The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 95: Confession?

Chapter 95: Confession?

Victor watched as Iris’s pain subdued after about 15 minutes. And she slowly fell into a deep coma. That's normal, she has just experienced a full-body change and some changes are still happening right now.

Other than her hair turning purple, She has grown taller, the black pants she was wearing, were now three fingers short. Her skin has became more transparent like a pearl And most importantly her face. All the freckles that were there have disappeared, she has become at least 10 times more beautiful.

Theodore said nothing, He just watched silently for a second then looked at Victor,

“You did a good job.” He said with a sigh, “If she had purple hair like you from birth, she wouldn’t have had to go through that.” He added, then looked at George, “Take her to the bedroom to rest. Change her clothes, take a blood sample and check to see if she is a virgin. I….” Theodore said but was interrupted by Luna who was standing at the door.

“She is your freaking daughter, and you want a man to check on her. What a fool.” She berated him as she gestured to George to carry Iris. “I will do it.” She said as she left the room.

Victor looked at his father with a smile. If another one of his wives dared to talk to him like that, she would be missing a few teeth.

“Luna was not surprised after seeing what happened to Iris. You told her many things, didn't you? You intend to give her a main wife status no matter if the child is an heir or not.” Victor said to his father.

Theodore coughed a little, he was somehow embarrassed as his son saw through his plans,

“You must know that it is not against the family’s law.” He said.

“Only if it is for the family's benefit. What did you bribe grandma with?” Victor asked with a smirk, making Theodore smack him on the back of his head. His son is getting more and more arrogant.

“Call her fourth mother from now on.” He said, not denying what Victor said.

“I will. And I really like her. But I don’t think my stepmothers will.” Victor said.

“That’s why I am waiting until she gives birth. That would make things much easier if the child is an heir. And if those girls tried anything funny. I don't mind reminding them who is their master,” Theodore said with a dangerous glint in his eyes. He already knew that they had some plans against Victor, but didn’t care. An heir who can’t even survive his stepmother’s schemes is not fit to inherit the family. But Luna was different, if they dared touch her, he would kill them by himself.

At this moment George entered the room with a brown folder in his hand.

“Congratulations master. Lady Iris is a Virgin. And the DNA test has finished too. She is yours and Carla's daughter. This is the information we found about her. There will be more after the field team finishes their mission.” He said, making Theodore smile broadly as he took the file.

A DNA test result that would usually need days can be done in a few minutes if they used the family's technologies. Victor believed that they would require DNA tests for all future children after this incident.

“Let’s go have lunch. I have something to ask you about. George, tell Luna to prepare a meal for us.” Theodore said, looking at George as he smiled happily.

“The mistress had already prepared the table when she heard that young master Victor was here,” said George, making Theodore nod. That woman always knew what was on his mind.

“My subordinates are already here. I will go meet them first then catch up with you. I need to get something. It may be important. ” Victor said, making Theodore frown a little then nod while heading toward the dining room.

Victor sighed as he took the elevator back down to meet the girls who were standing in the hallway waiting for him.

“Young Master.” the girls saluted respectfully, This was a family establishment and protocol must be followed. Margret flusteredly did the same, this was her first time entering such a place. Following Victor was not a bad decision, she thought.

“Give us a good room,” Victor said to the waiter who quickly nodded and gestured everyone to follow under the envious gazes of the diners at the tables on the first floor. Getting a room here didn’t require only money, but also connections.

“Did you get that thing?” Victor asked Lily as he put his hand around her slender waist.

“Yes, young master.” She said as she frowned, “Why does the young master have the scent of an unknown woman? Did he fish another one? Bad young master,” she thought as she took a small memory card out of her pocket and gave it to him. “This was in it.” She said,

“Good, let’s go eat something. This is the fanciest place in town.” He said as he dragged everyone following the waiter to a fancy room on the second floor.

“You stay here, I have something to do with my father. Lily, you will accompany me.“ He said, making the girls who sat down feel a little jealous but they said nothing.

“Is everything ok?” Asked Alex,

“Yeah, there may be a change of plans but I am not sure yet.” He said, “Mina, Mana. Those earrings look pretty on both of you.” He added as he left the room, making the twins blush. “So he had noticed.” they thought.

As Victor intended to take Lily’s hand his phone rang. It was Leo, Victor frowned as he answered.

“Young Master, I… I am sorry.” He said.

“About what?” Victor asked.

“The stuff you put in the trunk is nowhere to be found. I swear I didn’t touch them.” Leo said nervously.

“Ah, those things. it’s ok, they were not that important. But be careful next time. Now I need you to come to the Lovers den and wait downstairs.” Victor said as he hung up. The herbs were not in the trunk. He used it as a cover to put them in his ring.

After that, he guided Lily to the top floor, where Theodore was having a meal with Luna.

“Oh, Lily, You sit down too,” Theodore said as he looked fondly at Lily who intended to stand behind Victor, making Luna look at her with an inspecting look.

Lily looked at her young master for instructions.

“Sit down and remove the veil, we are all family here. This is Luna, my fourth mother.” Victor said, making Luna blush a little.

“This is Lily. She is my assistant for now, but I plan to make her my main wife.” Victor said casually making Lily, who sat down, freeze in shock and drop the veil that she had just taken off to the ground.

“What? The young master wants me to be his main wife?” She thought in shock as a heavy blush appeared on her pretty face.

Theodore wanted to comment that it’s not easy but stopped after seeing Lily’s beauty. What the f*ck? Did that girl get prettier after clearing that dungeon? He was mesmerized for a few seconds until he felt two slender fingers pinch his thigh hard, waking him from his trance.

It was Luna who was shooting him a threatening gaze. “You can flirt all you want outside, but not in front of me. And this was your son’s freaking lover” was what she meant.

“Ahm, ahm. Ah, Lily, you have become more beautiful since the last time I saw you.” He said after a cough.

Lily nodded in acknowledgment while keeping her blushed face down.

“Now, come on, the food is getting cold, start eating.” Luna said as she also watched Lily closely, “This girl was amazing. No wonder she is wearing a veil,” She thought. Luckily she was her stepson’s wife. If not, Theodore that pervert would probably not leave her alone.

Victor smiled and began to eat. Declaring his intentions to marry Lily was the first step in his plan. He is sure that his father would tell his grandmother.

“I found that algae you told me about, it is amazing. The experts in my pharmaceuticals research lab said that they need to test it for a few more months before the final product is ready.'' Said Theodore after chewing a juicy piece of mutton, “But I read Baron’s report. It mentioned that you have harvested a lot of that disgusting mushroom. What is its use?” Theodore asked, changing the subject and making sure not to say the word Dungeon or Player. Luna was not a player, and although she was aware that his family has supernatural powers, certain things can’t be said.

“Ah, did father eat it?” Victor asked with a smirk.

“No, I let one of my men do it. He threw up for an entire hour. And lost all his appetite for the rest of the day. The poor thing would throw up if you tried to make him eat anything.” Theodore said as he squinted his eyes.

“It’s what you just described.” Said Victor with a smirk. “It has two effects, the first one is to suppress the desire for food, and the other is to supplement whoever ate it with enough nutrients to support him. That man shouldn’t have barfed it. Now he can only be hungry but can’t eat for about a day.” Said Victor, making Theodore shocked.

This thing is more precious than the algae. If they can make energy bars from it. Can’t they support an entire army? Wouldn't it be amazing for dungeon exploration?

“If you intend to present it to the family, make sure to give me some credit,” Victor said as he saw the sparkle in his father’s eye.

“Yes, of course,” Theodore said as he ate another bite.

“I will need father’s permission to take the plane to the Island.” Victor suddenly asked as he put down his fork.

“You will have to wait until tomorrow morning, I also plan to take Iris there. Her bloodline must be tested on the appraisal slate for this to be official and She is already old, so we would need to make her attend the ceremony as soon as possible.” Theodore said with a sigh, it is rare for the elders' council to approve a ceremony not on its usual date, as activating the orb requires a lot of resources.

“Don’t worry, I can’t tell you why I know, but she will definitely survive the ceremony. Maybe grandmother would approve if you tell her about the mushroom.” Victor said, assuring his worried father. She had 75% purity, and that’s enough for her to be a player.

Theodore looked at Victor and nodded, he was worried that he would lose the daughter he had just found. But he chose to believe Victor who kept surprising him.

He didn’t ask any questions as it was not appropriate with Luna to his side. So he just continued to enjoy his meal. Luna’s cooking was really superb.

Victor slowly took out the memory card Lily gave him and put it on the table.

“This is a memory card of a hidden camera in Carla’s office. Lily noticed it when I sent her to inspect the scene.” He lied, making Lily look at him, but she said nothing. It was Victor who told her the exact location of this thing.

“I believe it was put there by some competitor company or by Jacob to keep tabs on his sister. It may have captured something.” Victor said as he handed it to George who quickly took it and went away to return a few minutes later with a shocked look on his face, but he said nothing as Luna was there. But Victor could tell that what he saw was not something pleasant.

Soon the meal finished, and Victor stood up with Lily, who didn’t dare to look up.

“I will have to excuse myself. I have a party to attend tonight.” Victor said. “Thank you for the great meal, fourth mother.” He said to Luna as he smiled then took Lily’s slender hand and headed to the elevator.

“Make sure to meet me at the airport tomorrow. Or I would leave without you.” Theodore said as Victor entered the elevator.

“Put on your veil.” Victor reminded the absent-minded Lily, who quickly put it on while wondering if she should speak what was on her mind.

“Young master, I ….. I am not worthy to be your main wife.” She suddenly said, keeping her face down.

Victor didn’t say anything, he just pushed her to the side of the elevator, removed the veil she had just put on, and kissed her sweet lips hard.

It lasted a few seconds. He stepped back and readjusted the veil on the shocked Lily’s blushed face.

“You are worth more than the entire world for me.” He said brushing her hair as the elevator’s door opened.

She didn’t move. So he had to take her hand and drag her to the room where the others were.

“If you don’t start acting normally, the others will notice.” He said jokingly, making Lily step back a little.

“I….. I have to go to the lady’s room.” She said as she ran away like a frightened rabbit. Making Victor laugh as he made his way to the room where his girls were eating.

When he entered the room the girls were busy teasing Alex, asking him if he had a girlfriend. She didn’t know what to say. She killed her fiancee a few days ago.

“Ah young master, where is Miss Lily?” Mina asked as she saw Victor enter the room, making him smile. The servants of most of his brothers and cousins would never dare to speak to them or ask them questions. But Victor didn’t like that. He wanted his servants to consider themselves his family.

“She was being naughty, so I punished her a little. Don’t worry she will be right back.” He said jokingly as he sat down. Then look around the room.

“Did you buy a suit for me?” He asked the girls as he didn’t want to go back to that mansion to change.

“Yes young master, we bought three. but we only have one at hand, the other ones were sent to the mansion directly.” Mina said as she rummaged through one of the bags to get a neatly folded purple suit, that made Victor cringe when he saw it. This must have been selected by Lily.

“Margret, you change too. We will have to go to the party directly from here.” He said to the surprised Margaret as he left the room, to see that Lily was coming back, while a few waiters were hurrying to where she came from.

“Follow me,”. He said to her as a gesture to a panicked waiter to get him an empty room. Where he quickly put down the clothes then looked at Lily, inspecting her.

“What happened?” He asked her.

“Ah, it was just a pervert in the lady’s room,” she said as she kept her face down.

“And?” He asked.

“I got rid of something for him. He will be a good law abiding citizen from now on,” she said with a blush.

“Oh good, now help me put this on.” He said as he looked at the suit and shook his head. A purple suit? Really? Wouldn’t he look like a clown or a pervert? Wouldn’t that be perfect for his plan?

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