The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 105: A Girl!

Chapter 105: A Girl!

Margret began to move from one corridor to the next, killing one guard at a time. The feeling of annoyance she had before, has completely disappeared. She just had to remind herself that those guys were worse than goblins.

She heard some noise from the top floor and was a little nervous. But she believed that Victor would not send Alpha here if he was not assured of her safety.

Alpha returned from outside the building 15 Minutes Later, just as Margret had managed to finish all the guards on the hallways.

“It’s done. Let’s start checking the room from Baron’s office,” she told Margret as they headed there.

The office was a mess thanks to the battle that happened here earlier, but Alpha was able to get quite a few useful things like incriminating documents and maps. In addition to the empty book that Victor wanted. It was as he described it. A brown weathered leather book that had an ominous eye symbol on it.

Alpha knew what this thing was. It was the tool Baron used to test hers and the girl's bloodline. But it was just a low-level artifact, as it only confirmed or denied the existence of bloodline with some random information like the target’s bone age and health status.

After that, she searched for the seal. This thing should be placed in the safe under Baron’s desk. She quickly tried to open it using the key, but this thing required a security pin. So she just sliced it open with her blood sword under Margret’s astonished eyes.

She took out the seal after grabbing the documents that were in there and stuffing them in her bag.

The seal was a silver-colored small fox statue with a strange inscription on its bottom. Alpha quickly bit her finger and drew a symbol on it. Making it shine with a bright light. Not only was the seal now hers, but her mind also had the instructions for using it.

Those idiots in the families didn’t know how to bind Artifacts. Smearing it with blood would only let it be superficially bound. To bind it completely, one must use essence blood in a binding symbol suitable for the artifact.

Now, all the Baron’s slaves have become hers. This thing was a low-grade slaving device. It requires drawing precise tattoos with blood on the enslaved, then putting this thing on the tattoo to activate it. That was really troublesome and would require hours of work. On top of that, it could only be used for punishing or killing the target. Nothing fancy like tracking, or wiping memories, like the ones the family uses.

“We are done here,” Alpha told Margret, who didn’t manage to find anything useful. Just an antique porn book that she thought Victor would be interested in.

“Let’s go check the other rooms,” Alpha said as they left the office which was on the top floor. They would go down room by room from her to the basement.

The first one was the security room, where Alpha proceeded to kill the guards and then destroy the recordings after making a copy of a certain hidden folder.

“What are you going to do with that?” Margret asked her, looking at the flash drive in her companion’s hand.

“Many of the rooms have hidden cameras, Baron seemed to have been keeping VIP’s good deeds recorded here. It can be used for blackmailing them.” Alpha said as she proceeded to physically destroy the hard drives and backups with her sword.

The next three rooms they checked were empty, the fourth wasn’t. An ugly fat man was sleeping with two beauties in there.

Margret was disgusted, Alpha wasn’t. First, she checked whether the girls had the tattoo, then. she quickly took an antidote vial and dipped a needle in it before pricking the two girls' arms with it.

The girls took five minutes two wake up.

“Ah,...What’s going on?” The girls asked as they woke up and were a little confused.

Alpha didn’t have time for explanations, she simply used the seal in her hand to inflict some pain on them.

“I am now your master.” She said as she watched them wither in pain. This was a little cruel, but it was the fastest method.

“Ahh.” The girls quickly kneeled on the ground with fear.

“Go get dressed, then wait for me on the first floor. I will be taking you out of here.” Alpha said as she took a dagger and approached the sleeping man. She intended to castrate him but didn’t want her blood sword to touch him. Just as her dagger was over the man's crotch, she hesitated a little, then chose to back down and do nothing. If he was left here to bleed he would be dead by the morning when they find him. If this guy was a VIP from some important family, that would spell a lot of trouble for Victor.

“You can kick him there. That won’t kill him. But he will not be able to do anything with broken tools.” Margret, who got Alpha’s idea from her facial expression, said as she made a kicking motion with her slender leg.

Alpha looked at Margret with astonishment then nodded. This girl has potential. She thought as she used 50% of her strength to kick that guy’s crotch. Ooops, It was still too much. His entire pelvic bones were broken.

“You really hate men, don’t you?” Margret asked her as they proceeded from room to room doing the same thing.

“Yes,” Alpha replied without explanation. Heading to the second floor and opening the first door there. What they saw made both of them halt in surprise.

“This beast,” Alpha said, as she saw a man with a young teenage girl who had clear tear marks on her cheeks. And bruises all over her body. “You do it.” She said to Margaret, who was also disturbed when she saw the pervert’s face. “Abe!!” She gasped.

“He must have taken the money you gave his mother and used it to come here. I am surprised that he knew the right people. This place is a private club after all.” Alpha said as she woke the confused girl up, then sent her to the others after checking that she can walk. She didn’t use the seal’s punishment on this one, as she seemed to have suffered enough.

Margret hesitated for a moment then after looking at the poor girl, did as Alpha told her, and broke Abe’s third leg, but she used a baton instead of her foot. Unfortunately, she was not as efficient and her aim was off. It took her 5 strikes to get things done, and many of his legs bones were broken in the process.

After two hours they finished the three floors, including the small dormitory behind the mansion. Where they found a few sleeping guards and girls.

Now, there were 27 scared and confused girls waiting for them in the main hall. Their ages ranged from 13 to 30.

“Is that all?” Asked Margret who regained her composure and looked at the girls with sympathy. She was lucky her uncle was an idiot and didn’t think of selling her to a place like this.

“Not yet, we have to go to the basement,” Alpha said,

“But I already checked it, there was only a boiler room there,” Margret said.

Alpha shook her head as she went to a normal corridor’s end, then used Baron’s key to open a hidden door.

“Let’s go in,” Alpha said as she descended the hidden stairway that appeared behind the door.

This place had three rooms, two of them were full of nude girls, they had beating marks all over their bodies. while the last room was full of both naked men and women in all kinds of positions. It had many nasty tools scattered on the ground.

“What is this place?” Margret gasped as she put her hand on her mouth.

“They bring girls here first, then train them to be prostitutes,” Alpha said as she began to wake up the girls. All of them have been tattooed. And the tattoos looked fresh, it seemed that Baron wanted to guarantee that no accident like the one that happened in Titus’s mansion would happen again here.

The girls were very miserable, and some of them were really hurt, they had to be helped by their friends to be able to walk out.

Margret didn’t need Alpha to tell her this time, she proceeded on her own accord to break those men’s tools. And maybe she went a little overboard, but they deserved it.

In the end, they had about 60 pretty girls.

“That’s more than I anticipated,” said Alpha with a frown, as she inspected the girls who were dressed in men's clothing now. They didn’t have any, so they had to use the guards and customers' clothing.

“From now on, you belong to my young master. Understood?” She told them as she raised the seal in her hand, making the girl involuntarily kneel on the ground. Baron had trained them hard.

“Now, let’s go.” Alpha took the girls out to meet Alex, who had already cleared their traces and brought the bus to the front door and began to help the girls in. Some of them gave him curious looks. Is this the young master?

“Now get in. It will be a little cramped, but we will manage.” She said to the girls who didn’t dare ask her where she was taking them, nor did they care. Anyplace is better than here.

“Alex, you take Margret and return home. I will drive the girls to a safe place.” Alpha said as the girls took their seats.

“Where to?” Margret asked.

“Yesterday, I made a plan. I will take them to a remote abandoned village. I plan to create a special team using them.” She said. That place was once a secret base of her family. It was hidden well so no one should have discovered it, because all the family members were ordered to return to the main base after the enemies developed a way to track their bloodline.

“Understood. How long would it take you?” Alex asked.

“I will be back in a couple of days. Protect my sisters for me.” She said,

“Ok,” Alex nodded as he watched her climb into the driver's seat and then drive away.

“Now, shall we go home?” Alex asked Margret with a sigh.

“What, are you jealous that you couldn’t spend some time with those girls? They may have mistaken you for the mysterious young master.” She said with a chuckle as she grabbed Alex’s butt, intending to tease him.

“Ah,” Alex let out a surprised voice.

“What!…” Margret quickly let go and then pointed at Alex, “You are a girl!” She shouted.

“No, I am not.” Alex flusteredly said, as she began to walk away ignoring Margret.

“Do you think I am naive? Your voice just now, and your butt is definitely not a man’s butt. Don’t you dare lie to me!” Margret yelled as she chased after her.

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