feel the bitterness of loneliness and solitude.

It turns out that having a man around feels really good. Of course, this man can only be this naughty scoundrel. It's a shame that we can't stay together forever.

Su Jingyi's mind wandered, and the more she thought, the more aggrieved she felt. Even though she was among the world's only two seventh realm experts, she appeared so humble in love matters. The key was that her love rival was the Miao Fengxian. She really wanted to go and fight her right now to redistribute the love shares.

But then again, fate can be so strange, catching you off guard. If we move the clock back a bit, I had no fantasies about love, let alone feelings for men. I was even disdainful of these creatures. Yet, the man I despised still turned out to be the man of that demoness. At this moment, we are holding hands, and our hearts are connected.

"Does she call you a little thief, the heart-stealing kind?" Su Jingyi lightly pursed her lips and gently asked Lu Xun.

"Yeah." Lu Xun nodded in agreement.

Her little thief, my little scoundrel. It seems that both of us have taken on a similar route. After some hesitation, Su Jingyi gently asked, "She told me that you two were just one step away from the final outcome. Is this true?"

Ah? She told her that?

Lu Xun was a bit perplexed by the relationship between Miao Fengxian and Fairy Su. In theory, if they were so close that they could share these details, their relationship must be incredibly intimate. However, in reality, they couldn't stand each other and often engaged in intense fights, each time leaving the world in chaos.

"Yeah," Lu Xun explained in a soft voice, "My wife said that if I haven't reached the mid Innate Realm, I wouldn't be able to fully possess her. If I were to force it, I would die a tragic death."

Su Jingyi elaborated with a calm voice, "She indeed cares about you. You can't touch a seventh realm snake demoness without reaching at least the mid Innate Realm. Plus, her bloodline is quite unique. If I recall correctly, she once told me that she is a descendant of an ancient snake demon."

With these words, Fairy Su's heart was starting to stir. She even felt a hint of secret delight.

Although you got his heart one step ahead of me, I managed to get his body earlier than you, Miao Feng. Do you think I'd fall into the same predicament as you? You never would have expected that I have a Daoist secret technique that could bridge the gap between our realms, even in bed. The key is that you, a demoness, can't use this secret technique.

However, Fairy Su, biting her lip, couldn't help but think, Am I being too hasty? Or perhaps I'm just incredibly lonely? We just started holding hands, but it seems like I'm yearning for more. It's such an abrupt change compared to my past carefree self.

Maybe it's not just me who underwent such an unexpected transformation. I believe the demoness is the same. She has been lonely for thousands of years, while I have only been for more than forty years.

In any case, I'll visit the widow tomorrow. No, no, I'll go see her tonight, and in the process, I'll show off my little scoundrel to her like the demoness did to me!

Meanwhile, Lu Xun looked at the silent Fairy Su. The words he wanted to say lingered on his lips for a long time, but he couldn't bring himself to speak. He had just held hands and embraced her, yet he was so eager to ask her if they could go to bed. This is impatience to the extreme.

Time is always so fleeting, and evening had arrived before they knew it.

Throughout the day, the two of them strolled around, occasionally sitting down to rest and have tea, exchanging a few words. Even in the simplicity, they were filled with happiness. However, at this moment, as they boarded a painted boat, their emotions were somewhat melancholic compared to earlier in the day. Fairy Su, in particular, felt despondent.

"Why did you buy so much food?" Su Jingyi asked curiously. "These kumquats are sour and bitter; they are usually used for medicinal purposes. What do you need them for?"

Of course, to get rid of the scent you left on me. Otherwise, if I go home all proud, I might get beaten to death by the big and the little demoness. Lu Xun laughed and said in a low voice, "I like to eat kumquats, I like their sour and bitter taste."

As soon as he finished speaking, his mind was flooded with a series of unfortunate memories.

"You like sour and bitter flavors?" Fairy Su arched an eyebrow and said thoughtfully, "I think it's more like young and green."


"Young and green?" Lu Xun furrowed his brow. Through the thin veil, he could see a hint of bitterness on Fairy Su's face. He immediately realized she had misunderstood and said, somewhat irritated, "If I liked young and green, I wouldn't be so at a loss like this right now. You and my wife, both of you…sigh."

This sigh contained endless vexation and sorrow, filled with various forms of despair regarding an uncertain future.

Seeing him looking despondent, Su Jingyi was moved to express care for him from a deep place in her heart. However, she was embarrassed by this feeling and kept suppressing it.

Just then, Lu Xun quietly reached for her hand, gently grasping it in his palm. He didn't know how many times he had held her hand, but each time was like a brand new experience. To say it lightly, this hand could be held for a lifetime.

"After this boat ride, I should go back," Lu Xun said softly. "Otherwise, my wife might worry about me."

Knowing that this moment would eventually come, Su Jingyi's heart was filled with reluctance when she heard him say he was leaving. She bit her lip and said indifferently, "If you want to go back, then go. What does it have to do with me?"

Lu Xun chuckled, trying to tug her gently. At first, Fairy Su resisted a bit, but after a tug-of-war, her body slowly leaned closer, and she nestled in his arms. Her head found its way to his shoulder.

So comfortable.

Fairy Su's face blushed, her emotions overwhelming. She couldn't imagine that she, an older woman, would be cuddled up in his arms, despite the fact that he's so young.


"Do you hold her like this normally?" Su Jingyi asked in a low voice.

"No," Lu Xun shook his head and replied softly, "Her desires are a bit stronger than yours."

That was true. After all, she had been lonely for over a thousand years, and in some aspects, her desires were stronger than mine. But why am I suddenly not willing to accept having fewer desires than her?

Su Jingyi bit her lip and said in a soft voice, "What she has, I want too!"

"Aunt Su."

"Are you sure?" Lu Xun asked softly.

"I don't want to lose to her in anything," Su Jingyi mumbled, "in any aspect."

Lu Xun smiled and said affectionately, "In that case, don't regret it!"

With that, he suddenly reached towards behind her.

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