There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 165: Curious Fairy Su

Chapter 165: Curious Fairy Su

Fairy Su held a dripping wet whip and gently flicked it, creating a crisp sound. In the process, a whip shadow formed from water droplets appeared briefly before dispersing. It was evident that there was great power contained within it.

Meanwhile, Lu Xun, who was standing not far away, was dumbfounded. Why was she using a whip? What's more, she knew that wetting the whip would make it hurt even more. Was this woman really a fairy? Why did he find her scarier than the demoness?

"No, isn't this going too far?" Lu Xun backed away, looking anxious and fearful. "We're just learning to break formations; why use a whip? Did you discuss this with my wife, or did you decide on your own?"

"She agreed," Fairy Su replied calmly as she looked at the flustered Lu Xun, "As long as you learn well, the whip won't touch you. If you're indecisive, I won't show any mercy. I'll make sure you suffer, but I won't let you die. Otherwise, it won't be easy to explain to the demoness."

The demoness agreed?

How could she agree to this?


"Absolutely impossible!" Lu Xun's face turned ashen. "My wife would never agree to this. You must have decided on your own. No, no, I need to find my wife and ask her in person."

As he spoke, Lu Xun summoned his flying sword. However, as soon as he summoned it, the sword flew directly to Su Jingyi's side and plunged into the ground.

"Don't struggle anymore," Fairy Su said icily. "Your wife won't come until sunset. Just accept your fate. I will start teaching you from the very basics and make you familiar with the functions of each formation."

As she spoke, with a gentle wave of the whip, several long swords suddenly fell from the sky.

"I'll use swords to set up the formations. Pay attention and memorize them carefully. Later, I will quiz you. If you answer one question incorrectly, I'll whip you once. If you answer two questions incorrectly, I'll whip you three times. If you get them all wrong…" A trace of ruthlessness flashed across Fairy Su's otherwise cold face as she continued, "I'll make you wish you were dead, and even if your wife comes, it won't help, because I said so."

She's so fierce!

Lu Xun looked at Su Jingyi, who was dressed in Taoist robes. Her appearance hadn't changed much from the first time he saw her a few days ago. She still exuded a mature and charming aura. No matter how he looked at it, she didn't seem like the fierce type. Although she was a bit cold, she wasn't as unapproachable as the first time he saw the demoness. But why was she using a whip?

Could it be that the big demoness taught her this? They had chatted for a long time on the side, and after their conversation, the demoness left. Then Fairy Su started using the whip. However, considering Miao Fengxian's hostility towards her and her attachment to him, it was impossible for her to do such a thing.

Thinking of this, Lu Xun bit his lip, feeling unsure. After all, the big demoness also had a strong resentment towards him sometimes.

"Did my wife teach you this?" Lu Xun cautiously asked.

"Guess for yourself," Su Jingyi replied casually, her cold and charming face revealing a hint of subtle malice.

Case solved. It was indeed the big demoness!

Lu Xun found it a bit hard to accept for a moment. Just this morning, she said, "No mountains, no cliffs, no heaven, no earth, I dare not part with you," but now she had essentially sold him out to her arch-nemesis.

"How much did you offer her? To even sell her own husband," Lu Xun asked with a troubled expression.

"All of the imperial alchemist's pills," Su Jingyi replied calmly. "After killing the alchemist, all those pills will belong to your wife. I won't take a single one. The price is that you must completely obey me and allow me to punish you."

Lu Xun opened his mouth, hesitated, and swallowed the words he was about to say. If he didn't thoroughly spank the demoness when he returned, where would he place the dignity of the head of the household?


"Alright, alright," Lu Xun sighed and said with a lifeless expression, "You can start. I'll listen."

Su Jingyi didn't waste any more words and began explaining various formations to Lu Xun. With a light wave of her fair and delicate hand, several swords were arranged in an orderly pattern, forming a formation. She explained, "This formation is called the Enchanting Formation. Each corner represents the elements of heaven, earth, wind, and clouds. This formation can be divided into two when used. When heaven and earth are the foundation, it's the Bewildering Formation; when wind and clouds are the foundation, it's the Soul-Capturing Formation. I'll explain what Bewildering and Soul-Capturing mean later."

Fairy Su was teaching earnestly, and Lu Xun was also listening attentively. However, as he listened, his thoughts drifted a bit. He stole a glance at Fairy Su beside him. Her rigid and cold demeanor, along with her wielding the whip, gave her the appearance of a beautiful but stern school principal.

Upon careful consideration, they each had their own unique qualities. The little demoness had a mature and alluring coldness, like a professional office lady, exuding a sense of rigor. The mischievous and cute little fox was like a next-door neighbor's younger sister, radiating a youthful aura despite being over two hundred years old.

As for the big demoness and Fairy Su, they were something else entirely. The big demoness was mature and seductive, bearing the aura of a female CEO, which gave her a unique charm along with her concealed intelligence. She always emitted a sensual and fragrant presence in her demeanor.

As for Fairy Su, she was the very image of a school principal, bearing labels of sternness, seriousness, and aloofness, yet she was so beautiful that it could eclipse the moon and shame the flowers, making it intimidating to approach her.

After a brief distraction, Lu Xun returned to reality and pretended to nod as he listened. From time to time, he asked some perplexing questions. However, Su Jingyi didn't show any impatience and calmly answered his questions.

In reality, she had known for a while that Lu Xun had lost focus, but she intentionally didn't remind him. She was waiting for the moment of evaluation when she could give him a harsh punishment, as requested by the big demoness —

"Give him a good whipping for me. Don't worry about injuring him. His defenses are stronger than you think."

Those were Miao Fengxian's exact words. At that time, her expression was somewhat resentful, and her tone was filled with the bitterness of a wronged woman. Su Jingyi didn't understand why she felt this way. Perhaps it was because her man hadn't taken care of her properly the previous night, failing to fill the emptiness and loneliness in her heart.

But those were not the points that Su Jingyi cared about. On the contrary, she was curious about Lu Xun's defense. What kind of defense could earn even the demoness' praise? She simply couldn't comprehend it. A mere Late Heaven Realm cultivator – what kind of defense could he have?

After a while, the explanation of the Bewildering Formation was finally complete. Fairy Su took out a bamboo tube from her sleeve, gently opened it, and sipped the sweet nectar inside. Lu Xun beside her looked on enviously.

Su Jingyi pursed her lips and took out another bamboo tube from her sleeve, tossing it directly to Lu Xun.

"Thank you!"

Lu Xun received the bamboo tube and drank all the nectar inside with one gulp, savoring the sweet taste.

"It's so sweet. Where did this come from?" He curiously asked.

"The bamboo on the East Sea Immortal Island has the effect of relieving fatigue and prolonging life every year," Su Jingyi replied with a glance from the corner of her eye, asking indifferently, "Earlier, did you remember everything I said about the Bewildering Formation?"

"Yeah. Almost," Lu Xun replied absentmindedly, still preoccupied with examining the bamboo tube.

Su Jingyi frowned slightly, feeling dissatisfied with his lack of honesty and attention. She was also increasingly puzzled about how her friendly enemy had fallen for him. From her perspective, she wouldn't even want him as a gift, yet the demoness had given herself away for free.

"Well then, let me ask you," Su Jingyi said coldly, "What is the Soul-Capturing Formation?"

"When the Bewildering Formation uses wind and clouds as its foundation, it becomes the Soul-Capturing Formation. This formation magnifies inner fears, causing the loss of combat power," Lu Xun answered softly.

Su Jingyi was briefly taken aback, then bit her lip lightly and asked, "What if the wind and clouds change?"

"Find the ‘earth' within the formation, and that will resolve it," Lu Xun replied, lifting his head and smiling faintly at Fairy Su. "Although I was a bit absent-minded during the explanation, I didn't miss a single word, so don't worry."

Su Jingyi didn't say much more, but she was somewhat surprised. She hadn't expected him to remember everything. She had underestimated him earlier. However, she didn't appreciate his smug expression and felt an urge to give him a good scolding.

"Do you really like Miao Fengxian?" Su Jingyi asked in a soft voice. "She is a demoness, after all."

"Why do you say that?" Lu Xun asked.

"Just asking out of curiosity. If you don't want to answer, I won't force you," Su Jingyi replied.

Lu Xun shrugged and said casually, "At first, I was tempted by her beauty, and when I learned that she was a demoness, I did feel a little fearful. However, as I got to know her better through our interactions, I realized that demons aren't necessarily evil, just like how the world isn't all black and white."

Su Jingyi gently pursed her lips. "But society often sees it that way. If you defy societal norms, you'll be at odds with the world."

"So what?" Lu Xun stood tall, his voice full of pride. "I'm willing to stand up against the world for her. Even if the world despises me, I won't leave her."

Su Jingyi couldn't help but pause for a moment. In the depths of her heart, it was as if someone had thrown a huge stone into a calm lake, creating ripples. She turned her head away, looking at the young man beside her.

Finally, she understood. She understood why Miao Fengxian had fallen for him, making her say all those bizzare and embarrassing words which were not in line with her personality.

"Willing to stand up against the world for her… That's quite moving," she mumbled softly. "Even I am a bit touched by those words."

With a slight smile, Su Jingyi couldn't help but have a slightly improved opinion of Lu Xun. She also felt a deeper curiosity about him.

"Alright, that's enough for now."

"Let's continue," Su Jingyi said as she walked toward the sword formation.

Lu Xun watched Fairy Su's retreating figure, observing her graceful steps and the alluring curves beneath her robe, which seemed to sway subtly.

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