The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 140: Only more surprised

Chapter 140: Only more surprised

Gao Ziqi and other six people are not as easy as they are in the performance. They found that drawing with a real blank energy card is much more difficult than drawing with an energy board, and even a small amount of errors can cause failure.

Probably, since he remembered, Gao Ziqi has never done one thing with such a high degree of concentration. He feels that his entire lifes attention may be dedicated to this exam.

Nevertheless, he still had a slight instability in the output of mental power due to a careless opening of the mind, which caused the entire energy card to turn black and be completely scrapped. The lifelike and shining yoyo grass above was also like Lost vitality and dim.

Gao Ziqi looked at the dim yoyo grass on the energy card, and then thought about the feeling he had drawn before. He didnt have time to be frustrated. He just wanted to remember that feeling and try not to make a difference next time.

Although he failed again in this exam, Gao Ziqi felt that he had learned a lot, which also made him work harder and attentively when he practiced on the energy board.

The other five students in class F also failed in production at the end because of various reasons, but everyone was not frustrated. After all, they could reach this level, which they could not even imagine before.

At this moment, the teachers and students of other classes who are nervously paying attention outside are finally relieved after seeing the failure of the six people, and their tight bodies have also relaxed, and they may not even notice it.

He just said, how could students in class F be able to draw a real energy card, and it is probably they who happened to be able to draw in front, this is the idea of other class students.

However, as a teacher, I see much more deeply than the students.

Although they just sighed with relief, they raised it again immediately, and their mood was heavier than before. The reason was because of the performance of Class F just now.

Compared with the last time, the performance of the students in Class F this time was almost judged as two.

In the last practical test, apart from Yu Jinli, everyone in Class F didnt say that they could draw energy star cards with mental power, and even the mental power was not well controlled and released.

However, this time, class F students not only learned to release their mental powers, they even had a lot of control. When drawing the energy card, the degree of completion was more than half.

On the other hand, students in their own class can draw more than half of the patterns at a time, and less than half of the class.

In just a few months, Class F has progressed so much. If they were given enough time, the consequences would not be imaginable.

The expressions of several teachers were not very good. They looked at the place where the students of Class F were intricately, praying silently, hoping that these six students were just a special case of Class F.

But soon, the next performance of Class F completely broke their fluke.

Except for the first six students, the other students who have entered the test have performed very well. Although they have not been able to complete the drawing of the energy card, I believe that over time, or even the next mid-term exam, maybe Class F will be able to There are a few more cardmakers.

In other classes, students have succeeded in making energy cards, and there is not yet one who has succeeded in Class F. This is probably the teacher who was only pleased and able to comfort himself.

Compared with the complexity of the teachers emotions, the ideas of other class students are much simpler.

I thought the F class was so good. The performance was so good. The results didnt all fail, it was really boring.

What do you think? The reason why Class F is Class F is because they waste firewood. If even waste firewood counterattacks, what are we? I

It is also said that it is estimated that the waste wood could not be able to counterattack successfully in this life, it is really a waste of my feelings, and I just paid attention to them for such a long time.

The students in other classes sneered at the students in class F. The atmosphere seemed to be back to the beginning. Most people still did not pay attention to the students in class F, except for a few very good people. There was a sense of crisis in my heart.

Even if no one in class F has succeeded so far, everyone has not been discouraged, but they are still very happy, because they have touched the real energy card and tried to make it, and the result is much better than expected, which shows that they Practice for some time is still very effective.

Whats more, the real trump card of their class has not yet appeared, and they will definitely shock those who like to talk about the wind and cool words.

With the passage of time, more and more people have already passed the exam. Half of the people in Class F have completed the exam, but none of them have left. They stay in place to cheer on others who have not yet taken the exam.

Yang Fei got the number 13, which means that as long as one more classmate finished the exam, it was her turn and she was still nervous.

In the class, in addition to Yu Jinli, she is the most talented in allogeneic energy cards, and the most beautiful in her homework. She has the highest number of completions so far, 70 times.

Therefore, the expectations of class F students are actually quite high, especially after watching the performance of the previous classmates, they all feel that Yang Feiyu may be able to successfully make an energy card at once.

However, none of these expectations have been shown. After all, the greater the expectations, the easier it is to generate stress.

Finally, one of the examination laboratories belonging to class F was opened. Yang Zhehao walked out of it with a bright smile on his face. He was not frustrated at all because he failed the exam. The performance of class F students in all Candidates can be regarded as a beautiful landscape.

Yang Fei took a deep breath, took over Yang Zhehaos position, and entered the examination room.

The attention of the students in Class F immediately focused on the examination room where Yang Fei was located, and they paid close attention. The students in other classes no longer regarded Class F as a threat, and naturally they lost much attention.

However, the teachers are paying close attention to Class F, especially when they see the students in Class F shining at the moment, looking at Yang Feis laboratory with anticipation, they are also following Yang Fei. Language comes.

Like all other students in the same class, Yang Feiyu didnt rush to make energy cards as soon as he came up. Instead, he observed it first, and drew a yoyo grass in his mind. Then he began to explore the spiritual power for real Portray.

Yang Feis high affinity for alien plants makes her more relaxed than other students in the process of drawing, and this performance is even more obvious when making real energy cards.

Although this is the first time Yang Fei used a real energy card for drawing, it feels as if she is still drawing on the energy board.

For other students, drawing with an energy card is definitely more difficult than drawing with an energy board, but these problems are not a problem here in Yang Fei.

The mental force penetrates the energy card, and it is unobstructed. The yoyo grass lines that have been drawn thousands of times are automatically drawn down in a certain order automatically. The feedback from the energy card to Yang Fei is clearer than the energy board. It also made her feel more happy.

This is the first time that Yang Feiyu truly realized the charm of the energy card. Only once, she fell in love with this feeling.

When Yoyo Caos last stroke was connected to the beginning of the first stroke, connecting the entire pattern into a closed-loop energy circulation channel, this energy star card was successfully completed.

Yang Feiyu opened her eyes and looked at the yoyo grass that was more lifelike than the energy board in front of her, and a sweeter smile bloomed on her sweet face.

She happily walked out of the lab with the energy card she made, ran to where her class was, and shared the joy with her classmates aloud.

I succeeded, I made a real energy card. Yang Fei said excitedly.

Congratulations, whisper. Jiang Meilin was the first to send congratulations. The corner of her mouth, always cold, curved a small arc, making that beautiful face more charming.

Meilen, you can certainly do that. Yang Feiyu hugged her friend happily and said with a smile.

She has a high affinity for alien plants, so it is easier to make than other classmates. Friends also have a high affinity for alien animals. I believe that friends can also successfully produce them.

Well, wait for me. Jiang Meilin said with a smile, and then walked into the laboratory where Yang Fei left, which happened to be her turn.

After class F students celebrated Yang Fei, they immediately paid attention to Jiang Meilin, but the teachers and students in other classes had not yet fully reacted.

Can someone in class F make an energy card? And this person isnt Yu Jinli yet? Doesnt this mean that there is another real cardmaker in Class F?

The expressions of the teachers became even worse, because what they were most worried about had happened and it was so overwhelming.

However, Class F seemed to prove to everyone this time, and what surprised them was far from over.

Yang Fei completed the production of the energy card. The invigilator teacher was very happy to see that another student had obtained the qualification as a card maker. Then he came to class F and asked Yang Fei: Yang Yang now wants Evaluate this energy card level?

Other students who make energy cards, the first time they come out is to come to the proctor to evaluate their energy card level. Regardless of the level, their expressions are with arrogance that is difficult to conceal.

This is the first energy card produced in class F. In fact, everyone is very concerned about the level of this card. However, the proctors teacher waited for a long time but did not wait for Yang Fei to come.

Of course, most people are waiting with bad thoughts, and they hope that this card has the lowest level and the lowest quality, but it is just a fluke.

But after waiting for a long time, Yang Fei didnt mean to evaluate at all. Instead, the proctors teacher took the initiative to ask in the past.

Teacher, can I wait for the assessment after all of our classes are finished? Yang Fei said politely. Of course. The proctors teacher answered with a smile.

As long as the evaluation is available before all students have finished their exams, this is the freedom of the students. After hearing the affirmative answer, Yang Feiyu focused her attention on Jiang Meilin. Others heard the words and apparently did not expect that she would make such a request. She couldnt help but make a sound of pretense and followed her attention. Jiang Meilin.

I do nt know the result, but I was shocked at first glance.

She, she painted a civet? A head teacher couldnt help but screamed in surprise.

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