The Wrong Way to a Demon Sect Leader

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

The head maidservant really wishes she were capable of disappearing on the spot.

Ji Han's complexion has already changed to be extremely unsightly.

She knows the Sect Leader is on the brink of exploding at this moment, if this Zhao Daxia before her eyes speaks another sentence wrong, it's very possible the Sect Leader will just mince him up and feed him to stray dogs.

She starts to have a bit of sympathy for this warrior.

Ji Han already cannot bear but to open his mouth, "What business do I have with your legs being weak, why do you have to you stay in my room."

Zhao Jiangui is extremely confused, "If not because of you, how could my legs be weak."

Yes, he is indeed sword-crazy, not fond of beautiful women, he has never to this day taken a wife or had a child.

But this year he is already twenty-eight years old, he fully understands the meaning of these few words.

He said these two phrases, afterwards he is unable to collapse and all year round is concerned with the appearance of being calm and collected outside of his head,* he's blushing slightly from shame.

Ji Han stares a while, hastily shouts toward him, "How can you talk nonsense!"

Zhao Jiangui, "Where did I talk nonsense?"

Ji Han still seems to want to defend himself against those few sentences, but he also recalls this morning two people had indeed taken off their clothes and slept in one bed, even if everything said before was swallowed back, his restrained face can't help being slightly red, he turns his head not wanting to speak.

After, he catches sight of the maidservants' meaningful glances.

Those pairs of big, lustrous almond eyes seem to all be written full of heartless rat, exploitative, rogue, shameless, and so on in huge characters, even his most loyal head maidservant's look is somewhat strange.

In his heart is shame without match, but he can only grit his teeth and continue on speaking according to the word book.

"I'm hungry." Zhao Jiangui says, "I still haven't eaten."

The maidservants' gazes uniformly shift to Ji Han's face at last.

Ji Han is silently for a long time, at last he opens his mouth, "Go add a pair of chopsticks."

Zhao Jiangui lets loose a breath.

Xiao Lin had predicted correctly, as expected Ji Han doesn't understand.

The maidservants add a bowl and chopsticks, invite Zhao Jiangui to sit at Ji Han's side, then retreat in succession, leaving only the head maidservant alone to wait upon them.

Ji Han shuts his mouth and doesn't speak, sealing his voice and eating his meal.

Zhao Jiangui had eaten something before, he doesn't feel hungry at all. He eats two mouthfuls and lays down his chopsticks soon afterwards.

Quite a while passes, Ji Han uncomfortably opens his mouth to ask, "Why aren't you eating?"

Zhao Jiangui thinks on the words, "I'm uncomfortable, I don't feel up to eating."

Ji Han, "..."

Zhao Jiangui just feels it's incomparably awkward.

The things in the word book are all horrible tricks!

Still should it be alright or not, ah!

Why is every word wanting to suggest something unspeakable happened last night, ah!


Ji Han suddenly and extremely stiffly picks up a piece of meat from his bowl, appearing as if his speech is lodged in his throat like a fishbone.

"If you're uncomfortable, you shouldn't also be hungry." Ji Han says, "Whatever you like to eat, I'll just order the kitchen to make it."

Zhao Jiangui, "..."

This now is not the Demon Sect Leader he knew!


*I struggled with this phrasing so I'm sorry for how confusing it still is!

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