The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 146: Can't simulate

Chapter 146: Can't simulate

Okay, please come here. The service staff heard the words, their eyes suddenly lighted, and the service was more enthusiastic. Those who can come to buy blank energy cards online are generally card makers. Even the lowest-level card makers, even if they ca nt make an energy card in reality, but they can be produced online, which is also a lot of psionics scramble for. Of course, they naturally have to be more careful in their reception, and must not provoke these cardmakers.

After all, no one knows what these cardmakers will do in the future.

Treating card makers can only be a good relationship, never offend, not to mention such a big customer

The waiter quickly gave one thousand virtual blank energy cards to Jiang Mosheng, and Jiang Mosheng said nothing, directly swiped the card and paid, leaving with little chestnuts, without making any extra stays.

After buying a blank energy card from the largest online store, Jiang Mosheng took Xiaolizi to a place where he could rent a card-making laboratory.

Here you can provide card makers with an absolutely quiet card making environment. You only need to pay 100 net coins (1 net coin = 1 credit value), and you can use this laboratory for a whole day at will, which is very cost-effective. So many card makers will rent this lab to practice card making.

Little chestnuts can make business cards here with peace of mind, I am waiting for you outside. Jiang Mosheng said with a gentle smile.

Okay, Ill be out soon. Yu Jinli said with a smile.

He just wanted to try out the difference between making an energy card in the virtual world and making an energy card in reality.

With a thousand blank energy cards that Jiang Mosheng bought for him, Yu Jinli went into the laboratory.

The decoration in the laboratory is very simple, just one table and one chair, but the materials used to make the room are soundproof and safe. Only the card maker can get out from the inside. People outside cant get in, and to some extent This protects the security and privacy of card makers.

Yu Jinli took out a blank energy card and didnt think much about it. She started to make it from the simplest yoyo grass.

Because Yu Jinli used energy cards instead of real mental power to make energy cards, but in the virtual world, everything is real.

Yu Jinli simulated it according to the sense of simulating spiritual power in the real world, but found that it was difficult to simulate, and he was a little hesitant.

If the mental power cannot be simulated, does it mean that he cannot make energy cards in the virtual world?

Then his plan to collect the power of faith is shattered? Yu Jinli was a little sad for this.

After trying several times, but still unable to simulate mental power, Yu Jinli had to leave the laboratory disappointed.

Jiang Mosheng has been staying at the place closest to the laboratory. The first time he could notice Yu Jinli came out. When he saw the other person entering, he smiled, but when he came out, he felt a little frustrated, and his heart tightened.

What happened to little chestnuts? Jiang Mosheng asked softly.

A Sheng, I cant simulate mental strength, cant I make a card in the virtual world? Yu Jinli said with emotion.

Face Dont worry, we cant do it if we cant simulate it. Have you tried to use Gods consciousness directly to make cards? Jiang Mosheng appeased Yu Jinli, and really didnt want to see the depressed expression on the little guys face.

His understanding of the consciousness is certainly not as profound as Yu Jinlis, but he has found that the consciousness has a certain connection with the spiritual power of this world, otherwise the little guy will not use the consciousness in reality. Simulate mental power use.

Since there is a connection between the two, it is possible that spiritual power can be used to make cards, then the consciousness is likely to be possible, but it is blocked by certain conditions in reality, but it may be used in the virtual world.

After Jiang Moshengs reminder, Yu Jinli thoughtfully.

Just now, he habitually began to simulate mental power to make cards, and he never even thought about drawing directly with divine knowledge.

In reality, the consciousness is not able to draw energy cards, but because the consciousness is too powerful, the general energy card is difficult to withstand the power of the consciousness, but now it is in a virtual world, everything is virtual Yes, maybe the energy card here can bear it.

After Yu Jinli figured it out, her eyes flashed, watching Jiang Moshengs expression full of excitement, subconsciously tipping her toes and trying to kiss each others face, but because the angle could not be grasped, directly kissed On the corner of each others mouth.

However, Yu Jinli, who was excited, did not realize this, and hurried back to the laboratory again after finishing the kiss, leaving Jiang Mosheng, a rare kiss, petrochemical in one place.

No one dared to contend with Yu Jinli when it came to running.

Touching the corner of the kissed mouth, there was still the soft touch of the little guys lips, which made his heart flutter faster and his face flushed red like blood.

As I said before, this is in the virtual world, which is simulated by brain waves. All the reactions are the most real reactions and cannot be hidden.

Therefore, Jiang Mosheng is actually quite glad that the little guy has now entered the laboratory, otherwise he will see his embarrassment, which may affect the image in the others heart.

Jiang Mosheng worked hard to get his face up, but his emotion of excitement made him unable to get up anyway, and the corners of his raised mouth couldnt be suppressed, which made him a little bit distressed.

On the other side, Yu Jinli, who was completely unaware that Jiang Mosheng was suffering from sweet torture, no longer tried to turn the godly knowledge into spiritual power to make cards, but instead directly explored his godly knowledge and went deep into the blank energy card. Try to draw directly with consciousness.

In reality, Yu Jinli once tried to draw with the consciousness, but eventually it exploded because the energy card could not bear the power of the consciousness.

But now when trying, he found that the capacity of energy cards in the virtual world really improved a lot, at least there was no explosion, and the speed and fluency of drawing were increased.

This discovery made Yu Jinli very happy.

After about five minutes, his first yoyo grass energy card was completed, and the time it took was directly reduced by twice as much as in reality.

Yu Jinli did not stop drawing and continued to draw other types of energy cards.

The limit of his consciousness is greater than the limit of his spiritual power. He can draw a lot of energy cards at one time. If he is not worried about the boringness of Jiang Mosheng waiting outside, he might draw all the types of energy cards he can. Over and over again.

About ten alien plant energy cards were drawn, and Yu Jinli decided to try the drawing of alien beast energy cards.

His first choice is to draw the civet cat with the most recent exercises. He has already learned the lines of civet cats, and can draw them even with his eyes closed.

Sure enough, when drawing a ghost cat, Yu Jinli clearly felt that using the card of Gods Consciousness was more smooth, comfortable and efficient than using the card of Spiritual Power. This discovery made him very happy, but he did not know these cards Whats the difference between the power of mentality and the mental power.

If there is not much difference, Yu Jinli feels that she has found a way to make cards in the virtual world, and she can rely on these to make money and collect her faith.

In addition to the civet cat, Yu Jinli also tried to make other kinds of energy cards for other beasts, but because he only saw them and did not practice much, they failed in the drawing process, but eventually It also succeeded a few, which was enough for him.

When Yu Jinli came out of the laboratory again, she had a sweet smile on her face, and at this time Jiang Mosheng had cleared up her mood and restored his usual appearance.

A Sheng, you see that I succeeded. Yu Jinli held several energy cards of different plants and animals in her hand and happily shared with Jiang Mosheng.

I knew Xiaolizi could do it, it was great. Jiang Mosheng praised without hesitation.

Yu Jinli heard the words, and her heart was so beautiful that she smiled and said, Asheng is still the smartest. I didnt expect to use divine knowledge to make cards.

Facing the praise of his sweetheart, Jiang Mosheng felt as sweet as eating honey.

Where does Little Chestnut want to go next? Jiang Mosheng shook his right fist against his lips and coughed slightly to conceal how he couldnt stop the corner of his mouth from rising.

A Sheng, these energy cards are made with divine consciousness. I dont know what is the difference between those made with spiritual power. Is there any way to detect it? Yu Jinli said while looking at the energy card in her hand.

Ill take you to test. Jiang Mosheng said, and then took Yu Jinli to the cardmaker service center in the virtual world.

The Card Maker Service Center serves the card maker as its name implies.

Here, you can provide the card making laboratory to the card maker. For example, Yu Jinli just rented the laboratory here. In addition, you can also provide the card maker with the energy card inspection and evaluation for free.

Jiang Mosheng took Yu Jinli to the evaluation office, and handed one of the grassy energy cards to him, saying, Trouble check this energy card.

The staff of the cardmakers service center saw Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli walk in together, their eyes suddenly showed a stunning look, but they calmed down quickly.

After all, this is a virtual world. There are all kinds of handsome guys and beautiful women. Walking on the street, there is nothing bad to see. Although the person in front of him looks like a major general, it is not the real major general. Okay, please wait a moment. The staff took one by one the card measuring instruments, and then put the Yoyocho energy card in, waiting for the results to come out.

Soon, the test results came out.

Name: Yoyo Grass

Grade: F Grade Quality: Unknown

Yu Jinli looked at the information displayed above, especially the last item, wondering what it meant? Dont say that Yu Jinli is puzzled, even the staff is puzzled. You say that the instrument is broken, but the name and grade of it are correct, but if it is not bad, how is the quality possible? Is it unknown?

So, the staff changed another testing instrument, and the results showed the same result.

Several testing instruments were changed one after another, and the results did not change at all, which made the staff feel a little awkward.

This the staff didnt know what to say. The quality of an F-class energy card could not be detected. What made others think of their cardmaker service center? This is simply the biggest BUg this year.

However, Jiang Mosheng saw a conjecture in his heart. He did not let the service staff continue to evaluate and did not plan to change another energy card for evaluation. Instead, he took Yu with the energy card of Yoyocho. Jin Li left.

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