The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 75: Alpha

Chapter 75: Alpha

The girls took some time to calm down after realizing they didn’t have memories of the past, Titus made sure they would not think about such things by making them dread the thought of the evil parents who sold them.

“You have a Beta, why no Alpha?” Victor, who was leisurely sitting on his chair, suddenly asked.

“Ah, Alpha was our big sister. She is no more.” Beta said after some hesitation as tears filled her pretty eyes.

“What happened?” He curiously asked.

“We... We tried to escape six months ago. But we were caught, but She used an opportunity to try and kill Dog but only succeeded in injuring him. And that Barron… Pig suddenly appeared out of nowhere and struck her from behind. They tied her down as Dog….. He raped her in front of us for a whole night while torturing her, scaring her beautiful face slowly with his dagger, before slitting her throat after he finished. Saying that she can’t be sold anymore.” Beta said as tears slowly fell from her eyes as she sobbed, the grits were crying too.

“Ok stop crying. You should live in her stead and avenge her. Don’t worry, Titus is being punished right now, and Baron will follow him soon.” Victor said, appeasing them. He wanted to kill Baron himself to tie all loose ends, but that guy despite his overweight and chubby appearance is very strong. He was George’s rival when they were young.

Victor patiently waited for the girls to calm down while sipping a cup of coffee that Lily gave him.

“Now I will give you a choice again. You can stay here and serve me, and I promise to consider you my family. Or you can leave through that door, and I won’t stop you. I might even give you some money, you grabbed a lot of it from the mansion. But I will warn you now, I will have to erase your memories again because you would be haunted by the one behind Titus and I don’t want you to reveal anything about me.” He Lied, as he had no way to erase memories right now. And if they leave he would have to send them to a very faraway place if he wanted to save them.

The girls looked at him with shock. He is giving them the choice again after seeing their beauty. If he is telling the truth, he might be just like what Miss Lily said. A really good young master. They thought.

“We will serve the young master!” Said Beta as she bowed down followed by the other girls. All of them were very smart and have realized that if they escaped now, their end would not be good.

“Good. now don’t resist, This will not hurt,” said Victor as he took out the Ring of Minor masters and began to activate it on them one by one. While being curious about the first 41 slots used in the ring. He must go find where Nick hid his slaves. “Knowing Nick they are probably pretty girls too,” Victor thought as he chuckled, making the girls a little scared.

Titus didn’t have much treasure, and he didn’t tattoo them as they were meant to be sold. So the process was pretty straightforward. Too bad the ring only worked on non-players.

After finishing he sat down again and looked at the girls who were a lot more relaxed. They didn’t know what this ring did. But what’s the worst that could happen?

“Now, I must ask what skills do you have?” He asked, making the girls hesitate a little.

“Titu... Dog had trained us in the arts of pleasing men.” Beta said as a blush appeared on her face.

“I already know and I am not asking about those, stupid. I want to know what grade in school you are in, can you sing, dance, or use weapons?” He asked with a smile as he began to inspect the girls' body’s with a hot gaze, making them regret their choice again.

“Young master.” Hilda intervened after seeing that the girls were a little embarrassed. “The girls only know perverted arts. But they can read and write and do mathematics,” she said, as she had already questioned them when they arrived.

“Oh, do you remember those?” Victor didn’t expect Titus to spare such memories.

“No. Big sister Alpha taught us secretly.” Beta said. Making Victor really surprised, was Alpha a player, or did she have some unique bloodline. Too bad that Titus killed her, what an idiot, wasting talent.

“Ok then, From now on I will give you one year to learn all the basic knowledge that a girl your age must know. I want you all to attend school next year” He said, making them pleasantly surprised. They didn’t expect such treatment.

“Don’t laugh yet. It will not be easy. Hilda will also teach you martial art, spying arts, and how to use weapons starting tomorrow morning.” He said as he looked at Hilda who nodded her head. She can teach them the basics. She already began to teach the twins such things.

The girls nodded their heads in excitement. Not knowing that they would be so tired tomorrow that they would not be able to move their arms.

“Ah and Hilda, tell them about the family protocol and inform them about the world's truth. They are a part of our family from now on.” He said, making the girls a little puzzled, and Hilda surprised. She quickly nodded as she had understood his aim. He wants to make them his agents.

“How did you arrange the girls' lodging? I heard that you took them to that building.” Victor asked Hilda, who blushed a little. At first, she thought that Victor was intending to make them serve him in bed, so she took them there so that their actions would be far away from any prying eyes.

Victor saw her hesitant look and laughed making her more embarrassed, the girls didn’t get what he was laughing about.

“The girls are arranged two in a room, only Theta would have a full room for herself. That building has many rooms. But I thought it would be better this way.” Hilda who got herself together said, as Victor looked at Theta who got a little embarrassed and lowered her head. What a lucky girl. He should take her to a casino for a spin.

“Oh, Transfer them to the servants' building, I want them to be near you so you would be able to teach them.” He said.

“Understood.” Hilda nodded.

“Now where is Alex, why don’t I see him?” Victor looked around and asked

“Ah, I made him watch over the pot in the kitchen. The dinner is almost ready, does the young master want to eat now?” She asked,

“Yes, and you girls too, grab a seat and sit down. We will eat together today.” He said with a smile.

Soon the girls were seated at the long table, with Victor and Lily at the table’s head. The twins walked in with Alex and started to arrange the dishes, and the table was set soon.

“Alex, you stand behind young master Victor and serve him. Butlers should eat after their masters.” Hilda sternly told poor Alex who was about to sit down.

Alex could only stand reluctantly behind Victor, who smiled but said nothing. He needs to make it a little hard for her. He thought as he began to eat.

The food was good, but after tasting Luna’s cooking everything became tasteless. He should go there more for a meal, as Luna would have to go to the Island after giving birth. Her child would be a full-fledged heir.

“Mina, Mana, Did you make up your mind about our agreement?” Victor suddenly asked, making the twins stop eating and look at each other.

Mina hesitated and was about to answer when Mana stopped her by placing her hand on her sister’s.

“Young master, give us one more day.” She pleaded.

“Fine, but the more of my secrets you know the more dangerous your situation would become after leaving me. Remember that.” He said with a smile as he continued eating. He underestimates Tom’s effect on them, but that is to be expected as fate seems to be in play here. The girls seemed to be still a little hesitant after seeing Tom’s recording. He is sure that they would turn to his side, but it would take some time.

Thankfully he got them before Tom confessed to them, or their situation would have been hopeless. Taking food from a scion’s plate is hard but possible, taking it from his mouth is plain suicide.

Victor, who was a little upset, didn’t realize that the girls had already made their decision to be his, but Mana felt that if they told him now, he would make them sleep with him tonight, and she felt that Lily who truly missed him was the one who should do that.

Suddenly Victor stopped eating after thinking about Tom, “What is that idiot doing.” He yelled then put down the fork and closed his eyes as if he was meditating, making the girl wonder. What’s wrong?

“What a shit luck,” Victor said as he stood up. Making the girls look at him in shock. What’s going on?.

“Alex, follow me, we have a night mission.” He said after looking at Lily then at Alex.

He then approached Lily who was surprised and hugged her while whispering in her ear.

“I am going on a mission, I may only return after a few days and will be out of reach. You take care of yourself, and the girls and don’t worry about me.” He said, before looking at Hilda,

“I will go diving with Alex for a couple of days. Take care of the girls and the mansion.” He said as he quickly headed outside the mansion followed by Alex who looked at the table full of food with regret. He had not eaten anything since lunch, and George didn’t let him eat much.

Lily didn’t understand where he was going, she just looked at him leaving with worry in her eyes. The twins did too, while the girls looked at each other with questioning looks. Did they just leave the perverted young master grasp, to fall into the crazy young master’s hands?

Victor hastily activated his disguise skill and led Alex through the front gate, where the guard was napping on his chair. Victor had the urge to strangle this guard and finish him off.

This idiot was really getting on his nerves. The report Baron submitted at the station contained all the witnesses' statements. And this shitty guard told them everything. and added that when he informed Victor that Nick was in the mansion, He had a clear murderous look in his eyes.

This was the truth, but did this idiot have to say that! Can’t he cover for his young master a little bit?

He seemed to have assumed that Victor was finished, and was trying to please his new master.

“I will kill you later,” Thought Victor as he remembered that Alex, who didn’t realize that her presence was disguised, was with him now.

Victor led Alex till they reached the main street. Then started walking in a certain direction getting far from the mansion to hide his trace, while Alex was wondering where they were going. 15 Minutes later, Victor found a suitable car parked at the roadside, so he quickly approached it, and easily used his phone to hack its security system then “Borrowed” it and drove off in a hurry. All the while cursing that he needed to buy a car for himself.

Alex, who was sitting beside him, looked at him wondering what was going on with his young master.

“Our mission should be kept a secret, so I had to take an unmarked car,” Victor explained.

“Ah… I understand.” She replied as her stomach began to growl making her blush a little.

“Didn’t you eat lunch?” Victor asked her.

“Only a little.” She replied, only to be surprised by Victor’s handing her some mushroom that she didn’t know where he got it from.

“Eat this.” He ordered.

Alex slowly took it and smelled it, it was not that appetizing, can this be eaten raw?

“Young master, are you sure this is safe?” She asked.

“Yes. Completely. But you have to eat it in one bite and swallow it quickly.” He said.

She nodded then put it in her mouth and bit it to be welcomed by the foulest flavor she had ever tasted.

“If you spit it out or throw up I will let you eat it all again. So you better swallow it all.” Victor warned sternly as he continued to drive without even looking at poor Alex who was holding her mouth with her palms and trying hard not to throw up.

“What the hell is this,” She thought as tears welled in her eyes. This was disgusting, she felt like someone had just defecated on every cell on her tongue.

She forced herself to swallow the last of it, as she felt that Victor was not bluffing. Why was he bullying her like this? She wanted to cry as she wondered.

A bottle of juice suddenly appeared in front of her.

“Drink this, it will help you a little,” he said softly as he gave her the bottle.

“Why did you let me eat that thing young master?” She asked with tears on her cheeks as she slowly sipped the juice.

“You no longer feel the need to eat now right?” He said with a smirk.

“Yes, I feel so disgusted that I lost all my appetite.” She said with a nod, feeling that she was getting bullied.

“It’s not that, this thing is an otherworldly herb, if you eat on, you no longer have to eat for an entire week. I got it in a dungeon.” He explained, making Alex suddenly get it. True she no longer feels tired or hungry. “You should have told me before, or at least warned me” She complained in her heart.

“Where are we going now, young master? What did you mean when you said diving earlier?” She asked as she noticed that they were driving on one dirt road after another.

“Dungeon diving,” He said with a smirk.

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