There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 136: He Actually Has Two Wives?

Chapter 136: He Actually Has Two Wives?

The dawn was approaching,

Lu Xun stuck his head out from under the covers and noticed that the sky outside was getting brighter. He couldn't help but smile through his exhaustion and say eagerly, "Sister, it's almost dawn. Let's stop here. I'm about to drop dead from fatigue."

Immortal Miao Feng, with a coquettish smile, embraced his waist and looked at her little thief. She playfully said, "You're just a bit disheveled. When you're with Xuan Yin, you can't even walk straight. It seems that compared to me, you still prefer the younger one."

Ah, why did she have to start this again?

Lu Xun knew well about the sensitivity of this big demoness in this regard. If not handled properly, it might trigger her temper, leading to an uncontrollable situation. He quickly held onto her curvaceous figure, gently saying, "Sister, don't talk nonsense. Don't you understand the preferences of your little thief?"

"Your preference, isn't it just for beautiful women?" Immortal Miao Feng snuggled in his arms and said casually, "Could it be that you also like men?"

"What nonsense."

Lu Xun rolled his eyes and explained earnestly, "Sister, a woman's charm isn't determined by her age, especially for mature and voluptuous demonesses like you. I see in you that calm and composed smile, the serene demeanor, and the graceful charm that shows in your every move. It's irresistible to me."

Immortal Miao Feng listened with great pleasure and excitement. At the same time, she became more certain that she couldn't let the little thief see Su Jingyi. With his preferences, if he saw Su Jingyi, he might instantly fall in love with her. Su Jingyi had a beauty and demeanor that were not inferior to her own, and her figure was even more remarkable. This little rascal, he would definitely adore her.


"I have a question for you." Lu Xun pursed his lips and said softly in her ear, "Earlier, when I went out for some fresh air, I encountered two monks. One of them seemed to be practicing some kind of evil technique. I can't quite describe it, but it required the blood of women. Probably as much as a bathtub could hold."

The big demoness pondered for a moment and replied gently, "These kinds of techniques involving harming others have been outdated for centuries. As times progress, dark arts tend to develop towards more positive directions, eliminating the need for such massacres."

Oh? This thing can actually move toward the light?

Lu Xun couldn't help but pout; it sounded quite reasonable. There was no such thing as standing still; if you didn't progress, you regressed. But then again, didn't this involve quite a bit of killing?

"Did you kill them?" Immortal Miao Feng asked.

"I did."

"They were just rookies." Lu Xun grinned, "They looked intimidating, but it turned out they were just a couple of jokers. By the way, Sister, can you find Zhao Yueyan for me? I need to ask her for a favor."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Xun explained his thoughts to her. After listening to the little thief's words, the big demoness was somewhat speechless.

"You're consorting with demons, but you're still so kind-hearted," Immortal Miao Feng reached out and lightly pinched his cheek, saying without much anger, "Sigh, you're no longer the young Daoist who used to slay demons. Remember your current identity."

"Come on." Lu Xun chuckled and said, "Don't forget your original intention. Perhaps, sister, you don't understand the suffering of mortals. In my two and a half years of demon-slaying, I've seen many things, but no matter what, it's always the lowest-ranking people, the ordinary folks, who end up getting hurt the most."

"How does the suffering of the mortal world concern me?" Immortal Miao Feng rolled her eyes with her hands delicately caressing his chest. She said lightly, "Forget it. Since I happen to like you, I'll contact her for you. But let me make it clear in advance. Don't have any connections with her, especially in bed."

". . ."

"Sister, you worry too much!" Lu Xun said with a wry smile, "I will protect my innocence."

Zhao Yueyan received a message from Immortal Miao Feng through the spiritual mirror communication. Without delay, she rushed to the inn with only two close female attendants, both of whom had some cultivation skills.

Upon seeing Lu Xun, Zhao Yueyan finally learned the reason for their meeting. She then accompanied him to find the magistrate of the capital.

What was initially a tricky matter was quickly resolved with Zhao Yueyan's assistance. There had been a total of over twenty recent disappearances, and after excluding males and the elderly, as well as children, there were still over a dozen people who fit the criteria.

"All right, you can go now," Lu Xun said casually after getting the information he needed. "Thank you."

With that, he turned and walked away, not giving her a chance to speak.

Faced with this unexpected situation, Zhao Yueyan hesitated for a moment. She turned to her two female attendants and said, "You two can go back; I can return on my own."


One of the female attendants was frightened and nervously said, "This…"

"Don't worry about it." Zhao Yueyan said coldly, "Go back, and don't follow me."

With that said, she walked away to find Lu Xun, leaving the two attendants looking at each other in confusion. Eventually, they decided to follow her from a distance.

Tap, tap, tap —

The sound of hurried footsteps came from behind, and Zhao Yueyan quickly caught up with Lu Xun. She softly said, "You might not be familiar with the capital, so I'll accompany you."

As she spoke, she took out a bag of silver and handed it to Lu Xun, saying, "Here's the fifty taels I owe you."

Lu Xun accepted the bag of silver, placed it in his pocket, and walked aimlessly. He asked casually, "As a member of the royal family, can you come and go from the palace as you please?"

"Yes." Zhao Yueyan nodded without saying much, simply acknowledging with a brief response.

The streets of the capital were bustling, with vendors on both sides loudly advertising their wares. Lu Xun strolled through the streets, seemingly preoccupied with something on his mind. Zhao Yueyan walked alongside him, her thoughts a bit more complicated. Although they were walking together, not a word was exchanged between them.

"When the Crown Prince was attacked, do you know what happened?" Lu Xun suddenly broke the silence and asked Zhao Yueyan beside him.

"I do."

"Now, Royal Father's health is deteriorating rapidly. He probably has about two more years to live," Zhao Yueyan pursed her lips and continued, "This has led to a power struggle between my two brothers for the Dragon Throne. You should understand what I mean."


"My older brother has the support of the court officials, while my second brother has the backing of the military," Zhao Yueyan explained.

"What about you?" Lu Xun asked curiously. "What's your faction?"

"None." Zhao Yueyan bit her lip and revealed a hint of helplessness and embarrassment in her expression.


"But it doesn't matter. With my eldest wife's help, the Dragon Throne should rightfully be yours," Lu Xun smiled and said casually.

Zhao Yueyan softly acknowledged his words, and from the corner of her eye, she glanced at him. Her lips were slightly parted, and the curiosity in her heart hovered at the tip of her tongue, but she hesitated and ultimately couldn't bring herself to ask. However, after summoning her courage, she cautiously inquired, "Why do you refer to her as the eldest wife? Do you… do you have a second wife as well?"

"Yes. What's wrong?" Lu Xun asked in confusion.

What! He… he actually has two wives?

Zhao Yueyan's mind had lost all coherent thoughts. She stood there like a wooden log, unmoving, her eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

His wife is the millennium-old demoness Immortal Miao Feng. This was already astonishing, but to her surprise, he had another wife, too? How could this be?

"You, they…" Zhao Yueyan stared at Lu Xun in disbelief, opening her mouth to speak but failing to form a complete sentence.

After calming her emotions, she cautiously asked, "Do they know about each other?"

Lu Xun curled his lips and replied somewhat proudly, "Naturally."

Could it be? The millennium-old demoness Immortal Miao Feng is actually sharing the same man with someone else?

"Do they ever fight?" Zhao Yueyan continued to inquire.

"Our relationship is quite good. Why would we fight?" Lu Xun shrugged indifferently.

My goodness!

What kind of man is he, exactly? Although Zhao Yueyan was of royal blood and had witnessed many bizarre things, this situation was completely beyond her comprehension. It even challenged her values in life. The legendary millennium-old demoness Immortal Miao Feng not only had a man, but she also shared him with other women. Who could this man be?

Wait a minute!

Suddenly, Zhao Yueyan thought of something. The only person in the world who could stand side by side with Immortal Miao Feng was the current immortal, Su Jingyi.

A crazy idea sprouted in her mind, and Zhao Yueyan couldn't hold back any longer. Although it was just speculation, the more she thought about it, the more convinced she became. Who else could make Immortal Miao Feng sacrifice and share a man with her, if not the contemporary immortal, Su Jingyi?

But then again, Immortal Miao Feng and Su Jingyi were known to be at odds, and their relationship shouldn't be good at all. Meeting without a fight would be considered fortunate, which contradicted what Lu Xun had said.

After some contemplation and calm analysis…

"Is your other wife Su Jingyi?" Zhao Yueyan asked softly.

I don't even know her.

Lu Xun shook his head and said casually, "Don't make things up. I don't even know Su Jingyi."

"Is that so?" Zhao Yueyan held a skeptical attitude.

You dare to pursue the millennium-old demoness Immortal Miao Feng, so there shouldn't be a problem with the contemporary immortal Su Jingyi, right?

In a luxurious palace within the imperial palace.

Su Jingyi lay reclined on a couch, her jet-black hair cascading down. She looked elegant and lazy, wearing only a white robe. The sides of her robe were slightly open, revealing her long, slender legs. Her legs were crossed, and her delicate feet peeked out from the hem of the robe, showcasing her dainty toes. She appeared utterly enchanting.

At this moment, as she slumbered, her brows furrowed slightly, her lips slightly parted, and she mumbled softly, "Why have you come to see me instead of having a secret rendezvous with your lover?"

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