The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 93: Buy a Car?

Chapter 93: Buy a Car?

Victor had to walk a little to get to the dealership he had in mind. But this was the most luxurious part of the city, so he didn’t mind taking his time to think about his time here in his past life.

Five minutes later he reached his target. This place not only dealt with extra luxurious cars. It was also a family property.

Victor slowly entered the store and began to look around searching for a suitable car. He found the one he liked when he heard a loud voice.

“You? Have the money to buy this car. You must be joking. Don’t think I don’t know that you came here to take some selfies with the cars. Now go back to whatever shit hole you crawled out from.” A woman was screaming arrogantly.

“Do you dare make a bet?” A familiar voice said.

“Who would bet with a beggar like you? Where are the guards? Do you expect me to buy a car from a place where beggars like this loiter around?” The woman said, making Victor who walked past the big SUV that blocked his view look to see that it was Tom, who wore a tank top shirt, sporty short pants, and plastic slippers, looking like a hooligan. He argued with a rich middle-aged woman while a saleswoman tried to mediate the situation. Was he playing the pig to eat the tiger?

“Can I help you?” Victor, who was wondering if he should intervene, heard a sweet voice behind him and turned around to see that it was a pretty saleswoman with short hair. She somehow seemed familiar but he was sure that he had never seen her in his previous life. And he could tell that she was a little older than him. Maybe a fresh graduate.

“What’s going on there?” he asked.

“Ah, That guy has been loitering here for too long, and hitting on the saleswomen, so the manager went to see if he needed anything. But that woman heard their conversation and began to humiliate him.” The girl said, making Victor nod, this was a typical face slapping situation.

“Well, I want this SUV,” Victor said, pointing to the huge car in front of him, totally ignoring Tom.

“Ah… really?” The girls asked with a surprise. She was new here, and the others would usually not let her talk to the customers, because whoever manages to make a sale would gain a big commission. But this time the others were busy making fun of that guy and trying to please the rich woman so she was the only one who noticed this handsome guy. Most people come here just to look at the cars, so she didn’t expect him to buy one for real.

“Please come this way. She said as she guided him to the sales office, where the clerk quickly took his card to process the payment.

At that moment Tom entered the office with that middle-aged woman.

“If I win and buy this car I would slap you ten times. If I lose you can do the same to me. Do you dare bet?” Tom asked again as he took out his card.

“Why would I want to slap you?” Said the woman, “How about this? if you lose I want you to be my toy tonight and do whatever I tell you to do.” She said as she licked her lips while looking at Tom's exposed muscles.

“Whatever. But you have to put it on paper, I don’t trust you, rich people. Let’s do it.” Tom began to say when he noticed that the clerk was busy with another guy's card. So he looked to find it was Victor.

“You!” He exclaimed.

“What a coincidence.” Said Victor with a fake sad tune.

“Ahha, Why so sad, did your girlfriend cheat on you or something?” Tom couldn’t help but say, he really loved upsetting Victor.

“That’s not your business,” Victor said with some annoyance.

“Excuse me, but your card is not valid. The clerk said coldly at Victor as he gave him the card back. Making Victor frown. And look at the card. This one was connected to the account he usually uses. It was given to him by George as a part of the reward package.

“Sir, do you have another form of payment?” The salesgirl asked him politely. While Tom looked at Victor strangely. Did that guy pay him all the money he had for that porn movie?

“Ah, another beggar. Do you want to join the other guy and serve me tonight? I will pay you handsomely.” The fat woman said as she looked at Victor’s handsome face.

Victor didn’t turn to them. He just took out his purple family token and put it on the counter. This was also a family shop after all.

“Ah, one moment please.” The clerk who got nervous quickly took the token and headed to another office. While the sales girl was a little surprised. What did that token mean? She wanted to ask but knew that this was not polite.

Victor nodded, then left the room and headed back to the SUV, he didn’t want to stay here any longer. When the manager brings him the key he will leave immediately. But what happened to his card he wondered as he quickly dialed Kai’s number. A butler's job was to fix such situations.

“Young master, can I help you?” Kai answered.

“Why is my bank card not working?” Victor asked.

“Ah, just a second…………….. I think the card was overdrawn.” Kai said nervously.

“Don't elite heirs have unlimited credit?” Victor asked.

“Ah, It was my fault. I forgot to connect your card to the system because it was granted to you before the official announcement, young master. I will do it right away” Kai said.

“You have five minutes, And do me a favor, the guy who got the money from me earlier,”

“Tom something, something…”

“Yes, Tom, freeze his card for 24 hours. Do it now, you have 1 minute.” Victor said with a smirk.

“Understood. Anything else?” Asked Kai, as he had learned that this young master seemed to like to hang up when he finishes.

“I killed someone from the Lotus gang, he tried to assassinate me, File a report with the family. Then eliminate that gang.” Victor said as he hung up to hear the sound of shattering glass so he turned to see the shocked look of the petite girl who was standing behind him and heard the whole conversation.

“Ah... I am sorry, I didn’t mean to listen.” she flusteredly said. She was about to serve him some tea, but she didn’t expect to hear what he said. What did he mean by killing someone? And from the Lotus gang. What does he mean by assassinate?

Victor was surprised, not because of the shattered glass, but because of the black threads that he glimpsed at for a split second. They were strangling here. And one bright thread was reaching out for him, But it was too thin and seemed to be about to break. It was as if this thread was asking for help.

Those are Fates, he realized that as he quickly activated his appraisal skill.

; ;
Iris Black


INT 23







Bloodline (ELDER DRAGON 75% Purity)

“What!?” Victor was surprised, What the f*ck, this girl has Von Weise’s bloodline, the elder dragon bloodline, and she did have familiar features. Is she a family agent? But with that purity, she should be a top Heir.

Wait, Iris Black? He did hear that name before, but where?

When a player has a high enough INT attribute, he would have an amazing memory, especially if he had some kind of memorizing skill as he did in his past life.

But his memory of that name was very vague. He must have heard it before he got the memorizing skill but where? It took him a few seconds to remember.

He looked at the girl in shock, then he quickly glanced at her face with a frown. the first time he saw something like this. “This girl is going to die soon.” He thought carefully as he inspected her from head to toe, while she froze in fear, not knowing what to do. She was wondering if he will kill her after hearing his secret.

“I will give you two choices. The first is death, the second is to do whatever I tell you to do.'' Victor said to the girl, It sounded wrong like he was threatening her. But he was trying to save her. He can’t let her die. But can he change fate? The girl's fate Power is E while he is D+. So his fate should be able to change hers, in theory.

Iris was a little flustered not knowing how to answer this killer young man when the clerk returned with the branch manager. Before she could ask for help the manager bowed.

“Young master, This is your token. Sorry for the inconvenience. The transaction has been processed.” He said as he handed The strange young man his token with the car key respectfully.

Young master? Is he some kind of a super-rich guy? Would they really help me? She wondered.

“This girl, what is her story?” He asked as he pointed at her shaking body.

“Ah, Her name is Iris, she was sent here to pay her debts by the chairman’s son. But…”

“But what?” Asked Victor. While Iris wanted to cry, now that he knew her name can she really escape?

“He instructed that she should be paid the minimum wage, not get any raises and that we should block her commissions.” The manager said, making Iris yelp in shock, “That bastard,” she thought as she no longer cared about anything else.

“Speak, what matters.” The young man asked her, who hesitated for a second then spoke.

“I needed money to cure my adoptive father. So I asked an old schoolmate I met at the reunion for help because he was rich. He requested that I sleep with him, but I refused, So he purposed a gambling agreement. He would lend me the money, and I would have to work in his company to pay him off. If I can’t do that in 5 years, he can do whatever he wants with me. I thought that I was smart when I requested that I choose the job. I worked here part-time before, and I know that working here usually pays high commissions. I had no idea that he was manipulating things like that.” She said as tears fell from her eyes.

“Ok, Pay that guy his money from my account,” The young man said to the manager then turned to her and put his arm around her waist.

“Is this guy paying my debt? How can this be? All of them are scumbags.” she thought as he looked at her eyes. “From now on you are mine.” He said unreasonably as he dragged her then threw her into his new SUV then climbed to the driver’s seat. She was so shocked that she forgot to escape.

“Why are you not opening the door for this young master?” the young man asked the manager who quickly ordered the guards to open the door as he bowed down to Victor, who drove out arrogantly.

Iris was shocked, what had just happened? Did I switch hands? From the hand of a scumbag to the grasp of a killer. Her mind was so jumbled up that she didn’t know what to do.

“Sir, I….” Iris wanted to say something.

“Call me Victor,” he replied as he turned a corner.

“Are you going to kill me?” She asked timidly while looking around nervously to make sure that they were still on the main street. Can she throw herself from the car now?

“I will explain things later. Don't worry, I will not harm you.” He said seriously, making her unconsciously believe him. “Why do I believe him?” She wondered.

“And I already have your name, Iris Black. Don’t think that you can escape,” he added. Making her forget her plan to jump out.

He took out a leather fancy vest that had some strange markings out of nowhere and threw it at her. “Wear this for safety.” He said, making her wonder if this guy had some kind of a cosplay fetish.

“I will work for you to pay my debt under the same conditions I gave Lucas,” she said. “I will not sell my body. If you don’t agree I will kill myself.” She added stubbornly.

“Fine, wear it already,” Victor said, making her reluctantly wear the thing while he looked at her strangle while mumbling. “It’s not working.”

What is not working? Did this vest look too ugly on her?

Suddenly He stopped the car, did they reach their destination?

Iris looked strangely at Victor as he got down from the car and opened the door for her.

Looking at the restaurant She was shocked, this was the Lover's Den, the most upscale place in the entire city, reservations here are usually months in advance. What does he need her to do here?

“Let’s go.” He said as he took her hand and guided her in.

“Sir, do you have a reservation?” Asked the waiter at the door.

Victor just flashed his token. “I need to use your secure room.” He said, making the waiter quickly nod after seeing the token and guide Victor to the elevator,

“Why does everyone become so respectful when seeing this token?” she wondered as she looked at the waiter who pressed the button for the second basement.

“Why is he taking me down there?” She wondered “Is it too late to escape now?” She really wanted to run but Victor was grasping her hand, and she believed that the water would never help her. “Are they going to do that to me?” She wondered as a tear dropped from her eye. She didn’t want to commit suicide as her adoptive father was still at the hospital.

Soon the elevator stopped, and Victor dragged her out, while the waiter took the elevator back up.

“Let’s go, we don't have much time,” Victor said as he dragged her into a random room before closing a huge gate that looked like a safe’s door.

“Are you really in a hurry to do it? Didn't you say that you would not harm me” She asked with resentment as she inspected the room?

“Go sit there,” Victor said pointing to the leather couch in the room which looked like a normal karaoke room, if not for the steel door.

She sat down and watched as Victor took an opposing seat.

“We have about five minutes.” He said with a frown.

“For what?” She asked nervously. The look on his face was too serious for something trivial.

“I can’t tell you now, Just trust me.” He said as he took out a strange jewel from his pocket and began to inspect it.

“Was this thing always there?” She wondered as he put the jewel into her lap.

“Hold onto this for the next 5 minutes. And no matter what happens don't panic or we will all die.” He said making her flinch. Die?

She looked strangely at his panicked face then at the jewel in her hand wondering what was going on. Is he a terrorist?

Suddenly the room dimmed and a shadow began to creep out of the nonexistent cracks in the walls. It was a strange red-colored creature that had eyes all over its body. So faint that if she wasn't waiting for something she wouldn’t probably notice him.

It was like a dog but had a long nose with six eyes on top of its head with some others on its limbs. It had a long tail that ended with a sharp tip.

She felt a shiver go up to her spine and reach the tips of her fingers as she looked at it. This was not a dream nor a trick. She could feel an ancient sound resonating in her telling her to flee.

Was this a ghost or a demon?

She wanted to move or scream, but Victor held her tight and put his hand gently on her mouth. She wanted to take it off but she remembered what he told her, and felt a strange sense of safety in his arms that she had never experienced before.

That thing crawled around the room moving on the ceiling and the walls then attacked the couch near Iris. It only struck at it with its whip-like long barbed tongue, shredding the couch into pieces. Then swallowed them in one bite.

It stopped for a moment as if appreciating the taste of the couch then looked around the room one last time before seeping out through the same non-existent cracks it came in through.

Iris didn’t dare to breathe until Victor took out his hand from her mouth. And looked at her with a smile. “You have just escaped certain death.” He said with a smile as he relaxed on the couch next to her.

“Now tell me your story.” He said with a charming smile.

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Name :Victor Von Weise


CLASS: Fate Weaver (2)


Strength: 60

Agility: 67

Intelligence: 80

Luck: 37

Charm: 32

Order: 33


Admin Appraisal, SSS (+2)

Admin Merchant, SSS (+2)

Master seal, SS (+2) 3/4

Contractor of Doom, S

Unlimited Disguise, SS (+2)

Dagger throw, C


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